Micro Octopot Grow

That’s a really cool way to scrog an individual plant.


Yeah I wasn’t sure. I figured it was gonna stay pretty dry, just thought maybe a bit wetter at the bottom.

And maybe I’m just not seeing the growth as I look at them everyday a couple times so I might just not see it haha


I have to stay away from the girls or else I’ll fiddle with them, always fiddling, so I just check once a day at the same time for feeding and thats it. Last time I went in there I pulled half a dozen suckers off each of my autos when I should have LITFA. LOL :joy:


Hahaha yeah I get it :joy:
I just love looking at them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Also I have various stages of plants usually in my tent so that’s why I go in there haha

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There’s not a need for moisture to wick up into the pots. I use pure coco as my medium, and mine are bone dry, and the plants are happy.

When I started doing this method, I was using a soil/coco blend and some of the pots would stay wet at the bottom because soil holds more moisture. but If they got too wet, and stayed that way, the plants got unhappy.


Hi @Habitt, I tried using hydroton in my netcups this run for the first time. It wicked way less than normal and I don’t think my roots were as quick to find the res, or as happy when they got there. One-trial experiment, but I wasn’t a convert.


The male PBxLebB was composted this morning. He had been dropping pollen for at least 4 days, and the pistils on the gals showed signs of heavy pollination.

Now the gals have more room and better light. So they can just chill out and finish making seeds :+1::green_heart:


Remember every time you open the door to see , you change the environment and plants will have to adjust , losing momentum


10-4 :+1:
I’m currently using pro-mix bx so a mix of cocoa peat and perlite.
The one pot is definitely slower on the roots than the other, but I think that’s because it was a wetter pot at start


Maybe a half netcup of hydroton on the bottom and topped with medium would work better? I still may give it a try just to satisfy my curiosity. :thinking:

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So that black tub just collects the water that flows through the substrate and also allows roots to get to the water and drink jt? Any worries about mold or root rot if you get a fair amount of standing water in there?


The tub is the reservoir. It is filled with the water and nutrient solution. The roots reach down into it for what they need.
You just need to fill the reservoir once a week or so.

After watering the new plants once, you never top-water them again. So there is no runoff.

It’s a passive system. Does not require an air-stone/pump. And does not seem to have same problems with root rot, like a DW hydro system does if the water temp gets too warm.

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No mold no room rot

Boom the plant loves it these small octo pups

I don’t use those clay balls I just use soil and that wick stick
Next run only soil in the net pot no wick stick
I fine soil at the top is dry like it should be
But I think the soil at the bottom is a bit wither then my big Octopots ( official brand not the little guys ) I think it’s due to the wick thing so next run I’m making a deeper net pot like the one made above with a solo cup which sits on the bottom of the reservoir like the original Octopot are made
I believe this will allow the bottom zone to be not as wet and allow the different degrees of wetness as needed

This last grow 6 mini Octopots all plants where healthy and large and no roots in the reservoir all in the bag
I also use a taller 3gallon bag then normal
I did use mature plants not rooter clones
But they still deliver a good size plant


Interesting, and how much does each unit cost?



They’ve gone down. Now 2 for $20.


It is a pretty cheap setup :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m waiting to see the rewards here.
Out of my 2 that I have going, the one pot is crazy with roots and it is the smaller of the plants.
The bigger plant has less roots and I’m watching it because it looked like a couple were a bit brown.


I Think for 19.95, to my door tomorrow, i gotta check these out. Damn Amazon :see_no_evil:


You’ll mostly need a 3 gallon fabric pot some of them you need to buy a net pot

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THAT design im sure was intended to keep roots up in pot, in soil, its a wicking system, not really a bottom feeding system for roots. I just ordered 2 sets, like the design, used a mini version of this years ago i bought at a plant shop with a plant in it that kicked ass.

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Certainly fabric pot, says i believe 8 inch diameter or less…how big a soft pot is 8" ?? @Papalag

No net pot, designed to “wick” water up into pot, and it should work exceedingly well…

Gonna use to stuff some "extra’s in…keep me from watering so much on my Mother herd.

Hell at 10 " wide, might make great Mother pots…HMMMMMM… :boom: