Mumen Ryder's Mini Tents

I’m a little nervous about that one because I read it has a pretty serious stretch, and those African Sativas can sometimes be racy. However, it’s an older strain so maybe a little more on the mild side and supposedly easy to grow so I’m not 100% sure yet :thinking:

If I’m remembering correctly (and I might not be) it is a tamed sativa as it has a little indica thrown in.

I’m growing an everyday haze so I’m worried about height too.

At least, that was my experience. They didn’t get so big.

Take it with a grain of salt :+1:

A licorice/anise flavour but very mild.

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Well I’ve got my first real hermie… A Gorilla CBD.

I’ve had plants throw nanners before but never seen a fem seed go full herm like this:

Pistils on the top node, and I guess sacs on the 2 nodes under that.

She has been removed from the tent, and will go into the trash.
What’s cool is that I can see the slab idea really worked. The roots have tied the slab to the initial cube.

I’m holding the plant by the stem here:

Tons of roots from this guys, even on top of the cube where the cap used to be:

I reogranized the 2 tents according to width and height as best as possible:

Tent 1:

Tent 2 (now has 3 plants):

A “goof plug” to plug where the dripper used to be:


Damn man, BOTH Gorrilla CBDs hermied

The second one had many fewer sacs, but found some even on a side branch:


That sucks but better now then week 5 of flower id say.


I’m a little shocked that BOTH hermed to be honest. I’ve run at least a few feminized Dinamed strains, and other than the occasional nanner at the end of flowering they have been “sexually stable”.

Not like I can really report this to them at the moment… Poor dudes are getting the shake down from the Spanish government.

Mark at Dinafem is the dude I used to deal with and he was top notch. I hope they somehow come out of this OK.

Too bad about this strain, was looking forward to trying it. Oh well though, I will have plenty of CBD flower with the 2 Dinamed CBD Plus that are left.


I had a few on me. Nice looking plant but it had to go. It popped but I didn’t think the damage was bad. It was my bad. I do believe. My humidifier has the red light. It was next to the plant.

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You learned something. That why I hate regular seeds. Lol . I like your idea.

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Yeah I don’t think I quite have the space for regular seeds. :grimacing:

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I understand. And very true. Especially the way you do it. I like fem seeds also. @MumenRyder i seen what you deleted. Don’t underestimate yourself. I mess up all the time. But I also have have a few that make it. That I’m happy with. Some very good skills there.


Lol yeah sometimes I feel like I ramble too much so I’ll edit out anything that isn’t straight to the point

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You’re in company with me. I’ve got a hermie this run too. I’ve been running Lebanese and Syrian genetics so long I don’t remember what it’s like not to get at least one. :joy:


I believe it :smile: Very cool work you’re doing with the Lebanese, I’ve watched that thread for a while.

It’s interesting to see what it takes to breed “sexual stability” into a line, especially starting with a landrace.

I feel pretty lucky actually that this is my first real herm. Definitely had the occasional nanners, but I’ve been lucky enough to avoid true hermaphroditism for a long time. Luckily I have 6/8 of my plants still going so not a big deal. Could have definitely been a lot worse :grimacing:


@lefthandseeds I have no complaints on your seeds. @MumenRyder I do the same talk to much. It is ruff when you work hard.


It’s interesting… Sometimes it seems to just pop out from stable parents that have a history of it. I think if you outcross and select stable parents for a few generations, you can breed it out. Maybe it carries through the males and is hard to decipher. Or maybe it has a recessive nature that can stay hidden in the genetics and pop out when the wrong parents come together. Haven’t quite put my finger on it yet.


It really is interesting stuff.

I think it’s sort of even tolerated in some lines like gorilla glue and cookies lines because the other traits are so desirable, but they can’t seem to get the sex totally stable.

Definitely above my head in the horticulture world, but I still find it fascinating.

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“Goof plugs” did not work lol… They were leaky as hell and I went through about 3 gallons more than I should have.

This works though:

In tent number 2 I super cropped the bubblegum several times as it was stretchy.
Now it’s filling in where the hermi used to be:

In tent number 1 there is a bit more space:

The afghan looking like a flower:


Some minor defoliation today of both tents:

Still plenty leafy:

Probably another session or two of this over the course of the next week.

Leaves are coming off because I would like humidity to come down, it’s in the high 50s and we are getting to week 3 of 12/12 now and I’d like it closer to 50…

I try to spread the defoliation out so as not to stress the plants too much by doing it all at once.


Looks great

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Was struggling to keep up with how much they were drinking. As a result I haven’t been getting as much run off.

So to combat salt buildup I have been flushing once a week for the last 2 weeks.

2 days ago I measured run off at over 2.1 EC, so I flushed today.

The plants don’t seem to mind the weekly flush though.

I also maxed out my rez, filling it with 10 gallons because I’m sick of topping it up every other day :grimacing:

Giant air pump with a large air stone has been putting in work…

I’ve been continuing to defoliate, exposing as many bud sites to light as possible.

Tent 1:

Tent 2:

A happy garden:

I have a ton of headroom.

I think the 5000k light in veg really helped keep them squat.

Probably still 6 weeks from harvest…

Going to start removing all of the lower bud sites, will take a week or two to get them all.