Micro Octopot Grow

Didnt think of that, ill figure out something , good call


Looks like that 4 pack is a different design. The 2 pack off white there is $13. That’s what I just ordered


Ordered 2 of the 2 pack :boom:


Those things have 3 holes on the lids. One that has a removable water meter, thats what I use to water with, a small maybe 1/2 1/3 inch hole and a rectangle hole for some reason. I bet you can attach some hose to the round one in some way. Should be real easy.

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Yeah , will drill hole in side, run a hose from it most likely, will be easy to figure out something


I’m just shucking some of this dried Blockead bx2.
In flower it was kinda grape smelling. But not super exciting.
But after touching some, it has a strong peppery, medicinal smell. Almost like tea-tree oil but sweeter. Or linalool?
I’m intrigued to see what this smokes like…


Fiskars: Trim Tool of Champions!

My wrists are sore just seeing those babies.

Sticky Buds Bro, let us know how she smokes.


:joy: Ocean State Job Lot has sales on Fiskars garden tools a lot. I get all my trim scissors there. I have several of these orange ones lying around!


My $0.02 on octopuppy air pots.

I have had excellent luck with these squatty three gallon fabric pots. They fit perfectly on top of the one gallon octopups, at harvest they have an inch or two of completely dry, root-free soil on top. Below that the bags are always fillled with roots and usually, so is the reservoir. My theory of OctoMagix is the double root system and three gallons seems to maximize both.

Best yet, I’ve recently been able to get the roots of a dixie cup seedling to hit the reservoir and start showing roots in 5-6 days. The way plants explode when they find the rez is a big event and the sooner the better.

Anyways, with a few dozen octopup grows behind me, I think three gallons is a good size and these squatty body felt pots are a good candidate. “Welsome” brand I believe available on the AmaZone.





I’m thinking of ordering some of the 3 gallon pots but waiting to see how the 2 gallon work.

I’m loving this so far :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m a 7 days from when I transplanted to the Octopup from a 1 gallon pot, I will not be doing that anymore :blush: I will be only doing solo cups for maybe a week to week and a half then putting in the Octopup. I think my one that has slow roots was in the gallon pot too long and the roots were starting to congregate at the bottom of the pot and I didn’t cut them like I should have :man_shrugging:

I want them to keep growing down and not ball up at the bottom.

I am surprised that after 7 days I still had almost a half gallon in the rez but I changed it out today for some fresh stuff. Ph was about 6.3-6.4 so instead of just adding a little water ph’d to say 5.5 I feel like fresh water will be better.

Next I will work on the parts for the auto fill system as I really want to get that up and running.

Anyone using that and have an idea as to the usage over 2 weeks with 4 of the pots? Say for veg and flower? I’m just wondering if a 5 gallon Rez is enough or if I need to go up to 10 gallons :thinking:

Reason I ask is, say I have a 10 gallon and I fill it up but it takes them 3 weeks to use it all up. I would like to at least increase my nutes every 2 weeks


Mine drink about a 1/2 gallon per day in flower. For 4 plants that’s 2 gal/day


Thanks man. Yeah mine slowed down after the first couple days in veg so that is why I’m asking.

And I haven’t put any in flower yet so. Not sure there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hi @MNGrower,

I have frequently had large plants in the octopups that drank about a gallon a day during the stretch. So factor that in to your planning.

I use a ten gallon main reservoir in the autofiller so I have the option of saying “Yes” when the Saintly Spouse insists on “doing something other than watching my plants grow” for awhile. That usually involves travel and the reservoir allows me to put the grow room on autopilot and take a week off. Nice option.

So far, my “Record” for unattended growing is 12 days absent and I wouldn’t feel comfortable going much longer than that. Hypothetically, with a 50 gallon res and automated enviros one could set it and forget it, but where’s the fun in that?

When I’m home I only add a few gallons at a time to the rez to allow for feeding changes.

Best of luck,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Great find Jet! Thanks for this link, 60 is steep to “give an octo a try” but for 13 bux, why not?


You obviously have this dialed. So, are you using the wick, cutting a hole in the cloth pots and using the black slotted mini pot, or another method? Are you adding anything to the water to prevent mold or root rot?

Hi @ChinookKing,

No wick, just a 3" netcup with soil or clay balls. I want control over how wet the soil is in the first few inches of the upper fabric pot. If that soil gets too wet the plant builds a root system up there instead of in the reservoir. So I use a netcup that doesn’t reach down to the bottom of the reservoir. That allows the water level to draw down below the netcup and really reduce the wicking. One or two inches of wetness visible on the bottom of the fabric pot seems to be a good balance.

My basic gallon of feed water includes gypsum, epsom, GFF (or Hydroguard), a few drops each of SuperThrive and RhizoTonic. Then Jack’s to taste, along with a final pH 6.0 and EC between 1.5 & 2.2. according to the growth stage. I recently added a submersible 15 watt UV disinfectant light to the main reservoir. These were designed for aquariums but they keep the rez crystalline. Downside is the light will also kill the beneficial bacteria in GFF, so I’m adding that individually to the individual reservoirs as needed.

Here’s a question for anyone newly gearing up for Octopups: Be sure those white/tan colored octopups are opaque to light. I tested my old brown reservoirs under my brightest light, and ppfd transmission through the plastic was zero. Light in the reservoir is a “Bad Thing.”

Thanks, glad it seems that way but I’m just another pilgrim on the weary road to enlightenment.



PS, get one of these from your local Auto Parts store and make manual octo watering easier.



Great response. Thanks! Dumb question but all the blue lines are water lines from the main reservoir right? So you really don’t use the funnel too often I’m guessing.


Depends, That Frankenstein Bx-1 is a very heavy feeder so she gets her own nute fiesta periodically. Like @Papalag mentioned, I fill the pot near the top then let it draw down all the way by closing the autofill valve at the octo. Every plant in this grow seems to want something different so the funnel is coming in handy.


I fine that each one needs a little different care so I fill manually using a funnel


So I’m 11 days in and here is the change. Seems like we are stalling out a bit but still growing. And some training is starting :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe I’m just impatient :thinking::sunglasses:


This is another plant in a 2 gallon pot that is hand watered and just a bit behind in growth. For comparison. Not quite as tall but is bushier and has a thicker stalk.