Micro Octopot Grow

Point Break x Leb Black:
More frost building on the buds, and some nice smells developing (cedar, pine, perfume, maybe a touch of orange), but still not bulking up.
They just finished week 5 of flower.

Plants are very dark green, so I’m wondering if my nute mix is a little off.
I just mixed up a new batch, and dropped the nitrogen (FloraMicro) by 20%, and increased FloraBloom by 20% to see if I can get a little more bud growth.


Any chance you have a link for (or have heard of) the smaller version of the micro octo? I want to say its a 7” vs the 10” box size. I saw it once (maybe i imagined it? :crazy_face:) and never again but ive been trying to find it

The sad legacy of the PBxLebB gals continues.
Showing a lot of burned yellowed tips, because I made a serious pH mistake in the reservoirs last week. They were soaking their roots in some 5.0pH water for about 5 days before I caught it. Oops.
It’s fixed now, but they did NOT appreciate it.

They will be finished week 7 tomorrow. So I don’t think I’ll get much more bulk from them.
But the seeds are not developing well. Most still white, and not finishing. By now, I would expect them to be mature… very weird.

Overall, I’m thinking the last time I ran these, i wa real happy with them… but I maybe got a lucky couple plants with good genes.

But none of these are worth growing again.

The smells are nice. Bright and floral, almost lavender with orange.

I’m gonna give these 2 more weeks to really ripen, and maybe I’ll try making hash for the first time.

Eh. Win some, lose some. Oh well. All part of the learning


Hey @GrouchyOldMan. Which pro mix version did you use for this test?



@MNGrower - Are you still happy with this choice? Looking for some consensus before I take the leap.



Or any other opinions…please chime in all!

I think putting hydroton pellets in the basket is the way to go. I’ve even been considering an inch of pure pellets in the bottom of the pot. Just to prevent too much moisture getting into the shorter cloth pots.
I haven’t tried that yet though. It might go great, or badly, in trials…
But, I think with soil in the basket, it’s gonna stay much too wet.

Actually, now that I think about it… if you did put soil into the basket, and made sure the reservoir water level stayed below the basket at all times, it might not get any more wet than with the pellets. And after harvest… picking the pellets out of the root mass is a pain in the butt.
Maybe no clay IS a good idea.

I’m really high though. I’ll need to revisit this thought tomorrow, and see if it still makes sense… :crazy_face:


@JOHN1234 Yeah I’m good with it. The last 2 I’ve done I’ve been closer to 7/8 to almost full. Then I make sure to put the promix nice and good over the balls so it doesn’t fall in kinda make it packed but just pressed :joy::joy::joy:

FWIW ive only done one run so far in micro octos but i used hydroton in both my netcups and had no problems (related to netcup media anyway :man_facepalming:)

Thanks for the quick responses @MNGrower and @firehead. You are both awesome growers!


Thanks Josh! Another asset to the craft. You guys are great!


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In my full octo’s i fill the netpot with my mix. In the new “mini’s” im trying for the first time, i filled the little netpots with hydroton. I set level low or medium low

I lost 2 and may lose 3 that didnt root. They took longer to establish in the minis. I filled rez’s to the top, seemed to help some.

Next one i plant i shall use my mix in the netpot, just packed hard into it, and set water level high to start with .

My Wc’s did NOT like the transistion this time into the mini pots , and i might lose all of them or just not be able to flower when i wanted. The Fritters took off fast, seem to love the mini’s. The Mac, well it’s Mac, so she does noting in veg anyway, but they are alive, lol.

The transition to the mini’s has not been trouble free here, but will say once they do establish in the pot and it hits it’s equilibrium, they rock like an Octopot…from what ive seen on my Mothers who have been in maybe 3 weeks or so now. Hope my new run does like the Mom’s do, been in near 2 weeks,in my big Octo’s they would be exploding now… hope to see that soon. The ease of moving, making up, and placing make them super super handy.


Above the high water mark with a wick :wink:

That is a good question @JOHN1234, so I descended to my basement cannabis lab in my PJs, with a headlamp on because it’s dark time for the plants and captured this pic. Labor of Luv…


I’ve had great luck with this flavor, haven’t sampled the others…

I used hydroton balls in my last two octopuppys and they seemed to provide better control over how wet the soil above got during the grow. It did seem to take a little longer for the roots to hit the rez tho.


Thanks for the info @GrouchyOldMan !

Think I’m going to use the clay with a little of my mix at the top. We’ll see how it goes. Currently at 80% germination on my 10 beans. Yay!

I asked about the promix because of the various amounts of perlite available in the mix depending on flavor.

Thanks for the detailed response @Jetdro !

Sorry to hear of your losses. Appreciate it

i planted 22 so losing 2 is acceptable @JOHN1234

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I might guess if you’re using a shorter pot, hydroton may be better to keep the medium from getting fully saturated too far into the pot. If you’re using one of the tall pots that I’ve seen posted, maybe it doesn’t matter so much?


Like I said this is my first run with the little ones it will be a learning curve I’ll get there

All of these were set with hydroton in the net pot

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3rd run with the little one I don’t use those hydroton’s at all I treat my octopupps just like the big ones only promix no wick