Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

I’d throw a treatment at them just to be safe.


lol ya beat me to the punch there, brother! I was just going to say same

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Flipped poked and prodded!


I’m tempted to hit my yard with the M.T.A.!

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Im on day 31f in my tent. This was found about 10 ft away outside my tent :upside_down_face:

lol good move, especially in Oklahoma! Damn state has an infestation this year, from what I hear… of Mites, Thrips, AND Aphids, all!


Fiancé’s are awesome! Especially when they sneak 4 cacti into your mancave

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Time to turn her over yer knee! ooops lol nevermind… she might like it! :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:


I just might forget about these damn bugs after that :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:

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Was doing some hunting and this was the best pic I could find of a black thrips

I’m still leaning toward not a thrips, those are some stumpy antennae.

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They hit me this spring, and you can bet your ass there is some ready to dilute M.T.A. on the bathroom counter!

Im really hoping they are not anything bad. But why would they venture onto the trichomes? To steal my weed! Lol

Everyone needs to catch a cloud sometimes! Hopefully he went out with a “smile”.

Also the head is wrong, yours looks more ant/wasp like which lead me think tiny wasp.


Maybe thats why they died. I dont think a thirp would get stuck and die feeding on a bud?

Thanks guys now i can enjoy my joint in peace

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Hell, cuz! lol i got hit with something this year I’ve NEVER seen, or heard of!
Did you know there is a pest that eats SEEDS! Apparently the Hyaline Grass Bug is indigenous to Colorado (about 50miles or less, as the crow flies

Most folks don’t ever see em, since they grow for Sensimilla not seeds!But they love marijuana, and if you zoom in on the pics, you’ll see all the beans have been cut into and the center ate! Always something!


Wow what an inconsiderate a hole lol


And people were freaking out about bugs coming out of a seed. I told them I’ve had it happen! Didn’t notice the tiny hole and boom tiny white worms.


Leaning towards some species of trichogamma. Tiny parasitic wasp. They’re considered beneficial as they inject their eggs into another insects egg and their babies emerge fully formed wasps.


I should note, I’m not an entomologist, and could be severely off base.