Micro Octopot Grow

How are the roots looking in the reservoir?


@firehead ill get a pic tomorrow.

Also guys I ordered the white pots and they came as a gray/toupe color not white. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

They seem quite dark on the inside


Ordered 16 white ones cause of price, got 16 dark ones…me happy !


@firehead here are my roots.


Perfectamente Hermano! :+1: :+1: :100:

How old are those plants, from seed(?)


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@GrouchyOldMan mine are at 32 days from seed… The second pic is the one that took off the quickest and had less of packed roots when I transplanted. The other one took longer to get roots going into the pot.

I’ve been wondering if these plants should have been bigger by now… I’m technically at end of week 3 of veg and if my calculations are correct I’m somewhere around 2 weeks of being transplanted into the pots. The plants haven’t blown up much yet… they did get tall but branching hasn’t really grown out too much yet. I just trained them down some and removed the last big leaves from the main stalk to give more light to the covered branches.

I’m running them under a 200w led light and my ppm’s are around 700 for what I’m feeding them.

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I ran the octo pups outdoor this year.

They did great. Had 5 gal bags on them with the net pot filled with clayballs. Didn’t get as big as I doors but we had a ton of rain this year. They dryer the soil stays the bigger the plants get in my almost year and a half running these. Also I flush the REZ out every other week because I find I have algee in my water so a little Clorox in the water in between nutes for a day or two before adding in the juice.


Heh heh, I’d say Get Ready For Liftoff brother! :rocket:

Looks to me like you got the Golden Ticket, exactly what a near perfect octo grow should look like at three weeks. Mondo root system and a healthy shrub on top. Once that is done look out.

I been wrong before, plenty times, but I’d say you are in for some octofollies.

PS, unless you screw it up… LoL


Love these little ones

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if my soil ever dries im gonna fire some up


Like @GrouchyOldMan said. I think you’re about to see some explosive growth. Give it another week

Way back at the top of this thread, you can see my plant that had similar roots and about the same size as yours

One week later she was quite a bit bigger.
After that, she went totally nuts.


the side by side i had of the same strain where one had big roots in the res and the other didnt ended up being the exact same size regardless. once they touch down in the res i wont even check them anymore.


Updates on the PBxLebB.
Meh… that’s my overall opinion so far.

Plant 5 and Plant 1 are similar. Not a lot of trichomes, and not much smell when I rub a sugar leaf. Faint herbal, floral smell.

Plant 6 is a strong fuel smell, this comes from the PB mom. She was gassy.

But overall, they don’t seem to be bulking up much. They just finished week 4 flower, and I would expect them to be bulking up more than they are. So far, all buds are tiny popcorn.

Plant 6 is a bit bulkier, and has a good smell. So may keep her seeds… But so far none look like rockstars :cry:

Plant 5

Plant 1

Plant 6


Well, this morning I’ve found nanners on all three of the female PBxLebB females. Not a lot, but 1 to 3 on each plant.

Big bummer. So, this whole batch of seeds is kinda junk.

Maybe gonna let them finish up, but just toss all these seeds into my “junk seeds” jar.

Or, maybe I’ll stop wasting electricity and just chop them all… we’ll see how my mood is next week.



How close to the end are you

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Only about halfway. They just finished week 4, and will probably finish in 3.5 - 4 weeks


You can always make hash out of it


If you have the space then start some seeds somewhere it’ll take 4 to 6 weeks to mature any way

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Pick off the nanners and keep it going. Since its so few might as well see if it keeps it up or its just those 2 or 3.

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If you can stand the pain, can you snap a few pics? For educational value.

Sorry for your loss Bro,