Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Okay so tonight I’m heading down we need to take cuts and spray for mites…spray and cut I presume ?


Maybe messed up the amount.of ingredients but buddy said they were alittle wilted so he showered them all down !is alittle wilt normal !?

Holy fuck I never diluted it sprayed it on there just like it was!?
Any suggestions Ill feel like an ass if they die .


IF you wash em off real good, they might be ok. I honestly have no idea about a situation like that.
Never had any wilt, and never used undiluted. Hope they are ok?


We will find out when He gets home but atm I’m bumming hard atm !


I can only imagine, cuz. I really hope they’re ok!


Fuck so do I brother so do I…


@JohnnyPotseed Thanks for posting this recipe. I mixed up a smaller batch and already used it 2 times on my plants and on my veggie plants. they are all nice and healthy now. :facepunch: :+1:


It’s been a life saver for us here in Oklahoma, cuz. There’s a bad Spider Mite infestation all over. Been fighting them F-ers for 6 years! lol Ever since we moved back .


Glad you and your friend figured it out. Can’t imagine how frustrating fighting a losing battle is to those F-ers could be. I never had em, and hope to keep it that way thanks to you. Much appreciated.


Diluted? I missed that part


Better check what you’re doing before application. :+1:


your not the only one… @Rabeats2093 update or did your buddy kill you ?


Anyone just stick to using wettable sulfur? Noticed I’ve got spider mites outside all over the place so total eradication prob aint happening and I need to live with knocking them down/keeping them down. At least maybe I should do like 2 weeks of just that, then a week of water or two. Phytotoxicity goes haywire if I switch to the azamax or neem oil or spinosad too fast (oh yea and small thrip problem but i’ve learned they just give speed holes)

Just found this thread, thanks for posting!
I have a bad spider mite infestation mid flowering. I’m using predatory mites now, hope they will turn the tide.

For next round I’ll definitely try this receipe!


First off cuz, Azamax, while it works ok, is not good for you! It and Spinosad both with cause a failed lab test. Banned in most states. Plus, it’s a lot cheaper, while being more effective. I’ve gone over this in other threads. Unless you just don’t care about your health?
This MTA mix is all pure food grade ingredients, and you can use it all the way through your grow, up to harvest, with no harm to you or the plants. I stop using it a week or so before I chop so I don’t have any taste effected.

edit… If it looks like I’m ‘down’ on Azamax…I AM! When we used it in our commercial operation, it cost us over $20,000 (10lbs of bud) plus around 500 other plants that had to be destroyed, due to it causing the lab test to FAIL! We learned about it the hard way, and I try to warn folks about it on here, to save them some grief! But do as you want…
Just please, don’t recommend that to others!

edit2… lol Azamax cost over $350/gal! The MTA ‘one-n-done’ costs around $60-70 to make quite a few gallons!
So lets recap here…

  1. Safer to use
  2. more effective
  3. cost a LOT less

If you ask me, it’s a ‘no-brainer’…


@Boozer I hope you didn’t use it undiluted?
@Rabeats2093 any update on how your plants did?
All I can say folks, is PLEASE … read the whole thing carefully before you use this!
1.5-2oz per gallon, is the dilution rate!


Yes please dilute the mixture !

The undiluted mixture was on the plant for about 8 hrs no lights buddy woke up to some branches wilting right over immediately gave them showers but then also immediately put them under an hps …
He said yellow and brown spots from it I aid thats from your lights lol …he says they r recovering petty good and the best part…no mites the pure concentrate nuked them fuckers !!!


Good to hear nothing very bad happened to em, cuz. I felt so bad when i saw that post! The diluted mix nukes em also, lol without hurting the plants!
Ok, finishing my coffee, and heading out to the barn awhile. have a great day!


man I almost messed up well better late than never.


Yeah what a relief that’s is!
Deff give anonymous credit for this one!
Some good stuff right here
Make sure to dilute …deff noted :crazy_face: