Micro Octopot Grow

This Undertow plant is all business. This photo doesn’t do it justice. She is single handedly taking over this small tent, and drinking the reservoir dry every other day.
A smaller photo plant in the corner is getting pushed out.
I’ve flipped 3 branches over, and she is growing flat and bushy now.
I’m glad I took a clone of this one before flowering.


Hey guys just a heads up this thread made me think to check again and the pots are in stock on Amazon again right now!


Whoa! The price on those has almost doubled! They used to be $17, now $29
Still a lot cheaper than octopots though!


I created a shortcut on my google homepage to them and have been checking for months. This is the first time I’ve seen them back in stock and despite the price increase I wasn’t about to miss out on them. When they keep selling out so fast it’s bound to get the company’s attention so a price gouge was inevitable.


Thank You @Slick1!!!

I’ve been looking also and I just picked up a two-pack for $29. With six total, and the DIY auto fill system I’ll have one happy grow room. :grin:



Glad I could help!


We may want to make a group by ? Lol


did someone say group buy?



I feel like I’ve crossed a line and am reinventing the wheel here but just looking at them is making me want to use them.


Bro once you see the difference in you grow ( size , health , yield ext. ) you’ll be hooked

The big ones will allow you the ability to leave them alone for a few days with out worrying

I’m going to try the little ones for the small tent just for fun

I think they will be great for moms


Octo Auto Fill System

Hola Amigos,
I received my Octopuppy 2-pack from the Amazonians and decided to convert one of the new pots to an auto fill system.

I have this ridiculous Acapulco Gold SativaGirl who towers over everyone else in the room at six feet plus. She is drinking her 1-gallon rez dry nearly every day lately so hooking her up to auto fill will test the concept and make my life simpler.

Here’s an annotated “How To” picture show.

Here’s what comes in the box. I haven’t found any need for the brown “Support Legs” or the white wicks that come with the pots.

Closeup of a 1/4 tubing" Bulkhead fitting that is used to breach the wall of a container. The little blue clips are removed before you push the tube into the fitting. You push the clip back in place to lock the tubing in place. The two red washers are standard garden hose types. One goes inside the Rez and the other goes outside. The plastic nut at the bottom is on the inside and tightening it squeezes the two washers to prevent leaks.

Drilling the hole for the Bulkhead is really the only tricky part. The spade bit is 5/8" and I’ve clamped a backing block of plywood to prevent cracking the plastic. Slow and steady wins the day. After the hole is complete I’ll de-burr the rough edges of the hole with a bit of sand paper or a file.

Assembly is simple, just plug the tubing into the fittings, turn the two valves on and add a few gallons to the large reservoir. To add more octopots to the system you just extend the main line from the Controller and add a “Tee” connector for each pot from the main line to the bulkhead fitting.

The float valve sets the water level in the white “Controller” bin and that same water level flows into our Octo rez. You can see the water in the Octo and in the net cup. Full up!

That’s all folks! :v: :green_heart:


Impressive thread brother…




Fucken A. Well done!



So glad I found this thread. Just made this account to comment. I’m making my own based o. This design. My only question is, what works best? Hydroton in the net pot or just the grow medium?

I’ve had good luck with the hydroton pellets in the netpot.
Someone did try it with medium only in the net, and I think they reported too much moisture getting pulled into the root zone


So, this afternoon I knocked over my one little clone from the amazing Undertow mom.
Snapped the stem 90% through, and way down near bottom. Aaaagghhh!

I duct taped it, but it’ll be a miracle if she makes it.

So, I clipped the tiny top of the plant and stuck it in a clone dome.


Nice save on the clone cut


Of course I had to modify what you’re doing, and now I’m wondering if I’ll regret it lol. I found a nice two gallon container to use, and I went with two gallon pots and four inch net pots. I’m a little concerned my larger pot will have a harder time wicking up the moisture. I guess time will tell. Thanks again for this thread!

Cool to see Octo’s being run here. Agree with Papa, Jacks works better than TTF. Very nicely done in the mini octopot!

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