Micro Octopot Grow

Good point @GrouchyOldMan !
And, it just so happens I found another this morning :rage:

“Nanners” or, bananas, are not the same as a full-blown male pollen sacs. They are usually found on lower buds, and usually show up on the underside of a bud. They have a yellowish color and resemble a banana (hence the name)
They don’t release a lot of pollen, but enough to make a few, or few dozen, seeds.

Here’s what one looks like:


Good day fellow octo users :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Had hunting this weekend and let my pots get down to about 3/8 to 1/2” of water. :flushed: I did fill to about 3/4 full last night so hope that fixes it.

Now the plants are showing signs of fade.
Any thoughts?


Here’s how my roots are looking.
And please say that is not like molding on the top of the one roots. And the other one is looking darker. :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:


Get yourself some Hydrogaurd from Botanicare. I use it to pop my beans so they’re protected from the get. It’ll clear that up in a few days


Those roots still look very healthy. No signs of problems at all.

And the leaf discoloring is very, very minor.

Possibly a slight bit of deficiency happened as the res got to almost empty, the ph changed enough to cause a bit of nutrient lockout.
But, refilling it would reset the ph, and the plant will continue with hardly a bruise. No worries.

Some leaf coloration will never “reset” after it happens. So those larger leaves may always look a bit different. As long as it doesn’t spread, and new growth nodes are normal color… the plant is happy


@Cannacryptic I’m gonna look at getting some of this. Looks like it’s every water? That seems a bit much :flushed: but maybe worth it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@firehead yeah I figured it had something to do with getting so low :man_facepalming: I was checking it every day while I was out hunting but man it drank a bunch the one night :man_facepalming:

Thanks for the help guys. :pray:

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All looks fine to me . One day low on the Rez is not gonna cause that I let my Octopot go drive for a whole week in the middle of flour every run never hurts a damn thing I also generally let them drive back a day or two when they’re when they’re empty Plant is not going to express itself that fast at least not mine


Right in, it’ll work for ya. You can dial it back after you get the infection under control. The microbes will maintain colonies on the roots. Run a reservoir with one part peroxide to 8-10 parts water and rinse with RO or Di water
Before you run the Hydrogaurd treated res for best results.


Or… take @Habitt’s advice above and do this, for ten times the function for half the price:

Had a bit of root rot due to heat and other factors completely my own fault and this helped clear it right up. Mix 20:1 ratio water:GFF with RO water then use THAT mix at 1ml/gal. Cleared my rot up in about a week. Its the exact same thing as hydroguard but 10x more concentrated.


I always forget about Southern Ag. Their spinosid is killer too. Yeah, do that.


I’m gonna get the gf and give that a shot.

Not sure what I could have done to cause this. I don’t think the temp was too high :thinking:

Tent stays at about 75F


:arrow_double_up:This is the right way to use it (hat tip@Habitt).

I overdosed early on ignoring the higher concentration and only succeeded in turning my roots brown and making a mess in the rez! \

It seems to clog up the autofiller plumbing, so I add it directly to the reservoirs only for octos that have root problems.


Yeah, this stuff is both cheap and powerful. After my root rot was fixed by this I’ll always recommend it. Great stuff!


@GrouchyOldMan @Habitt

So I get the mixture. So do you just add that to the rez? Like if I’m gonna mix up my nutes and feed, do I just add it to that in the measurement above?


As for Southern Ag GFF @lefthandseeds recommended it years ago. More than once it has been a go to for root issues for me.


The way I did it was just adding it directly to the reservoir during feedings. Easy peasy.


I use this fungicide in every watering, it is fantastic, and on occasions where I accidentally toasted my roots I have found that LAB does a great job of fighting their anaerobic decomposition and really helps the plants rebound from root rot.


Ok so got the GFF and mixed up about a half cup total of 20:1 :sunglasses:

So now before I do this, above says to do a 8-10:1 water peroxide. And I’m supposed to spray that on and saturate the roots? Then dip the roots in RO water to basically rise them? :thinking: and then fill the reservoir with my nutrient solution plus the GFF mix at 1ml/gal?

I think that’s how I read all this.
And also wash out the reservoir before refilling it.

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I’d suggest trying just the GFF first because Hydrogen Peroxide is an oxidant that kills bacteria, including the beneficials in your GFF!

So don’t mix GFF and H2O2. The suggested Hydrogen Peroxide is a first step when your roots are really under attack. It is generally used along with a complete reservoir exchange of fresh properly pHed clean water. Kind of a total Reboot for your roots.

Once that is done you can add the GFF to create a protective barrier around your roots.

In your case the roots didn’t look that bad, so just adding the properly diluted GFF is probably the best approach. Squirt a ml of GFF in your reservoir and give it awhile to get established and go to work. If that doesn’t work, then do the Rez Reboot.

That’s my protocol, but honestly I’ve only had to resort to it a time or two. Others may have more experience to offer.


I think you’re probably right. He tackled this before it got out of hand.

You can skip the peroxide step. He described the reasoning and application well in this post, but you can likely skip that step since you aren’t overburdened with a bad infection. But it would still be a good idea to clean your res thoroughly.