Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

That, I found was always the best method to use with Safers, But once the plant got too big to dip in a 5gal bucket…


Just wanted to come back and say thank you to @JohnnyPotseed for the recipe, write up, and thread of support. I am exhausted from the battle but it looks like I am winning! The spray appears to work but I have to keep on top of these monsters. The good news is this event really forced me to re-evaluate everything. Through the battle some soldiers were lost… But my obsession with growing had gotten slightly out of hand with trying to save most of the genetics I have grown despite still having seeds of most. Some plants I had like 9 clones but no reason to have them. I actually feel pretty good now about killing around 15 plants and probably a few more to come. The only one that really hurt was a beauty of an Alien OG that was in flower and just got destroyed by the monsters so I let it go to a better place. This has also forced me to really work on the areas around the grow tents to clean it up and organize all the grow equip, dirty pots, etc. I have a plan towards a total reset in about 15 weeks. That should give me time to get everything I am working on to a good stopping point and coincides with a much needed long vacation to the mountains of colorado.

For anyone finding this thread out of desperation while being destroyed by monsters… take a deep breath, get your cleaning supplies, mix up some of this spray, smoke a fatty and get to work!


lol i’m glad it helped you out cuz! I know it damn sure helped me! lol I been fighting these F’ers since we moved back to Oklahoma 5-6 yrs now. Tooth and nail, and losing ground every step of the way. but now they’re on the run, and we intend to keep em gone!


Looks like I’m gonna have to go on a rabbit hunt for the ingredients…
I’m infested haven’t even posted on my own page lately :sweat_smile:

Deff over did myself…I’ve been defoliating letting lady bugs out everything I can dosent help also when we have over 20 house plants…if I had it my way we would have 5 lmao
Usually I have a floor in the room lol just cleaned out the whole area


Damn cuz, I can’t put a like on thatun! Good luck with them F’ers! Everything is available on Amazon, fairly cheap too. I’d send ya some, but outta shipping bottles and a couple ingredients, gotta order more myself.


I appreciate the offer brother ! I’m so close to the finish line I’m not worried about me !I gave my buddy three plants about 2 months ago …washed them down really good with dawn dish soap then a treatment of saffers … after they dried I let em sit in sun for couple days…one last wash then I brought them to him gave him a heads up and percautionary steps as well arned him again about how they might still be there he responded …I’m not worried about it …went to check them out yesterday and they r huge like shoulda been flipped a month ago !anyway I’m looking at his plants …see my buddy swipe at something notice those white dotted leafs …I start lookin closer …webs on the leafs and spidermites everywhere deeper in the foliage …I showed him I was like yo that’s not good …he’s like that’s what those specs are …“I must of had them last grow”…he said he usually dosent defoliate ither I don’t wanna be amr know it all to him ither …so now I don’t know how to feel…I’m more worried about it then him it seems


Well, I say this to that, cuz. You did your best to make sure nothing hitched a ride, and warned him , repeatedly it seems, if he doesn’t take care of it then that’s on him, not you!

Isn’t he aware that left untended, them damn bugs will destroy a crop!?
Sounds like, even if he’s a friend, he hasn’t done much growing, and you’re trying to help him get a good start.


Bhes been indoors since covid …a littler sooner then I started! But he’s Been doing outdoors for years and years
My advantage…I have the lovely OG community :slight_smile:
Usually my general conversations r about plants fishing hunting construction…
I’m known as a knowledgeable source in my parts lmao :rofl:
Phew that’s exactly how I feel about the situation really !
I also tried telling him that as well .
But the subject is always changed …
My exact words …
If I were you I’d get that taken care of before you flip them to flower because it’s deff gonna fuk your shit up .


Ya can lead a horse to water cuz, but you can’t make him drink…

Makes me wonder just how ‘good’ his stuff is, even growing outdoors for years. if he didn’t recognize or know what them ‘little white dots’ were?!

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.some is decent but every broken clock is right 2 times a day hah
Well said !
Next time I’m going to try sign language hah
Some things Fall upon deaf ears

40$ for everything on Amazon! that’s including shipping just need to hit the liquor store lol

What’s denatured alcohol ?


Don’t use that cuz. Use Ethanol or get the Everclear at local liqueur store


I am a few weeks ahead of you in the battle… Let me give you some advice even though I haven’t quite won the fight. Preface, this is just what I am going through, no expert here.

  • If you have like 40+ plants, consider letting some go to the giant compost bin in the sky now. i held out and and ended up spraying and caring for a bunch of plants I ended up killing because it was just too much to wash all these plants every couple days and clean the tents and basement constantly.

  • Defoliate HEAVILY before spraying. This will really help you get the JPS where it needs to go. I put on gloves and lift almost every leaf to get the bottom. or hold the plant at an angle to get the underside.

  • If you have a bad case of bugs don’t expect them to go away with a single treatment unless you can really get every nook and cranny on the plants sprayed and your grow space. I check with a jewelers loupe before and after every spray down and I often find a few live mites that must have been hiding real good cause I soak those fuckers.

  • if you can see the mites, webs, eggs easily with a naked eye then you are really in for it. I would rec you take the plant outside and spray off with a heavy water blast and let dry before spraying with your cure. This really helps reduce the numbers before the blast of JPS

  • If you have multiple tents, go tent by tent. For example, I take all the flowering babies outside, give em the spray, let em drip a bit, then place in a cleaning staging inside the house. Then I sweep, scrub, and disinfect that tent before placing them in there. Usually a plant will get two sprays over a day or one a day for 2 days. Longest stretch is to let them go 3-5 days before another spray. Eventually you get the numbers down to almost nothing. My flower tent is feeling under-control finally.

  • Once I got the flower tent really under control where I wasn’t seeing more mites with the loupe, I broadcasted some predatory mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis) that are two spotted mite specialist and they are doing a great job of keeping things in balance. It’s been a week so I released more predatory mites yesterday per recs. I found the mites at a local nursery even though when i called they said they only had lady bugs and praying mantis. Only cost $12 a vile of 500 mites. First vial i used the whole thing on the flower tent. Yesterday I bought two more viles. Used one across two tents with 8 total plants and gona use the other vial spread across another two tents. One more spray session before the beneficials go on tho.

I am still learning and fighting with some of my other tents so I will chime in with more info as I learn it.

Keep in mind that Lady Bugs will absolutely destroy aphids (all stages I think) but they will do very little to nothing for your mite problem. They will eat mites but not much and they prefer everything else. They seem to avoid the heavy webbed areas anyway. Life cycle of mite is so fast compared to lady bugs they wouldn’t keep up even if LBugs did eat em. I could be wrong, but I think I saw some lone lady bugs munching on the beneficial mites but not sure.


The LadyBugs can’t tell the diff cuz lol to them all SMs are on the menu!

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Very cool! Definitely gotta get these ingredients and mix some up , been looking for something similar. Gonna pass this on to someone in need asap too! Thank you @JohnnyPotseed :pray:t2:


Damn thanks for the write up brother chopped all my plants at 70 days and removed everything in the room ! I have a lot of time for cleaning and prevention
My methods were tons I mean tons of lady bugs and constant defoliation. Followed by a BUD wash …it gave me about 2 extra weeks before calling it a loss wich got me a harvest in ! .
This method got me through…but better steps next time will be engaged

I first noticed them in the beginning of flower…very so often I’d see one or two mites so I got some lady bugs … that was good for about 3 weeks so I thought …odly the last grow I had them but only showed face detrimental once the temps increased and the rh decreased …go figure…let’s just say I learned my limits .lol
Have a good one brother!


I feel for you on the bugs. I got thrips from a clone vendor and not following a solid quarantine protocol.

I basically let them do there thing until flowering finished.

Chopped everything including the moms and took fresh cuts. Like other said stripping the leaves and letting the snips soak under water for 30 mins.

Put the cuts in a dome aero cloner sprayed them with spinosad.

Lastly hit them with Johnny’s dead bug for spot treatment.

Lost maybe 3 of the 10 strains I collected but it’s worth it to be big free. Time will tell but no bugs …yet

Keep fighting and stay vigilant


I’m really glad to see this so well received by the OG community. Wasn’t sure, since there are so many DIY mixes, as well as the commercial ones, out there. But, after doing the test & trying it myself, I knew it had to be offered at least!
Glad it helped some folks, like it did us!


Quick update. Almost three weeks after I did the 3 spraying cycles, I do see mites on the flowering plants again. I expected as much since it won’t penetrate all the buds, and I doubt that I got every single egg. But, in veg with all my bonsai mothers, I still have not seen a single mite.


You can use it on flowering plants also, cuz. I don’t when within 1-2 weeks of harvest.


lol I hate trying to type when I’m stoned!