Mumen Ryder's Mini Tents

Well I got lucky and I did hit my target of 90% sprouting:

26/27 (96%) sprouted, so I guess the ridiculous process I go through at least wasn’t a waste…

I would have hit 100% I think if I wasn’t so impatient… There was a Strawberry Cough lagging behind, so I ripped open the rockwool to see what’s up and there was the beginning of a tail :expressionless:

I drilled some holes in the bottom of a plastic shot glass, taped the outside to prevent light and filled it with coco and mild nutes and now I’m just waiting again…

My guess is that somehow it died in the rockwool :thinking:

If it doesn’t sprout I do have a Trainwreck that can fill in.

I’m going to call this day 1.


Well the final seed is one of those brain damaged sprouts that lacks proper instincts / genetic instructions on how to sprout.

I saw the tap root poking out of the top of the coco so I dug her up and planted her correct…

0 days old and already transplanted twice…

Let’s see if she survives…


Well done on the germ rates that’s pretty impressive.

10 bucks says the freaky little weirdo survives!


Lol I hope she does man…

Since her story is already full of twists and turns, I’ll spotlight her journey through the grow (assuming she survives :grimacing:)


Seedlings have various degrees of stretch and general wonkiness.

The little markers say which strain is in the cube.

Green: Durban
Yellow: Super Lemon Haze
Red: Strawberry Cough
White: Power Flower
Blue: Amnesia Haze
None: Trainwreck

Lux at canopy at 15k 24 hrs a day.

The little Strawberry Upside Down Cough in the coco is chilling in the humidity dome until she opens up and is ready… Which we are still not sure is going to happen…


Some nice flavors.


I like the light meter. Do you just turn your light down? That’s what I need to do get some colored sticks.

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Right now the light is at 100% about 18 inches (maybe more?) away.

I usually will dim the light as opposed to raising it (to a certain point) based on what the meter reads. I usually keep seedlings at only 15k when running the lights 24/7.

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I had to go back up and see what you were using. You turned some fast stuff also. How do you like your nutrition that you’re using?

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Going to be trying Canna Coco A + B this time since I’ll be running in coco here shortly.

Normally I used Sensi Bloom A+B start to finish and have had mixed results that I could easily blame on the wacky stuff I’m doing :slight_smile: So it’s hard to say… Canna A+B is tried and true by many start to finish so I’m interested to see how it goes.

Since my seed starting method uses GH 3 part, that’s what I used to start the seeds. I’ll try to revise that though at some point…


I love the sticks! :+1:

I do something similar with colored tie-wraps.



I’ll do good for a minute. I do believe the sticks is better for me. I see stuff out all the time and I just do not grab it. The ones that I had to put down I did have marked. These I can kinda tell with some of them. @lefthandseeds I can tell which ones are his when they’re young. Most of the time I can remember when I laid the seeds out. But after that it’s over with. Haaaa!


Increased lux a bit, had to prop everyone up a little closer to the light:

The struggling Strawberry Cough hasn’t moved in about 30+ something hours… actually starting to think she is dead… Either way I think she’ll be so far behind when it comes time to up pot that I’ll have to use the Trainwreck as a substitute.

Fan turned on inside the tent to try and toughen up stems.


I thought you were trying to spell a word with your rock wool cubes but then I figured it out and my mind exploded :joy:


LOL… missed opportunity. I should have secretly coded something clever in there :thinking:


I was hoping for a little profanity at least.


It won’t be long now.

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26 seedlings, most of which seem to be doing ok.

Within about 6 hours of having the fan on a number of them got real bent out of shape, so I turned it off.

I think the light is too intense to allow for low humidity around the leaves. Hard to do a fan correctly in such a small space.

The ones that got the leaf mangling also show minor signs of deficiency so I’m guessing I was pushing them a bit too hard.

On average they seem ok.


Sometimes a little bit is not so bad. But very true it will make them layover. Mine are just barely moving. Too much of make them do the twist.

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Yesterday was time to pay the piper for all my wild ideas.
Potting 24 plants into tiny containers was a bit harder than I imagined LOL…
Sometimes I forget how easy rockwool makes things… just put the little block in the big block.


So I ordered some pots online, and the holes in the bottom were huge. It would have gotten coco everywhere. So I ordered some fabric pots. They didn’t stand up straight and were very thin…

So I put them together by using the net pot as a liner and have an OK pot I think.

@HolyAngel I’m interested to see what you end up with for your next coco flood and drain. I dunno how sustainable this method will be using 2 pots per plant. Definitely not optimal.

I put Mykos into the coco/perlite where the rockwool cube bottom would make contact.

The cubes were absolutely full of roots at this point and the bottoms of the cubes were covered in roots.
The directions for the Mykos indicate this is the way to do it:

The absolute madness… of gardening in a room with carpet… what a mess.

And here they are in tents with lights I built at some point. Using these because they are 4k and 5k color temp and these will all stretch like hell:

I need to get my flood tables setup again, which shouldn’t be too bad, but I gotta go clean up that room first… I didn’t have time to clean last night since it was like 11PM when I finished potting everything and mixing nutrients to run through them all lol… wtf am I doing with all these plants :thinking:

I really better be able to get clones and now I have to see this to the finish line and make some seeds.