Micro Octopot Grow

Where do you set the water level when you first transplant @Papalag

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Thanks for the input @SmackyMcSmackers and @Papalag !

Looks like I’m going to try out a hybrid in the netpot of 75% hydroton and 25% will be compost, peat, perlite with a little compression to keep things from floating away.

I really appreciate everyone here. Such a helpful group.



I just fill it up and had no problems

So far so good

They empty every 2 to 3 days

And 1/4 of it is wicks up when you first fill any way

I seem to recall you’re using taller bags with your micro octos, which would seem to reinforce my hunch. Unless I’m thinking of someone else, of course.

Which net cups are you using with them?

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Looked up the perlite content of Pro-mix BX = ~25% so if my math is correct the best performing octopup in the experiment had ~43.75% perlite. Sound correct? I’m asking so I’ll best match your %.


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That will be an interesting experiment @JOHN1234. Pls share the details.

Both methods seem to work fine really, I guess I’d opt for whichever gets roots to the rez fastest. That’s when things take off for me. Sooner the better.

So, yeah, the clay balls seemed to slow down the rez root drop, at least for me. :nerd_face: :thinking:


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Your right I use the tall 3 gallon bags

The net pot is that come with the unit but I added an extension to reach the bottom
I cut a plastic soda bottle and made a bunch of holes in it ant it fit to the bottom of the net


So Paps,
in your tall 3gal bags, do the roots in soil reach all the way to the top by harvest time? When you empty out a bag after a grow, how many inches of loose soil remain at the top of the pot?

I’m more curious about this than anything Octo. My guess is that a vigorous octo plant, given a decent veg period will fill a three gallon fabric pot no matter what shape the pot has.

Is it the Volume rather than the height?

@Jetdro, do your 6 gallon Octopots fill their soil bags with roots anywhere near the top?

Respectfully Submitted, :sunglasses:

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With a long veg very little soil is left at the top maybe 1 or 2 inches not even

Mostly the bag is full of roots and roots are in the reservoir also

To loosen the soil from the bag I need to beat the bag up

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I have to throw the bag on the ground kick it on 3 sides , then it comes out as a solid 6 gallon plug :boom:

Most of my roots are in the bag not the Rez


That’s for sure



Same here Brothers. I’ve tried the tall bags and the roots went right up in them too.

@Jetdro, do you get massive root systems downstairs in the rez as well? Your plants are magnifico for sure. But that’s the norm for Octo plants, right?

Maybe the Art of Octo is in knowledgeably controlling the mass of the upper and lower root systems based on the strain, or time constraints or whatever?

The key to the OCTO is it mimics nature and sets up different wetness zones that’s the whole key sometimes my plants never hit the Reservoir the apple fritter that I took down that way in a pound didn’t have a single route in the Rez


My first ever batch of bubble hash, made from the Point Break x Leb Black plants.
Sure was nice not having to pick 10,000 seeds out of the buds.


I like this. You dont run oxygen in there? I think I might try and run some 3 gallon pots like in the summer.
I would probably throw a bubbler in

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No need for the bubbler. Check the octopot site for their description and more details.

Basically the plant gets all its oxygen from the roots that exist in the cloth pot/medium (which stays mostly dry). And the plant gets all the water and nutrients it needs from the reservoir.

It’s like a passive hydro system

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Basically what they are saying is that the oxygen dissolves faster than C02 so using a bubble just makes C02 rich water.
I have a hard time believing an oxygen pump is gonna make seltzer. Besides my water is around 8 ph so lower would be better. Either way they look fun to play with. Gonna price it out and figure out if i wanna put my own together from scratch or buy a pack of 6 for the summer.
_ it would be fun took hook these up to a tilapia tank.

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And…now we have the answer :wink:


Yep, I’m cutting those pesty balls out of my life entirely… :+1:

TBH, I didn’t see any advantage at all during the HydroBalls grow, and they were a real mess to extract from the rootball when I recycled the soil. Bad Mojo for an octopot grow for me at least.

PS, hydroton balls do allow more control over the water level in the upper pot, I’ve just never found that terribly useful. I think I’d much rather starve the upper root system than flood it. But I can do that by letting the reservoir drink all the way dry, either all together on an autofill system, or individually with the local autofill valves.

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Well The bull headed one (me) took one for the team to confirm what everyone had already told me :wink:
Guess some people like to learn the hard way. I surely won’t forget.

Yep, I think I’m starting to catch the hang of this again. Love watching the progress!
It gets me out of bed in the morning.

How’s things for you? Haven’t seen any plant updates in a bit. Not complaining just curious.

Have a great one @GrouchyOldMan! Thanks for all you do.