Mumen Ryder's Mini Tents

Lol wow what a description pretty impressive where did you get the strain from if you dont mind me asking looks like the fire got me interested

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I was able to order Sour Stomper straight from Mephisto at:

Mephisto is a solid breeder but they have so many problems getting their beans directly into people’s hands. There are “drops”, where they have limited windows where you can order stuff on their site. It’s a hassle, but every time I’ve managed to order from them I have not been disappointed.

Multiverse beans has a good reputation and has some of their stuff including Sour Stomper.


I think those were some of the best descriptions I’ve seen lol.


I agree. Good stuff. @Grease_Monkey Good to see you


The leaning tower of skywalker got transplanted today.

Here she is pre transplant at day 15, hanging out with Pink Panama who is at day 10:

Here she is post transplant:

I burried her deep as heck so she looks a little crooked, but will straighten out:

Meanwhile over in the tent of stunted autos, here are Hubbabubba Haze (left) and CDLC (right):

CDLC is at day 50, and man I wish I had not stunted her… She has unique terps and is DARK purple under all those white pistils:

Hubbabubba Haze is at day 42 with roughly 1000 days to go.

Thanks for stopping by and good luck in your gardens!


That looks amazing

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The CDLC smells great too… Really strange smell, like dark spices. Probably only end up with an ounce off that plant, but that’s plenty for my low tolerance :laughing:


Been busy, but my friend sent me a pic of one of the nugs from the CDLC I grew:

It’s a very potent strain… Some extreme terps, nice purple colors and a great structure. Not to mention it survived and thrived in conditions that other plants did poorly…

Closest to a 10/10 strain I’ve grown, indistinguishable quality to that of a photoperiod.


Love it.

Looks great man.

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lol… I do feel like that captures the negative state that happens sometimes with cannabis better than “anxiety” or “paranoia”, but that’s just me. The existential dread can definitely trigger anxiety, and that happens for sure when I get too high haha…

I remember you had something like that happen recently with an edible. I also have low tolerance and have to be pretty controlled in what/how I consume or I’ll run into the dread :dizzy_face:


When I eat too many edibles it’s more waves of physical discomfort. Lying on the couch getting rushes and just wanting it to be over with.

“When is this going to be done? :rofl:


Edibles are no joke :rofl: I remember when my 2 cousins and their friend (all 3 of which were like 6’5 and 250 lbs) thought they needed to eat like 3 or 4 brownies each. They had a terrible time from mid morning until the day was over.

The overall sentiment was “When does this end??”


Currently I’m doing that tent cramming photoperiod sog thing, run to waste in 4 inch rockwool cubes:

The lineup:

2x Dinamed CBD Plus
2x Gorilla CBD

Seed Supreme
2x Bubble Gum
1x Afghan

Female Seeds
1x Blueberry Cheesecake

Currently at day 23 from sprout, been under 12/12 for two days under HLG 100 rspecs. Vegged under a 5000k strip light

GH Trio + Hydroguard + Extreme Gardening Mykos.

Been doing foliar sprays with CaliMagic and Floralicious Plus.

Seedsupreme so far…
Well these guys started shipping from within the USA so I figured I’d try them.

So far it’s a mixed bag. I wanted to grow the Afghans, but only 1/3 of them germinated -_-

Afghans in the front:

Seed Supreme sent me replacement seeds after I sent them the image, but still it messed up my plans a bit. Not a biggie, but the remaining 3 plants need to result in something pretty good for me to order from them again. The bubblegums were freebies and have been pretty vigorous.

In the tents:

Trouble around day 7, fixed with foliar spray
Around day 7 I noticed the plants were looking a little mutated, and at about day 9 I finally saw real spots from Calcium deficiency. Probably pH issue with the initial soak of the cubes, not 100% sure still.

I started spraying twice a day with a CaMg + Floralicious foliar spray and within a couple days they were not only back on track, but seemed to have really sped up.

That’s it for now, thanks for stopping by and good luck in your gardens :grimacing:


Well it wouldn’t be one of my grows if I didn’t have to do something wacky where I had no idea for sure what the consequences would be…

4 of the plants have put so many roots through the small rockwool cubes that the cubes aren’t holding enough water for me to dial in drip times.

These 4 were actually drooping at lights on today with super light cubes…

So… I decided to try to add some medium to all 8 plants.

I didn’t have much to work with on hand, but I found something I think should work.

A 3x3 formation of 1.5 inch started cubes actually fit nice and snug at the bottom of the pots.

I’m hoping this acts like sort of a mini slab on the bottom of the pots:

There is about a 1/2 inch margin around the 4 inch cubes, but I think that should be OK.

For now I’m doing a quick 2 minute cycle in the middle of the night to make sure the plants don’t wake up to dry cubes.

Looking back through my last journal where I used 4 inchers I actually had to do this anyways.

Either way… I’ll post results… If it goes OK, then next time maybe I’ll try to use some loose rockwool under and around the 4 inchers.

Wish these ladies luck, I think they are gonna need it :grimacing:


Roots already making their way through the “diy mini slab”:


You look like you know what’s going on. Very nice.

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Thanks bud! Not sure how this will go honestly, but so far looking like it should work out


Haven’t been on here in quite a while, but just stopped by an witnessed the little discussion on dread.
Exactly the same for me! If I slip into that state of mind, my day is ruined lol. Got to enjoy what we have, no?

Plants are looking great, seems like you really have got the system down now.


Hey bud, glad to have you back!

I’ve actually found that the more mild Stavia doms tend to prevent that type of mood.
My favorite strain I’ve ever got from a dispensary is Strawberry Cough because it boosts my mood in a direction where I’m unlikely to get anxious or experience “the dread”.

I used to think that Indicas or more sedating strains would be the “answer” for anxiety/dread, but they tend to be a little too potent and don’t always put me in a great mindset.

For my next grow, I’m gonna try a bunch of sativa doms.

Here are what I’m considering so far:

  • Strawberry Cough
  • Jack Herer
  • Blue Dream
  • Durban
  • Power Plant
  • Island Sweet Skunk

I’ll probably choose 4 of those and do 2 of each.

In this current grow I have bubble gum, which is sometimes categorized as a mild satvia high, so I’m pretty psyched to see where that goes :slight_smile:

Good luck managing the dread!


I really enjoyed the power plant when I grew it 100 years ago :joy:

Very distinctive flavour.