Micro Octopot Grow

The Point Break x Lebanese Black plants are very stretchy!
Last time I grew these, they were in small cloth pots and they stayed much more compact. But in the octopups, they are loving life and really growing.
It also might be my lights in this tent. The are older generation Roleadro LED. Not nearly as powerful as the Spider Farmers in my other tents…

But, overall everything going good. Just watching for any herms, and waiting for the pollen to start fallin’

(Edit, gonna ping @lefthandseeds since these babies came from his Lebanese pollen several years back!)


They do stretch a bit lol they look great :+1:

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I’ve noticed, using the net pot and wicking stick which comes with the mini sys . The roots on some plants doesn’t get to the reservoir .and if so poor at best
But I still get big plants

The original design of the Octopots the net pot goes to the bottom of the reservoir where as the one supplied with the mini sys doesn’t . But when you use the wick stick the soil seems to be too wet
So root’s don’t need to travel to the res imho
I am doing the same thing as you with the cup

It’s a great idea


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I just jammed two amazon netcups together for mine so they tap the bottom.
Thinking they’d fall apart at some point, but they havent yet!


Those are super branchy. Looks cool! I’m looking forward to seeing them stack


I’ve been aggressively trimming lower branches on the 2 males which makes them look even more spindly.
But, for sure, taller and stretchier than I expected. We shall see what happens with these :sunglasses:


I’ve officially received my packages so I can test out 2 of these Octopups :sunglasses: I opted for 2 gallon fabric pots to test with.

This is a great idea as I was thinking of doing dwc! But seems to simplify it.

The one thing I was wondering, is anyone using the air pump inlet and a stone to put more air into the water? Do you think it is necessary since the fabric pots should give enough air to the medium and roots :thinking:

I will also be checking out that post about the auto fill :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I will be returning with info, or just make a new grow diary about it


Per octopot website, and general concensus, air pump is not needed or recommended.

But i totally understand wanting to. That little hose nub thing makes me want to hook Something up to it, so bad. every time i see it. :100: :joy:

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And then there was one…

This morning, discovered one of my males was herming hard! Starting growing pistils everywhere in the last 48 hours. And so off to the compost he goes…

Not surprising, dealing with landrace-y type genes.

Keeping a close eye on the remaining plants…


Man thats a bummer. At least you still have the one. Any idea why he hermed?

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No. Everything seemed ok. He looked totally happy, no stress at all. PH and ppm all normal.

He had grown close to the lights… so maybe from heat or light stress? But I doubt that…

Maybe he just felt like it.

Oh well. As long as the other plants stay stable I’ll be happy


Haha totally feel this :joy::joy::joy:
I just transplanted and set them up.

I grew these plants in a 1 gallon pot and transplanted to a 2 gallon fabric pot on the auto water system. The roots in the one were crammed at the bottom of the 1 gallon pot and the other one was getting there. So should only take a bit of time for them to reach the water.

Also at the moment I have about 3qts of nutrient water in the rez so that there is a bit of air gap at the top of the net pot.

Expanded clay balls about 3/4-7/8 in the net pot with pro-mix bx filling the rest and the fab pot.


P.S. these 2 plants are Wookie Blue Balls by Growdin Consultations. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Here are some pics of the sister plants at almost end of flower.


Update, one pot has a long root that made it to the water :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: still waiting on the other pot to make it to the water :sunglasses:

I think the reason the first pot made it already, is that when I watered the fabric pot after transplant, I gave it more water than the other pot so it maybe didn’t search as far yet :thinking:

Time will tell :blush:


Now get ready for the explosive growth! :wink:


And we at 5 days later.
Took till today for roots to start in the right pot, but I think I watered that one too much from the start :thinking: however that is the biggger plant :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Almost time to top :+1:


Ok guys. Got a question. This isn’t fungus is it? Soil has microryze in it.
It is pro-mix bx


Looks like normal healthy root hairs to me.


Totally normal


Thanks guys… that’s what I thought :stuck_out_tongue:
Continuing on :slight_smile: