Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

My local bass pro shop and cabelas had it for some reason. But I still ordered online since I was already ordering other stuff.


Man I literally just placed the order on Amazon lol. Might get it deliver before I get a chance to check my cabelas

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Will this recipe work in an electric fogger/mister?

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ooops lol sorry wrong question/answer!
I use the 2 gal pump sprayer for the MTA mix!
Sorry about my confusion @DiRtYSkuNkZ
I was talking to another member about the BBP, which is what I DO use the electric fogger for!


Cool thanks

Ok, just got the cottonseed oil in. I sprayed my plants with safer soap on Friday (today being Monday), doesn’t seemed to have knocked them back enough as I see continued damage. My plants just reached week 5 of bloom, so I hope to get them through finish. Going to start mixing and spraying just before/at lights out.


Sounds good cuz, keep us posted on the results, please.

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Well so far, I can say it hasn’t burned my plants at the lower mixing rate. All the hairs are now orange after being sprayed, but that’s kinda to be expected. I checked over the trichs to see if the minute amount of alcohol in the solution would have dissolved or broken the heads, but they look intact. I looked over three plants, scoping leaves here and there. All the mites I could see on the leaves were dead. I saw what I think were eggs that turned orange, some that were opaque. They just looked like trich heads without the stalk :man_shrugging:t2:. Based on the description from the write up that’s what’s suppose to happen?
I’ll spray again in a few days to get what ever was hiding in the buds and any eggs that hatched. Granted I always said I’ll get to them again but ends up being too long in between lol. Maybe I’ll see if baby mites start showing in in quantities in a week.

Also, I don’t remember reading in the instructions about it. But the concentrate should probably be mixed up a day before you start using it, for proper measuring that is. I mixed it in a blender set to low. Immediately after blending/mixing, it is almost like you’re making whipped cream. After letting it settle for a day and it degassed, the volume drops and it’s a liquid vs foam through the whole thing. I measured 50ml of the foam figuring I’d be close to the 45ml of liquid, so I might have under mixed this first application.

Edit: A side note, for storage, I didn’t like the idea of pouring from a mason jar. A liquor/wine bottle fits almost the whole half batch after it settles. I had one with a screw cap so it worked great, just make sure to properly re lable!


Sounds like it worked well for you, cuz!

So after harvest, just the normal bud wash with a bit of peroxide? How much peroxide should I use exactly? It’s been a minute since my last harvest so I was going to have to look it up either way. I usually rinsed my buds anyway since I did use safer soap. I just did a dunk and swirl in luke warm water with a bit of peroxide, just don’t remember how much lol


I know this is a one and done solution, but mites are usually best sprayed 3x 3-days apart so that any eggs that happen to live through the initial spray and end up hatching don’t live long enough to produce mites that live long enough to lay more eggs.

I would spray on Day 0, day 3, day 6.

Peroxide can be sprayed at up to a 1% concentration. Since bottled drugstore peroxide is 3%, you can mix one part 3% Peroxide with 2 parts water to make a 1% solution. Google shows many sites suggesting one tablespoon per cup but the EPA says 1%:

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@Seamonkey84 It’s been awhile for me, on washing buds at harvest. Haven’t needed to…
Not sure about the ratios now. I know I used 3 5gal buckets, first 1 with the hydrogen Peroxide/water, second 1 with Baking soda/lemon juice & water, and 1 plain clean water. I’m sure there are a lot of posts on here about the amounts.

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Yea I known there’s a few bud washing posts I’ve found before. But since it’s indoor bud I only do two buckets, just some peroxide in the water in the first and plain water after. I was more wondering if it needed a certain concentration to break down any residues from the oils.


I reckon since you used a blender instead of a hand held mini-mixer, it ‘frothed up’ plenty! lol The mix can be stored in a sealed container on a shelf (we put it in a cabinet, cool & dark) Also we only mix half-measure’ but

Application rate is 1.5-2 ounces we use 2oz/gallon, in a 2gal pump sprayer. (want to make sure them little F’ers are dead n gone!)

You saw the eggs turning color, which is supposed to be a sign they’re dead/dying.

It looks like the Hydrogen Peroxide wash will be all that’s needed, so you should be good to go with just that, cuz. Standard mix ratio for bud-wash, should be sufficient. We don’t spray our budding plants after they’ve been into flower mode longer than 5 weeks, so not sure about residues.
There has been no noticeable change of taste/effect in our buddage. But then, like I said, we don’t spray buds as close as the 7-10 days stated. So I would reckon it wears off…

So far, we’ve not seen any SM evidence in the budroom, before or after the 5 week mark. But like I said, we treat weekly, just to be sure!


Also, while this is a contact killer, and doesn’t leave any residue on plants that keep on killing for days after. If in a heavy mite infested area, you’re definitely going to need treatments occasionally. We spray it once a week just to be sure, in case we don’t see em!


So it’s cost effective , works & can be used as a weekly IPM ? Not just for when yer overrun ? Know you on a budget like me , so if you use it weekly that says somethin’ .


Hell yeah! lol It’s by far the best solution to our SM problem here in Oklahoma, that we’ve found to date, since moving back here and fighting them damn things ever since!
Brother, let me tell ya… lol ‘on a tight budget’ doesn’t begin to describe us now in our retirement with a ton of medical bills!


Just sprayed for the second time (3days after the first). I didn’t find any live mites before the spray, but I hit them again just in case, and will try to do it again in a few days.
This is the corner of the tent with the most damage, hard to tell if it’s mostly mite stress or deficiencies too. The GMO Breath seem to have gotten the worst of it, while JOTI’s Blue crush barely show any damage even though there was definitely mites on them too.


Beautiful girls there cuz! In spite of some extensive damage from SM’s obvious in some of the leaves. You were def in need of this mix! Glad you got em before they killed the plants…
Felt almost like I was looking at some old pics of my plants! The damaged leaves, they make you sick to see, I know!


I had good results using just garden soap in the past, but that worked best when I could dip the whole plant. Spraying doesn’t seem to drown them all as effectively. I didn’t go crazy hosing them down with this mix. I just went up and down, the. angled the plants so I could get under them too. They were dripping but not saturated, and it seems to be working! I even saw a line of dead mites that were on the underside of the leaves. they looked liked a high water line along shore where the solution washed them to the edge of the leaves