Micro Octopot Grow

I sure hope you are right!
Here’s my first go, Paralyzed Monster (Frankenstein x Paonia) newly transplanted to OctoPup and searching for the reservoir…


She’ll do quite well it’ll take about 10 days so so to hit the res

I keep the water level low it makes them roots travel downward

Best wishes


That’s a good tip Paps, but “How Low?” Like water level below the cup?


Ok I don’t own the mini Octopups but on the original ones about 1/3 filled during this stage
Do you use a root stimulator of some sort they are well worth it


Fear not fellow Masshole. They do awesome. I use the octopot’s outdoors also, but these octopups. They are awesome for the indoor setups I use.


@Papalag , did I read that right? you using organic based nutes and molasses in your Octopots?

I have been considering switching to a bottle of GH Biothrive that I’ve had sitting around a while… but worried about non-salt based additives causing funky thinks to grow in the res… like algae and bacteria.

Have you had any problems with the stuff you’re adding?

Iv used Texas tomato food and Texas vegetable food ( if I remember @Gardenartus only uses TTF ) in the res it all organic for the first 3 years using Octopots just empty completely before refill
This way nothing is in there along enough to turn to alcohol
I my self never used compost tea in them but was thinking that a gallon in the res will empty quickly so may not be an issue

I do prefer the jacks over the organic personal preference



I was toying with the idea of switching to Jacks, or maybe an organic.
Because I’ve been having so many issues with the potassium deficiencies.
But today, I was reviewing my notes and the recommendations on the GH bottles… and they say “shake we’ll before using”

I never do that.

wondering if I’ve been giving them a colored solution that contains only a fraction of the nutes in the bottle… cause all the important stuff has settled to bottom of bottle.

I never said I was smart.

I’m gonna start shaking the bottles and see if it helps…


Funny thing about organics you Ned to shake the crap out of them every time

I’ve done this my self with the Texas tomato food , if you let sit turns to mud i didn’t realize this myself and wondered why there was no liquid in it at all just mud so the beginning was a total f@&$up :joy:

With jacks if your combining different ones they need to be diluted in water separately then mixed

I forget to do this at least 2 or 3 times a month lol stoner !!!



Great thread…took awhile, but well worth it.
Interestingly enough, this is very similar to how I grow my cucumbers outside.
I use 55gal food grade plastic drums. 1 3" hole in the top for a netpot. They get filled in the spring, and fertilizer is mixed in. Then when it’s time, the seedling gets put in the netpot with clay pellets ONLY. The level in the barrel is adjusted so that it’s just touching the bottom of the netpot.
From that point on, the only thing you need to do is pick cucumbers. The barrel never gets filled. One full barrel provides enough water/nutes for the whole season, and there’s no weeding.
There are videos on Youtube about this method, just search for cucumber barrels.
By the end of the season, the roots extend from the netpot all the way to the bottom of the barrel. One big difference…they say to NEVER add water to the barrel, as it’s harmful to the roots in the air. One guy’s video claims that it killed his plant.
There’s no wick involved…the roots just follow the level of the water down into the barrel all summer long.
I tried 2 plants in one barrel…bad move. Ran out of juice, tried to add, poor results. Not what the difference is, but there clearly is one.
I also make my own “self-wicking tubs” using storage totes from HD/Lowes with black corrugated drainage plastic pipe in the bottom. Piece of 2" PVC on one side to refill the reservoir…also well covered on Youtube. Check out Ames Homestead, or Gardening with Leon. I use the tubs for my tomatoes, because it’s a lot easier to keep up with watering, and the wicking action provides a more constant level of moisture to them.

Great grow, great info. I need to figure what you can’t replenish a cucumber barrel, but you can with these setups.
I also think a 5gal bucket with a hole in the top for the netpot would do just fine, no?



I think you’re right, @Lobstah a 5 gallon bucket should also work fine. Some type of a cap could be fashioned to cover a fill hole in the top lid for filling (or, even on the side, up high above water level)


Why is this Pap? I have just been adding each into my gallon dry, one right after the other.


They have a different chemical reaction (
The cal net mixed directly with 20/20/20 I was told may be toxic to the plant and create issues

But I also feel in the small amounts we use should not be a problem

And I believe it’s what is recommended by jacks


Cal net? Using Jacks 20-20-20, 10-30-20, and 5-12-26. Jets feed schedule, there are weeks you mix 2 of them. So in week 5, I add in this order, Cal/mag, 10-30-20, 5-12-26, and ph down. Shake the milk jug up and water.


I dont think so Paps. Main nutes (20/20/20 or whatever your using) first.Then Epsom and add the Cal-nit last.
Mix each one before adding the next


Thanks guys I was always under the impression it was the proper way

Happy to make life easier any way I can



So, it was Mango Smile that started this thread, and I still have an ounce of this left (it’s not my favorite smell in the jar, so I never reach for it) so I decided to have some tonight.
Let’s do a smoke report after about 8 months curing.

JAR: when you open the lid there is a weird oregano, dill, garlic smell. It’s weird and I have a hard time putting my finger on what it’s like.

GRIND: as soon as I broke some up, I got legit mango and spice smell. A few months ago, that smell was not there.

SMOKE: taste is a little sharp, almost acidic, but not harsh. Not super smooth either though.
But, there really is a strong mango taste at the end of exhale and it lingers for a while.

HIGH: it’s not potent weed. It’s a ‘up and alert’ high, so I guess some would say sativa. It’s not bad, but I’ve had some better sativa highs lately.

Overall, it’s not bad. I’ll reach for it a lot more now that it’s gotten some unique character after a long cure.


I’ve got one of Sebring’s Undertow (GG4 x PB) on an octopup. She just started stretching and seems very happy. No sign of deficiencies or tip burn.
I’ve had some ups and downs getting the octopot dialed in, but I think I’m getting the hang of it


Greetings @firehead,

I’d enjoy hearing your thoughts on a simple Octo auto filling system I’m experimenting with. Posted here:



Man, @Sebring ’s Undertow stretched like crazy while I was out of town! Leaves got much bigger and stems are thiccck!

I am really excited about this plant. I think she’s gonna be impressive :heart_eyes: