Mosca Seeds Indiana Bubblegum and Briscos - Blues

Starting of with a couple for the upcoming New Year: Mosca Seeds -Indiana Bubblegum and Briscos- Blues


Day Five

Freshly transplanted Day 15 from sprout

Blues day 15


Checked in

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Beanbag in the corner chillin :+1:

Watching :face_with_monocle:

I grew out a Mosca bubblegum cross a few months ago. Was fire. I’ll be watching this one.


Looks good. . I have 1 raspberry boogie I got a 2 pack from a buddy on a other site… 1 died 1 still going… looking forward to seeing what it’s like … as far as I can see Mosca is pretty decent


you had me at bubble gum but ill keep an eye on this one


Just got done researching this, signs in OG and boom, there’s a post on it :sweat_smile:

Thanks for sharing this grow journal!!


I liked their raspberry boogie and cherry white, RB was my daily driver for a good bit…

Mosca discontinued the regular lines, I still have some f2s though haha.

The bubblegum, I think I read that they don’t ALL come out with the bubblegum taste and smell.

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Nice. Lot of people on the bubblegum I’m here to tell you don’t sleep on amos work. Briscos beans comes out with some solid chit. Ive found keepers in the southern black bananas the sweet Chiquitas and lemon dosidope the dirty martini is also fire but haven’t gotten one I really want to keep yet. For the price you can’t beat em.


How was the Lemon Dosidope? I’ve been eying those for the longest time…

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So far so good Bro…
Good luck with the garden, I’ll be dropping in from time to time if you’ll have me :wink:

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will be watching - considering Bubble Gum ---- remember the gum called Bazoka Bubble Gum (spelled wrong) 5 cents a chew. Hear their Frosted Rasberry is very good (recently released)

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Ha the pack actually came with a piece of bazooka inside … and yes I chewed it :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s good. It’s like a little bit of a creamy but lemon flavor and gets you pretty stoned.


love that retro bubblegum packaging


Third Week so far so good…
Bubblegum day 22

Brisco Day 22

Ill probably start training a bit later this week


Topped both of them a couple of days ago. Both the ladies responded well to their hair cut.
Bubblegum Day 30

Briscos Blues Day 30

I started training and will post some pics soon. They both seem to be doing pretty good.


Day 37
Moved them both over to the big girl space and started training. Both have really responded well to topping and getting pulled. I should have a pretty even canopy when flip in a couple weeks. I defoliated a bit to open up the middle /base after the pics were taken Noticed the tips so i moved the lights up a few inches. Im happy with the stem thickness and growth rate. I think all is going good so far,
Bubble Gum Day37

Briscos Blues Day 37


Nice Man!!! tagged for following. I grew out a nursery clone on Indiana Bubblegum outdoors last year. Beautiful plant. Smells intensely of bazooka bubblegum cured in a grove bag.

It was an unknown breeder. Props on the grow. Beautiful Strain. :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:
I would like to grow this strain again “10 minimum bloom on this one”. Indoors I got lucky with a Oct 19th pull.