Mosca Seeds Indiana Bubblegum and Briscos - Blues

Day 112 (week seven flower)

Both the girls are still putting on weight and are darkening up. It really stinks when the door is opened. The Briscos Blues is getting alot of amber on the trics so it may only have week or so left.

Bubble Gum Day 112

Brisos Blues
This one is starting to stink like a shitberry could be interesting,


Day 119 week eight flower

Both the girls are starting to harden up a bit with the blues probably getting the axe late next week. The bubble gum still has a bit more maybe 7-10 on her judging by trichome development.

Bubblegum Day 119

Briscos Blues Day 119


Day 126
The trichomes got about 15 percent amber and the rest cloudy its time to harvest the Blues. Test nugs steamed out via the @OriginalDankmaster96 quick dry method are very promising.

Briscos Blues Taken out and given a quick trim of the fan leaves before the main chop.

I think she finished pretty good with lots of sparkle, a nice structure and good sized lowers. hopefully she smokes as good as she looks after her final trip to the salon.

I took her down in larger pieces then put them on hangers. Currently drying in the box.

Ill update the bubble gum in a few.


Awesome looking grow brother :+1: Glad you find the quick dry helpful for harvest timing. Great to finally see your work…when are ya ready for CripXmas ? Just let me know :sunglasses:

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Thank alot man! Ive been watching that true piney :evergreen_tree: goodness you got going on. Ill be sure to hit you up :slight_smile:

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Bubblegum Day 126

Almost done just a few more days I think… that bazooka smell is really coming through now that the blues is gone.


Good looking I.B :100: :fire:

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Thanks …its almost there :slight_smile:


Great show. Looking forward to the bubblegum finish and smoke report. Growing some of these in the next few months. Great journal amd you’ve got a definite green thumb. Kudos!


3 years since your last post. Great to have you back @JJonahJameson :slightly_smiling_face: :peace_symbol:


Thank you for the compliment and welcome back! I hope she smokes as good as it smells. The test nugs have been promising. Shes coming down tonight ill post some pics after shes cleaned up a bit.


Chopped the bubblegum and put her in the box a few days ago. I think she turned out pretty good with some decent size buds that are fragrant .

Day 131

Hopefully she dries with no problems I hung her whole and shes still pushing out lots of water.


Looks dank as f. Great growing.

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Thank man !