Mumen Ryder's Mini Tents

Well we are 11/12 on the germination test with Mykos which is just over my 90% acceptance criteria… The final seed never opened at all so it’s likely a dud.

Technically this meets my goal % but about 4 seeds took 5-6 days to sprout which is a bit long.

These are all free seeds that I likely would never grow so they will get the boot.

I have big and silly plans for my next run including taking my first ever clones, and selecting from about 25 plants to do my first ever sts pollen chuck… So I have to decide if this test was good enough or if I want to keep experimenting with germination methods :thinking::thinking::thinking:

I probably am trying enough new things to where I just need to start my next run…


I think I got 75% last run but I was dealing with sketchy old stock.

11/12 not too shabby :call_me_hand:

“Big silly plans” are the best kind even if you have to reevaluate your priorities at some point.


These were all pretty new so I think 90% is about right I guess :thinking:

One thing that annoys me about these cubes though is that you sometimes get wacky stuff like this:

You can see the bottom of the stem is sorta twisted and I had to push the rockwool in around it because this one sorta spun itself around in the rockwool before sprouting. I have noticed that plants that start like this frequently have developmental problems in the first couple weeks, which is actually a pain in the ass when you plan to only veg 2 weeks.

I have seen a couple people do this:


Where they literally sprout in a towel and then just plant the thing with head above ground. To me, cannabis seeds have always seemed a bit haphazard at getting themselves to sprout. This method seems to me that it would basically force the damn thing to do it right… In nature there are so many seeds they can afford to muck about a little and have many failures, but when we are dealing with pricier seeds we don’t really have that luxury… I dunno… I’m ranting now for some reason :smiley:

I have always hated sprouting seeds to be honest. I don’t know how many different methods I have experimented with over the years, trying to find one where I actually felt like I had some control over the process. Sitting there waiting for hundreds of dollars worth of seeds to possibly not sprout at all is an anticipation I wish to avoid…

It’s also one reason why I am going to make some of my own fems so I don’t have to worry as much about it.


I know the reason :joy:


Prelude to the seed starting dread…

Wellllllllllll I guess I’m about to try and start 24 seeds for my ultra ULTRA crammed Sativa SOG.

24 plants in 8 square feet… main colas only…

Strains are locked in, and I’ll snag a pic of the packs before they go into cubes/tents.

Dishwasher is running…

Here are my personal notes to myself on how I started the last batch of seeds with 90% success:


  • Grow tent temp set at 77 with lights 24/7, light dimmed to min at start
  • Clean the tent with bleach
  • Humidity in room set at 60
  • No fans on
  • Clean the seed chambers and empty bic pen in the dishwasher
  • Spray bic pen with h202 and use bottom end to enlarge rockwool hole (don’t make deeper, just larger)
  • Rockwool with 2 ml micro and 3 ml bloom and ¼ ml pH up per gallon distilled (should be 5.7)
  • Soak rockwool until no more bubbles
  • Shake rockwool to 45g on kitchen scale (between 45-48) WITH GLOVES ON
  • Microwave cubes (12 cubes for 5 minutes), should be about 200f with IR thermometer
  • Spray seed chamber inside with h202
  • Put cubes in chamber, put chamber in tent
  • Let cool at least an hour, shouldn’t be more than 77f when seeds go in
  • Put seeds in holes, cover with Mykos. Just cover the seed, don’t fill the hole all the way
  • A few times a day, take the lid off and wave some air into the cubes
  • Tent stays open
  • Periodically increase the light through the first 2-3 days to max (15k lux at ground)
  • Once seedlings have visible cotyledons, take them out and put them without a lid in the tent. Lux should be 15k at their heads

Seeds should be in cubes tonight with pictures.

Then we can all share in the unpleasant anticipation of waiting for the seeds to sprout… or not.

How deeply will the seed gods hate my choices? :thinking:
How many of my problems will be created by me? :thinking:
How much am I overthinking this to the point of being annoying? :dizzy_face:


Started 24 seeds + 3 backups with the method specified above.

I tried to get consistent hole sizes in all cubes and get them to 45g each as I’ve found that works better than fully soaked:

Cubes go into the microwave after that until they start steaming. I’ve had fungal spores appear on seeds before, so I try to combat any possible sources.

Here is the lineup:

Durban Poison x 8
Strawberry Cough x 6
Super Lemon Haze x 5
Power Flower (aka Power Plant) x 5

3 backup seed freebies as well.

Seeds are covered lightly with Mykos:

Now the waiting starts…


Wow that’s quite the procedure sounds pretty technical but if it works for ya . Mine are lucky if they get a soaking in tap water and a semi dry paper towel and baggie.


It’s incredibly annoying lol… It used to be quite a bit simpler until I kept getting these spores on my seeds.

Hard to see, but they would give me like 0% germination:

I could visibly see spores under a jewelers loupe.

Not sure if it’s in my water or in my carpet or… Somewhere in my environment it’s lurking and making me work my ass off to get seeds to sprout.

After this run I’ll hopefully have enough seeds to test some new methods as my current process is truly a pain.


Yup I’ve always struggled using rock wool cubes there good for clones but I suck at getting seeds started in them.

Promix with some mycorrhizae humic acid and trichoderma light watering and most sprout within 3 days .


Yeah, hopefully this will be my last time using them. I want to try the method using a paper towel hanging vertically and let them fully sprout and then just put them straight into coco manually.

However, I figured I better get this run started, and since I will be doing a bunch of new stuff I’ll not change my germ method until next time.


I have my best luck with the towel method . Also all seeds being sprouted straight out of the freezer gives the feeling winters over time to grow attitude.


I still swear by that johnnypotseeds worm casting method… it’s been working amazingly well and it’s completely effortless plus has the mycorrhizae naturally I believe… plus a bit of N … 99 percent germination usually… especially on older seeds etc… light scuff on seeds


You can do the same thing with dirt. I do a mud bath I haven’t done it in a couple years same thing he does. But I bury my seeds. Then all you got to do is scoop it out with a spoon you don’t even touch it at all. On ilgm I showed how to do that. Way before I ever came here. Some stuff you get from Home Depot cut bugs in it.


A food to go container and I use a regular napkin or coffee strainer. I don’t know what was going on with some dirt and stuff a few years ago but I’ve really gotten real careful about where I get stuff from. It could’ve just been me getting bad product. The worm casting had worms in it. Even some doctor earth stuff had some bugs in it. I’m real careful about what I use. I got some happy frog the other day had centipedes in it. No bullshit


I like your method I’ve been wanting to grow like that for a minute. I think my next grow will be smaller I know I say that all the time. Concentrate on doing stuff like that. I’ve seen that method before and it works very well. Almost effortless.


Believe it or not I do like simple methods LOL… However, I can’t bring dirt or EWC into my grow room. I haven’t been growing as long as a lot of people on here, but the deal with the missus is no bugs, and in the last decade I have not had a single bug in my grow room (knock on wood).

So for EWC or dirt I’d have to probably bake the hell out of it which would largely defeat the purpose of all the beneficial stuff in there.


I saw microscopic worms… I mean so small they didn’t matter… I take seedlings out… and throw worm castings into the sun… they die immediately… I mix in soil… no bugs… ever…


Nobody is talking bad about that method. I’m not disagreeing with you I hope you know that. There are plenty of microbes in the manure no doubt about it.


Oh no I didn’t think that buddy… I was saying I saw stuff too… but it was so small it was not a threat and the sun kills the shit out of em lol


But I’m gonna ignore my own advice and do it anyways…