Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Yeah, we had a little celebration over here yesterday for a friend of mine who just bought her first house, ended up eating like a half-ounce between me, my girl and her. I feel pretty spent today haha, but in a good way.


Just as an aside, do you guys think alcohol affects your experience? The last couple times me and my girl and this particular friend ate mushrooms, both she and my girl didn’t really get too many visuals (or they said they didn’t, anyway) whereas I always get hardcore visuals. But I also drank like a twelve-pack before we even ate them; they both had like one or maybe two glasses of wine. And I continued drinking after we ate them and they didn’t. The last time me and my girl ate shrooms, she asked,”Should I drink an Angry Orchard before we eat them?” (she doesn’t really drink at all)(only eaten shrooms a handful of times, too) and I told her,”It won’t enhance the experience, if that’s what you’re asking.” Now I’m not so sure.

I wonder if the fact that I’ve eaten way more psychedelics throughout my life than either my girl or my friend has might have something to do with it? Like somehow that’s made me more sensitive or “in tune” to them? Is it the alcohol? Just kinda wondering out loud here… Mostly because we spent like twelve hours talking about it yesterday haha.


Alcohol dulls the trip according to every source online.

Also, if you drink a 12 pack and aren’t on the floor. I would perhaps think about a tolerance break :upside_down_face:


I haven’t been drunk in a decade. It doesn’t appeal to me. Makes me sick “self-loathing” Not one good thing has ever come from drinking for me. I like a good pint now and then with a dinner out. A good micro brew we are famous for them here just like our cannabis. Peace. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: I have enjoyed their Ruby Tuesday Micro brew since the 80’s

High Street Brewery & Café - McMenamins


Yeah, I’m actually a really good drunk, never makes me sloppy, never makes me angry or highly emotional or anything, usually it just makes me really happy and talkative. I’d definitely stop drinking if I acted like an asshole or something. I’ve known those kinds of people before, always told them,”You’re a bad drunk and you should stop drinking,” haha.

Right. Which is why I was asking, because it doesn’t seem to do that at all for me. And also, the source of my mushrooms told me,”They’re a fun trip, not really any visuals or anything, just a fun time,” and after the first time I ate these specific ones, I called him and was like,”No visuals? We’re you being serious?” He also doesn’t really drink at all, so… I have to assume that it’s either the alcohol or the fact that I’ve eaten tons of acid and mushrooms in my life and am somehow more “conditioned” or sensitive to psychedelics. Or maybe even a situation similar to cannabis, how everybody’s cannabinoid receptors are different. Is it possible that everybody’s “psychedelic receptors” are different, too? Really just thinking out loud here, dude.

Thanks for the advice, guy.


I didn’t say I was a bad drinker or an angry drinker. I said it made me sick and self loathe. Check out the definition of self loathing. Peace. :slight_smile:


Ah, okay. Yeah, I’d quit drinking if it made me hate myself, too haha.


Just inoculated a few bags of Uncle Ben’s, sucks having to start over but I took too long of a break and tossed all my cultures when I moved last year.


Quite interesting talk.
It bring to me one good question. How my background actually framing my trip expirience?
I wonder what kind of journey would i have if my imagination was built from minecraft blocks.


I’ll have to give it a watch to really have an opinion, but just based on what you said it is interesting to think about since it’s just a personal experience shaped by your brain. That said, most of my imagination was formed by comic books and early video games and I have wildly different trips. I almost always prefer to be in a pitch black room and let instinct of knowing where things are take over so I don’t trip and fall while my brain creates a new world. If you’ve never tripped in the dark I highly recommend it. Especially if you have a decent sized bathroom, dark trippy shower is amazing


Got two shoeboxes colonizing and another twenty bags of brown rice inoculated from agar cultures. The bags look great, and should be ready soon.

Tried to start some Ps Cyan spores on MEA, but got a squirt that went everywhere instead of a drop on this one, and now I’m not sure if this is Cyan mycelium or contamination (or both).

I did three plates, but only this one has anything growing at all :worried:


Just let it keep growing. I’ve had agar that started out with contamination then got overtaken by mycelium, but for now that looks like some mycelium growing.


Can anyone ID these mushrooms growing in my yard?


First two pics are coprinopsis or inky caps …

Not sure what the last pic is though, yard mushrooms are cool


Same time every year the yard is full :smiley:


Can anyone tell what the difference is in fruiting if different grain and substrate ratios are used? Let say 1: 1 and 1: 2
Mushroom number, size …?
Substrate is coir verm gypsum


Mushroom number and size is mostly genetics(specially when starting from spores)

Here’s what makes or breaks good flushes imo

1)healthy spawn
2)getting your sub hydrated correctly
3) providing the right surface conditions& fae during pinning &fruiting

Other than that yields should be more or less per qt-just over more or less flushes.
Hope this helps


Ok thanks
So basicaly, only difference is in colonisation speed.
I think that this time I ll go with 1:1


Getting ready to do some transfers of my Cyanescens culture.
(Crap photo. it’s cleaner than it looks, dunno why the lid is so dirty/foggy)

Had to pour some new plates first.

They’re cooling after sterilization now, so I’ll probably do the first transfers tomorrow.


Psilocybe natalensis for the win

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