Mr. President, Moscow is calling

Random keeps life interesting. I think I will try to make gummies yet. I will have to see what this grow gives for me in the end.


Here is the batch i made last weekend…


Bears, very appropriate for mother Russia. Are you willing to post up your recipe / technique if you haven’t already?

There’s a general thread here:

And another gummy recipe is over here:

Just started my attempt to decarb sous vide. Swag at 205F 90 minutes. 7 grams of 24 month cured bud (good amount naturally decarbed already) + 7 grams moisture stabilized but not much of a cure from this season. Guessing that I’ll have plenty to try a couple of different things, gummies would be on the list. Maybe I’ll reserve a small amount when I head over to the lab, too.


sure thing, i’ll add it to the general edibles thread. i have to write it out so it makes sense but i’ll get it done today. i’ll link it here when i do.


Awesome, thank you!

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Approximately 300ml of the Green Dragon tincture per ReikoX. Not yet reduced. Used sous vide as the decarb mechanism:


that looks beautiful!!!


I’d love to see your recipe.

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For reference, I ran a sample through a spectrometer.

I was hoping to experience some fluorescence in the UV range. It peaked out at 100% but with a large slope starting at around 274nm and hitting 100% (perfectly transparent) at around 237nm - 216nm. But, I do have to wonder if the measurement instrument is saturating. Something to play around with.

I’m going to run another sample once I’ve reduced it some.


I make gummies too…but my recipe… I use alott of RSO and in my recipes I use coconut oil infused with bud. My gummies are best to be kept in freezer for long term storage, or in the fridge for short term.
I use anywhere from 10-15 grams of RSO in my gummy bears. That makes some strong bears.
Maybe one day I will do a write up on it.

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lol - u mean ReikoX,
thnx for putting in the link, im going to have to try that one

here is my gummy recipe link. i hope it works out for you.

if you want links to the molds i use let me know and i’ll post them and the gelatin powder i use is the orange box that are packets of .25oz

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IMO that’s waaaaay too strong for an old-timer newbie.

Shoot for an 8-1 and/or a 4-1 CBD:THC result with aged material containing CBN & that should be great. :slight_smile:



Reduced by 50%:


how long is long term and short term and what happens to them?

and you should ttly post ur recipe!


Thanks for sharing :call_me_hand: Everyone who likes gummies should definitely check it out. I did a lot of research and trials to come up with this. I wanted it to be exactly like the ones in the store.


Chlorophyll Fluorescence, chlorophyll in a solvent illuminated by UV (normally translucent green):

Under white light:

Increase the intensity and start to see some of the fluorescence:

Under UV:


Wow. :+1:


Does that indicate that UV-vision would reveal an awesome view of the world at dawn & dusk, or what?

And some :mushroom: s …:sparkler:

Nice share.



so i wanted to follow up on how well these gummies do under “normal” conditions
i kept 2 gummies from 2 different batches i made in my pocket for 9 hours while i was working today…

right out of my pocket after 9 hours still in their package…

after pulling them out and leaving them for 10 mins on the counter and their siblings in their original form…

they are flatter but you can still grab them by their cute little paws and there is no sagging :slight_smile:


Those look great!

If you’re in a legal state, you might want to consider selling those.