Minnesota is about to legalize

Fantastic. What a great approach. Taxes to pay for administrative costs only. 8-plant legal-home-cultivation. Erasure of previous convictions. Legal sales, January 1, 2024? That’s great. I’m in VA where we “legalized” 2-years ago and dispensaries are still only for medical. No legal recreational sales, and the Va state legislature kicked it down the road until 2025. Ridiculous…

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Last I heard Governor Prick took the funds away so no rec in near future

You say that no one is going to go to prison for growing. But you don’t actually know that. And I’m not worried about them writing the “perfect” bill. I’m worried about them writing anything. If it were actually “legal” we wouldn’t need any bills. You’re so used to being controlled that you wouldn’t know what to do with actual freedom if you had it. I’m not concerned with how much money I can make exploiting a plant, I’m worried about them doing that, as they are much better at it. Government is a euphemism for slavery.

We always had the right to grow weed. They stole that. Now you think they’re giving it back, but with “conditions”. Only a brainwashed slave would somehow find that acceptable.


MN born and raised here. While I can definitely see the argument in favor of decriminalizing over legalizing, personally I’m pumped for this. Mainly for it to reduce the stigma. I have a lot of “normie” family members (including my wife) who aren’t down with the whole outlaw thing. If I lived alone, my basement would for sure be filled with a highly illegal grow op lol. As it is, this legislation is the one thing that’s gonna allow me to grow again, and also have a puff or two in my backyard without having to worry about nosy neighbors calling the cops. So yeah, legalize it and allow home grow is all I need!


I grow extra to mitigate possible lose do to climate change. Every farmer does it.


Yup extras just in case;)


Climate change house gets warmer more chance of PM and hermies. You have to prepare yourself with more plants. :sunglasses:


That’s exactly right. We were born with the right to grow weed. All of us have that right, but any of us can go to prison for growing in a so-called legal state.

100% they’re “giving” part of something back that we already own all of.

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Lol. Right on. Do your part. Grow more plants to absorb carbon and reduce climate change.

Use their own bullshit against them.


You had the “right” to grow weed under prohibition, but not now? How? What has stopped you? Going to prison over weed is fine, but getting a cease-and-desist letter is over the line?

Seriously, please explain.


The Virginia logjam isn’t getting me down. I don’t really care about retail sales. I’m not contributing to them so my tax dollars will need to be captured elsewhere.

I’ve grown my own and I’ll never go back.


Wow you guys are so lucky.

Here in Holland - once cannabis capital - they kick you out the house and lock it for three months for growing as much as one plant.

A mother who grew five plants was kicked in the cold street with her little children. They changed the locks of the doors and locked the house. They don’t even kick prosecuted pedophiles out of their houses. The dutch growers like me are in serious trouble, send in the troops please!!!

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Yes these wolves decides sheep can vote too! One has to be crazy not to love a democracy! :smiley:


Exactly. Hear, hear!

Love it or Leave it!!! Don’t like it here? Go live in Venezuela for 6 months. Triple dog dare ya.

Why do you say “Love it or leave it?” Are you one of those people who has to have religious faith that the country is perfect and people who talk about the country’s faults hate it?

All countries have faults and part of being a good citizen is calling attention to those faults. So I’m not going anywhere.


Okee Dokke. The defense rests.




Just admit you’re pissed because you won’t be able to sell $60 eighths once it’s legal and you refuse to go ‘legitimate’ so you can screw the man.

You really joined OG just to spew tinfoil hat conspiracies? What do you mean ‘pussified world we live in’? Can we use the word ‘men’? WTF are you even talking about?


I’ve never sold a $60 eighth in my life. Im guessing you’re the kind of guy who buys them. You sound like one of those Brad/Chads.

This guy thinks those who have risked prison time for decades in order to grow this plant have been “exploiting” the plant. Lol. That’s what the government is going to do, you big dummy. They’re gonna tax the shit out of it. The same government that told us it was a dangerous drug and locked us up for having it, is basically selling it. At the very least they are profiting heavily from it’s sale. How fuckin ironic, huh? But you’re cool with paying a tax on weed to the same government that totally lied about it and even used racism to push it’s prohibition agenda. Do you know how many cancer patients suffered and died unnecessarily due to prohibition? I bet you can’t count that high. Or is that a “conspiracy theory”?

I started growing in 1996 because I hated brick and I was spending $300-400/oz for anything that was actually worth smoking. I’m still growing it, but now it’s because I love doing it. I give each plant I grow as much love and attention as I can. I used to get $4k/p back in the day, and I could have gotten more but I’ve always been cool like that. But it costed a lot because you went to prison for growing back then. Now I can barely make enough to pay my electric bill because our market has been flooded with cheap garbage and carts that taste like cotton candy. But I’m gonna continue “exploiting” this plant until I am no longer able to. Here’s one of my recent victims-