Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

10-4, I will probably get some ordered here in the next week or so and will update once I inoculate. :peace_symbol:


Make your own, brown rice flour is really cheap, just steam bath them, agar, liquid culture, brown rice, and or pop corn for 90min or 2hrs.
If you’re inoculating directly with spores, it’s recommended to go with the brown rice flour. If you have a clean culture, go to the dollar tree store (if you have one) and get the 90sec rice there, and each rice bag is a pint worth for $1.25.


I’ll always remember first time I grew mush in high school

I learned on that fungi fun forum, that was the first forum I was ever on thinking back haha

told my mom it was a thing for science class


It totally is for science! Learn lots of biology related skills and there’s lots to learn about different mushrooms if you want to dive into it!

These are for medicinal uses, don’t need to grow them in bugs, but that’s how they naturally grow. The ones grown in silk worm pupa sell for like $17 for 3g on eBay


That dude who makes tortoise poop bags on IG seems like a solid option

Speaking of cordyceps or however you spell it

Terrestrialfungi on IG is really cool too

am I the only one here who thinks psilocybe Nataliensis are like the best mush?

when I get my lab back up I’ll share some of my cultures with folks here

I have that “ghost” that’s really cool and that white rabbit or whatever those are cool too bred by the same guy

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Buying all that stuff, then waiting a week or two to see contamination is going to lead to frustration and me not wanting to progress further if it occurs.

I will only have spores, not cultures and that’s why I didn’t realize I could do the uncle Ben’s tek. Each 90 second bag is a half pint from my understanding, little over 8 ounces, so maybe I will do both methods to see which is easier, I’m guessing you already know the answer, but I got to see it for myself ha

I had to reread your post, thanks :peace_symbol:


Spores are usually the source of the contamination issues, if all the other steps are done right. There are a few vendors I’ve heard of with consistently clean spore syringes, Spore works is one of them.

But going with spores to grains is usually not advised. PF tek with the BRF cakes, like those you wanted to order, is the apparently the way to go for cost (if not using agar). But make them yourself.
The big downside of rice bags is you can’t see the progress or if it’s contamination.


Every time I’ve started from scratch I’ve used rice bags. It was very helpful as a beginner since I didn’t have to invest in anything other than a few $2 bags, some spores, and a roll of micropore tape. Most brands have a clear bottom so if you shoot the spores in low you can see when mycelium or contam starts forming. You can also give it a sniff and if it smells sour at all they’re contaminated. The guy in the video nails it. I’ve probably done around 40 UB type bags and have only had 3 contam and they were all from a spore syringe that I got from a new vendor. Now when I’m resetting, like I currently am, I start in a rice bag, then take that, break it up, and put chunks of the colonized rice into jar of sterilized oats to be able to stretch it out even further.


Personally, going toward, I see PF teK with spores as a great way to pheno through spore genetics. Only one or two inoculation points with the smallest amount of spore solution, spread those spores out so different phenos can be sifted through easily and not necessarily just be out completed by a faster growing culture that might not have the desired shape/color/yield


Shot these up on 5/31 and have some mycelium growth already. All the bags still smell like healthy rice. No matter what method people use, no spore solution is completely clean so it’s a race between the mycelium and any contamination to see who colonizes first. Using around 0.5ml and not storing the bags or jars somewhere that’s ideal for bacteria to grow is the key.


yeah definitely a great method for that. I always spawn to bulk though since a good portion of mine gets ground up for micro dosing and the rest stored then given away to friends. Mostly in it for dry weight.


though…I might do a PF tek grow to get a lot of these knocked out at once. Won a contest on reddit and this was part of the prize.


Kinda jealous, ngl :wink:

That’s a great selection right there.

Those Avery’s Albinos look amazing, imo.


Yeah, once I get around to making some agar plates and get some clean cultures I might have to spawn those to bulk. I’d like to keep those genetics going for a while once I start.

Not my pic but for anyone curious what they might look like.


I really like some of the albinos I’ve seen being grown, nearly half my collection of cultures is Albino or leucistic. So if it was me, I would try those rusty whites or the Avery albino first for sure, then the PE types lol. Happy pheno hunting!

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I’ve grown Rusty White’s before, they all stay pretty small though. Looking forward to the PE’s as I’ve never eaten them before and of all the cubes in the world, PE cubes are the kings.


The rest of the prize pack other than those spores were a few spore prints. Jedi Mind Fuck and a couple others were in there. And the stuff below:

I want a whole set of shroom dice for my D&D game now.


The first time I saw them, they were posted by this dude (but on Shroomery):

Every pic I’ve seen since makes me want to get some :laughing:


This is the vendor I won everything from. If you just look for the name of the site on reddit you can find all their coupon codes and deals.


I get my cultures through a couple sources on IG

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