Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Yeah I’m supposed to add the casing onto the substrate after it’s fully colonized. They had the colonized grains pre mixed in with the substrate so you only get that bag and the bag of casing.


I know some of the other cats around here know shrooms…wish they would chime in.


I have an appointment with an ophthalmologist. I completely forgot about it, idiot, and took a slightly stronger microdose. 3.5 hours before the control.
Should I cancel?


No way, dude! Just be sure to mention to your doctor that you ate a little bit of shrooms.


Yea I’m doing really simple unmodified shoebox/dub tubs. With just 1qt of spawn and 1.5-2qt of CV per 6qt box. No fanning or misting, just set it and forget it until time to harvest. When I have multiple boxes going, I’ll stagger the time I start fruiting so I don’t end up with too much to dry at once. You you can start the fresh air exchange right away or wait for it to colonize, it doesn’t really matter.
This is the video that I followed to set these up, but you don’t need to fill the box so much, and Ignore the different substrates, just coir or coir/verm mix is all you need (gypsum isn’t needed). Also you don’t need to do this in a SAB/flow hood. Skip to 15:30 if you just want to see how to start fruiting conditions.

Ben tek does indeed work, but best done in a SAB with clean liquid culture or pieces of agar. Spores to grains is a roll of the dice for contamination.


Just jabbed my first grain bag today. This is exciting lol


On shroomery, that BOD guy says colonizing(?) and fruiting can be done in the same conditions (light, humidity, etc.)…how do you trigger pinning?..or does it hqppen when the mycelium is ready?

:partying_face::people_hugging::mushroom: solid buddy!!!


Got to release the cO2 buildup and keep constant humidity. Pinning happens after like 10ish days in fruiting conditions


Yep, generally just considered “growing” conditions. They just start pinning as the surface colonized. The extra O2 speeds up colonizing too.

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I always wanted to grow shrooms…I’m tuned in for this.


Triggering pinning happens when you have fresh air exchange causing the humidity to change. You still want high humidity, but evaporation tells the mycelium it’s time to get fruit up and drop spores as the life cycle needs to continue. I just spray mine with a fine mist sprayer(Get one on amazon), I never recommend a regular sprayer as water droplets come out too big though it might not matter with a casing layer…I don’t use one, it’s unnecessary in most cases IMO but to each their own. So a mist then crack the lid and just re-mist a couple times a day when there’s no condensation left on the side of the tub. Light only tells the shrooms which direction to grow in. Just keep doing that and watching for signs of mold. No mold and you’ll pin in 1-3 weeks.


It prob depends on the type of lids your tubs have, and your growing environment. But I just squeeze the coir to field capacity, mix with spawn and then add the rest of the coir on top to cover the grains. I don’t mist at all, maybe the second tub that is used as the cover when they start to fruit. After harvest, I bottom water and let it float and soak for a day or so before draining, then back to fruiting.


I use 54qt tubs with an air tight seal on the lid and the latches. Sterilite makes it. I do the same as you for spawning to bulk. I pasteurize the coir first, then let it sit sealed until all the substrate is covered in mycelium. Then I take the lid off, flip up all the latches and rest the lid on top, so there’s about a 1/8"-1/4" air flow gap all the way around it. Lots of air flow so it evaporates evenly but I have to spray it a few times a day to keep the humidity up. I’ve had the current tub open for 5 days and I’m already seeing signs of pinning.

Once I harvest I only soak for 2hrs then I use an aquarium vacuum to drain it and go again. Usually get 2-3 more flushes doing this.


Nice flush of phobos. Too bad its too late I didn’t set up the hood to take a clone sample from one of the clusters.

The mutant box

4 varieties grown, 8 cultures still left to try :joy:. Then there’s two or three sets of spore swabs I need to play with.


i believe it was two months ago that i took my first psylocibin dose (3.5-4g) of dried mushroom. it was an incredible experience with lots of peace feeling. since then ive tried it 3 more times (same dose) and while I cant describe the entire experience as bad, i def have not been able to feel peace at all, in fact, negative thoughts increase exponentially and i am not able to confront these until the effect wears off. mainly im feeling:

  1. really tired, to the point where i cant even stand for long i have to lie in bed.
  2. going in and out of prevailing negative thoughts.
  3. im only able to reconcile these after the effect starts wearing off.

any ideas as to why this might be happening? tried searching online but the info is so limited. (the set/setting - my house and bed - has been the same every time)


The hippie in me would say you need to work on whatever you found in your first trip and wait for the shrooms to call you again.

The somewhat based in this reality person in me would say you just need a tolerance break, like a couple months. I find that tripping alot doesn’t really do anything positive and often opens the door to negativity like you are experiencing with the anxiety(racing thoughts and endless rhought loops)

Perhaps shake it up entirely and go camping or have an amazing activity with friends planned.


yup i forgot to mention hightened anxiety, although i guess its implied. thank you. ill take a break and ill also listen to the hippie in you.


Is it the same type of mushrooms every time you dose?


Yup same source too


So I’ve got my rye grain today. Is there a way to do a grain-to-grain with the grain spawn in the bag? Can I make jars of spawn from the bag spawn? have seen people say its not a good idea. How can I make more colonized spawn?