Micro Octopot Grow

Ok another couple questions.

If it’s been a week and say I have about 1.5 qts left in the Rez should I change it?


Should I just fill it up? I had these filled to about 3.5qt so there is an air gap

Just leave it until empty.

Sometimes, I check the res ph. And as the plants absorb the salt/nutrients… the ph may drift upward. It should stay between 5.9-6.2

But if it starts drifting up towards 6.5+, and as long as ppm is still high, I will top off with a little plain water that has been ph’d to 5.5. This helps stabilize the res back to around 6.0.

But I only do that once per fill-up.

After that, let it run to empty. Then refill with normal nute mix.


Greetings @firehead, Octopoddlers,

I’ve been battling an octo root problem lately, going through more hydro peroxide than I’d like. Some of the older roots in my Gorilla Grove (@floyd) were looking a little bit gooey, not just stained brown, but gacky brown. 50ml of H2O2 in the rez knocked it back… For awhile. :thinking:

Above ground, the plant is vibrantly healthy, you wouldn’t know she is having root probs. Second week of flower, stretching like mad. Praying to the Photon gods.


I’m feeding Jacks 103020 @ 1.5 EC and pH 6.0. None of the other plants are having this problem. WTF?

Thoughts? Anyone? What’s your routine when Octo roots look sketchy?

Thanks in advance…
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:
PS, I don’t even apologize anymore to my pal @firehead for briefly hijacking, this thread. It has become OctoCentral, a valued resource for shared experience.


Had a bit of root rot due to heat and other factors completely my own fault and this helped clear it right up. Mix 20:1 ratio water:GFF with RO water then use THAT mix at 1ml/gal. Cleared my rot up in about a week. Its the exact same thing as hydroguard but 10x more concentrated.


Rhizoctonic is a nice thing to have around : )

Puts a protective Barrior around roots and encourages root growth

Great for rooting and times of stress

I only use sparingly for single feed and when needed so expensive bottle lasts a lot longer
: )


You can root prune them a bit


The plant will compensate by growing more roots in the fabric pot

Dual zone for the win : )


That is a good call Paps, there are a bunch of new roots poking through the netcup now, I could easily just snip the sickies and let the new ones take over!

I shoulda mentioned that I have been squirting a shot of Rhizo at the netcup every other day, @ifish. Hence the new root shoots!

I also have GFF on hand @Habitt, but I think the H2O2 would kill any beneficials right now. GFF will be a perfect addition after a root prune, along with more Rhizo.

Incredibly useful feedback folks, thanks!

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Any rhizo in the Rez , to coat the new roots down there ( after root trim )

Spray them new roots before they even hit the Rez feed , to coat them in the air gap


She is abit close to the light ( praying , think of it like more like hiding ) can you dim or raise it , or move plant away slightly ?
If you can dim you would save on electric as bonus , or if you can raise you could have a bigger foot print


Good catch I believe I see burnt tips also


Good suggestion @ifish, especially “Move the plant away…”

By moving the plant just a few inches away from the center of the light I reduced the intensity from 1100 ppfd, down to 850 without dimming or raising the fixture. That was perfect because the same light is covering a small & short autoflower and she needs all the photons she can get.

Anyways, done and dusted. Any idea on how soon the Praying will subside?


They should adjust in a few hours

Once there comfortable and cozy

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Don’t forget as paps suggested lowering ec as burnt tips

You could open her up abit with some light training , cuz you got the space

: )

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OK, @ifish & @Papalag, at the risk of expressing my humiliating ignorance, please explain how we “Know” that “Praying” is bad for our plants?

You opine that it looks like the leaves are hiding from the light, right? To me they look more like cups collecting photon energy. They aren’t taco-ing, the tips aren’t turned up, no bleaching, foxtails, or any other adverse sign.

What if they are the prayers of a healthy organism in a spurt of growth using every quantum of energy, water and nutes in the building of branches and buds? That plant in the pics has been stretching inches per day, even with the lights cranked up. What’s not to like?

There must be a solid reason behind the Praying is Bad notion, but I’ve never run into it.

Enlighten me por favor.

Respectfully submitted,

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The light is hitting the leafs at an angle
They would be horizontal catching the max light if light was not too intense , leaf effiency

Plant leafs are turning away from the light avoiding it


So far, no more herming found anywhere.
What I’m noticing about the PBxLebB… is very petite leaves. Kinda cute, nice looking plants.

I’m liking the node spacing on 2 of the females. Hoping they stack up nice.


Quick question, so when starting to use these when the roots start to hit the Rez does the growth slow a bit because it is making roots into the Rez?

Just a thought and kinda seeing that at the moment. Plants look good though.


Oh and another question, seems like the medium has pretty much dried up :thinking: I thought it would wick more up the clay but maybe it doesn’t need to :thinking: next time I might put only about half clay in the pot and let it wick more up :blush:


I dont think I’ve ever noticed a slowdown when roots hit the reservoir but I never really paid that much attention after they do. The medium really is suppose to stay dry to allow the upper roots to uptake oxygen rather than nutrients. I pack my netcup with medium and allow it to wick up every feeding and sometimes I wonder if doing it with hydroton would be better by keeping the medium dryer. Maybe I’ll try it next round and see if I notice a difference.