Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Nice nipples

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Looks great


i just ate 3.8 grams of dried cubensis for the first time in my life. wish me luck


Enjoy the journey :peace_symbol:


First time, eh? That ought to be pretty interesting :wink:

Good luck!


wow. nothing i can say that you all dont know. lots to process.

i will be asking lots of questions, so thank you in advanced to those who answer.


How was the trip :laughing:. That was a big dose, especially for first time!

All three of my shoeboxes are spent, going to break them up and mix it into next batch of potting soil. I just mixed two rice bags with CVG to make another shoebox to keep the cycle going. But next will be some bigger batches and different varieties. I still have one 3lb grain bag, and now two 6lb bags too. I have LC of mazatepec x TAT and a fresh batch of Z-strain ready to go, and just started batches of Phobos and Koh Samui. The Nebula is taking its slow sweet time colonizing the plate, but I think Iā€™m going to put a sample to LC of that one soon.

Strainaholic in full force, I have 4 more cultures on order. Iā€™ve only grown one batch of one strain, and I already have 12 different cultures of cubes, two different strains of cordyceps militaris, two different cordyceps sinensis, turkey tail, blushing morel, and a lions mane I cloned.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing haha. My friend Natalieā€™s been going on and on about how the next time we eat shrooms (which is gonna be next weekend) we need to do a ā€œheroic dose.ā€ Sheā€™s been listening to these fucking shroom podcasts and shit and thinks five grams is how much we should eat and Iā€™m like,ā€Uhā€¦ No.ā€ haha. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d even eat 3.8 all at once like the_bot did yesterday.

I always think of what Hunter Thompson said in ā€œFear and Loathing in Las Vegas,ā€ when he said,ā€There are limits to what the human body can take.ā€ Psychedelics arenā€™t necessarily something you can just fuck around with. Look at Brian Wilson. Or Syd Barrett. Iā€™m trying to maintain my sanity, not lose it haha.


Happy Trails. To late to ask if you prepared your ā€œSet & Settingā€ I will anyways Safe, calm, neutral setting without negative distractions? Fly high. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


so truthfully, i did it because i wanted to hallucinate and have like a trippy experience and I did, but fortunately, after the experience, I honestly couldnā€™t have cared less about the hallucinations and trippy stuff.

I have been in DBT therapy for years now which helps with meditation and mindfulness along with behavioral therapy, I think that helped me have a really good experience.

Also, my 3.8 grams were divided between stems and few caps, from what I understand prob my dose was lower than the 38mg that i was expecting, and i dont feel I need more than that. I just want to find more info and read first.

yes, it was calm, in my house with my partner and our animals. a lot of love around.


Oh, for sure, dude, I wasnā€™t criticizing. Eat as much as you want. Back in the day, when I was in high school, a friend of mineā€™s parents owned a cow farm and we would go out there early in the morning and pick, like, twenty pounds of mushrooms and boil them all down into a gallon of water. One shot glass would make you trip balls. Who knows what that one shot glass was the equivalent of, but Iā€™m sure it was more than 3.8 grams. More than five, too, certainly. I survived haha. And gawd knows how many times Iā€™ve stayed up for three or four days doing cocaine and crystal and ecstasy and shit. Thousands, for sure. The human mind can take a lot of abuse. Iā€™ve just been feeling a little fragile lately haha.

Yeah, I never do, either. Itā€™s not the point for me, anyway. Itā€™s almost like an annoying side-effect haha. I mean, itā€™s kinda cool, I guess, when youā€™re peeing in the bathroom and you think youā€™re in Morocco or somewhere and then remember,ā€Oh, wait, no, Iā€™m just at home in my bathroom,ā€ haha, everything looking all golden and the walls breathing and shit. But the hallucinations are for sure not what Iā€™m after.

Honestly, I donā€™t know what the fuck Iā€™m afterā€¦ haha.

Sounds like you had a good time, anyway, which is awesome.


I like just enough to see and feel the ceiling breathing. and tracers with water and ice. ah hell I like to trip balls.


Progress of cordyceps grows
The bin is coming along, couple more weeks I think (roughly 60 cycle)

I started some jars as well, but I think the LC got too much light or something, the jars grew a lot of overlay while colonizing

The hornworm pupas are finally ready to start fruiting. The lighter colored one at the top was just inoculated, so you can see the color difference in the colonized ones


Shit man, my wife would probably kill me. She was forced to accept weed, cubes and other irregular behavior and things connected with me. But, if she would found worms and fungi that grows on them in the houseā€¦ I dont know! I would probably be in yard with those worms. As a substrate.


Some trippy shit you got going on there.

Very cool!


My first attempt at shoeboxes. Pretty sparse, and Iā€™m a bit disappointed they didnā€™t give a better pinset, but to be fair I already have more than I need from my monotub :laughing:

Those ones on the left will be lifting the lid by the end of the day, Iā€™m sure. Theyā€™re already very close to it.

It only took three hours from the previous photo for one of the shrooms in the left tub to lift the lid, lol.


Going to get back to this hobby here soon, last time was a few years backā€¦ I had contam and havenā€™t had an opportunity since thenā€¦anyone ever used these guys? Seems like a good deal, even vs Uncle Ben tek


Those seem interesting. If you end up using those, please consider reporting on your results :grinning:


I used a vermiculite top layer on my shoe boxes, despite seeing several people say it wasnā€™t a good idea. Since I didnā€™t see anyone mention specific reasons why it wasnā€™t a good idea, I decided to fuck around and find out :laughing:

Turns out, that stuff is a pain in the ass to clean off, and can even get embedded into the stipes.

I ended up getting frustrated and cutting away a good portion off of the bottoms as a result.

Lesson learned, lol. Iā€™ll be sticking with plain coco from now on.