Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

People use inoculated and colonized Uncle Benā€™s bags to transfer to uncolonoized Uncle Benā€™s. They break up the block of mycelium and use about a nickle sized piece in each new bag. They do it in a SAB


Fantastic!! Thanks for that! Iā€™ve got to make my own SABā€¦but glad to hear itā€™s (g2g) totally do-able. Thinking of just making a frame and draping it in plastic.


Yeah itā€™s easy.

Donā€™t even have to cut holes or anything. Just take a clear tote put it on the edge of a flat surface close to you where yoi can work your hands underneath it and then do it to it. Just make sure you spray everything inside of it and wear some gloves.

I cut two holes in mine, be careful if you use a knife, the plastic loves to Crack, or you can heat up a metal utensil and start the hole or even use like an old skool coffee metal can and heat the bottom and press it in gently. Do it near a fan though, donā€™t inhale the fumes haha.

Good luck, keep us updated :+1:



Now youā€™re just taking the fun out of it.

Thanks for the tips!! Many thanks!! :pray::pray:


In 2020 I had a trip that led to me not taking a proper dose for over a year. It was really tough, not bad, but really tough. Fetal in the dark bathroom for a few hours kinda tough. The next day I felt free of a lot of emotional weight, but fuck I couldnā€™t remember if I closed the door I opened in my subconscious and was scared to go back in and find out. Itā€™s hard to do a real dose again now because as soon as I look at the shrooms my mind instantly goes back to that night. Iā€™ve since had a couple trips and they went fine but if the racing thoughts arenā€™t something you can get a grip on the only thing that will fix it is dealing with whatever issues are or taking a lot of time offā€¦or more than likely, both. Set and Setting, if youā€™re having anxiety or depression in your day to day life, thatā€™s what the shrooms will eventually shine a massive spotlight on.


Maybe youā€™re going into it with unreasonable/un-meetable expectations. Or maybe youā€™re not in the greatest headspace before you even eat the shrooms. I wouldnā€™t eat anything if I was already feeling shitty, but thatā€™s just me.

That happened to me the first few times I started eating them again, which was like November/December. I attribute it to it being winter here. Iā€™m always pretty low-energy during the winter months. I havenā€™t felt like that when eating mushrooms since then, though.

Didnā€™t you say a while back that your house is kind of a mess? Iā€™m not trying to fuck with you, but thereā€™s no way I could trip in a messy-ass house. Itā€™d drive me nuts. Our house is always pretty tidy anyway, but I always make sure to reeeeealllyyyy straighten up and get the whole house looking like a photo shoot before we eat anything. Clean the kitchen counters, get everything off the dining room tableā€¦ Maybe Iā€™m just a neat-freak haha.

Whatā€™s funny is that, by the end of our trip, our kitchen/dining area is always fucking TRASHED haha. Mostly because of my friend Natalie, who we always trip with. Sheā€™s always busting shit out and opening, like, whatever, random bags of vegan chips and vegan sausages that never get cooked and then she just forgets about it and leaves everything out on the kitchen counter and shit. She really makes a mess haha.

Anyway, yeah, maybe clean up your house and get your mind right BEFORE you eat anything. I dunno.


1000% this. Any time Iā€™m planning on tripping the first thing I do is clean everything. I want all the dishes put away, counters sparkling, no clutter, etc. All a messy house would do is remind me that Iā€™m a procrastinator and send me off in a spiral of my shortcomings.


Thank you man, yeah it was a mess because of a lot of furniture movement and transplanting - but it has been pretty tidy since ( I took em yesterday). My gf and I live together and we both have our own spaces but sheā€™s always on me to keep it clean lol.

Itā€™s sort of funny because the first time I took em I was actually under a lot of stress (and feeling shitty) and it had been a bad week, but the effect calmed me so much and put a lot of shit into perspective - since then Iā€™ve been pretty calm and donā€™t feel in a bad place when I take them, or in general to be honest - but the effect turns into some super anxious/paranoid state and as it wears off I feel better.

Imma lay off for.a couple months and see whatā€™s up, itā€™s a shame cus I really enjoyed it the first time, but Iā€™m in no rush.


Were they the same variety? Iā€™m finding that each of the different ones Iā€™ve grown have different potency and effects. I didnā€™t like the Zstrain I grew too much, a bit intense and often got anxiety. The mazatat were more of a gentle effect on the mind, more mellow and body buzz.


according to the person they are all the same variety (i dont grow yet) - and its supposed to be a hybrid. but im too new to even notice differences - as far as i know theyve all looked the same. i might change the source butā€¦ dunno, my partner has had really good experiences with same dosage, and she even is smaller and skinnier (if body mass matters)



Any updates on your kit and freshly inoculated bag?

My kit and pound of spawn shipped today. Getting my stuff prepped.


The kit still doesnā€™t look promising lol Iā€™m still waiting to see if anything happens.
I inoculated the bag and left for work for 2 weeks so I will update on that when I get home.
Itā€™s probably better this way lol that way Iā€™m not always checking on it lol


Well, ā€˜some dayā€™ Iā€™ll catch up with you guys, but I just found this thread the other day and Iā€™m only caught up to like July 2018 so far! :rofl: Anyway, swung by the elephant sanctuary today as they had 25 giant rice sacks full of cannonballs awaiting me. Theyā€™re pretty worthless nutritionally for the gardens, being mostly just coconut fronds, but they make a great mulch and are known to frequently throw out a nice flush of P. cubensis so why not?
Hope to catch up to the modern era around here and participate moreā€¦but donā€™t hold your breath, 4 years of posts to go through still!


Elephant poop?!!? Nothing but grains is needed but go for it lol. Get some Thai elephant growing in that!

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Youā€™d be amazed at the size & number of cubes that pop up in the dung piles around here! Unlike in the West, only the very best fighting buffalo ever get to taste ā€˜grainā€™ over here, and thatā€™s only during the fighting season. I tend to go for the Copelandia cyanensis that come up on the local cow shits or occasionally sample the cubes on the buffalo shit (Asian buffalo, not N. Am!). When I first moved to Asia there were still restaurants with signboards announcing the availability of mushroom omelets and even one place called ā€œThe Magic Mush Roomā€ on the beach!

I usually load the truck myself, so I get to pick the cannonballs already fully dusted w/sporesā€¦but this time they wanted to collect & bag it themselves. Anyway, made sure to ā€˜mulchā€™ the part of the garden near the house, where the automatic sprinklers go on twice a day. Put another 20 bags into the compost pile with the cow shit & straw. Iā€™ll try to remember to shoot pics of the flushes when they come!


Yeah, Iā€™m sure itā€™s no different than how mushrooms grow in cow shit. Except itā€™s elephant shit. Which is fucking AWESOME haha.


Oh your doing that for outdoors! I meant if you were growing them indoors, just the grain spawn is enough nutrient, no need for manure substrate.

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Those Shroomery guys are too hardcoreā€¦lol. They love to over-complicate everything.


Well it is a hobby/passion lol. Like the organic vs chemical debate lol. I understand if your doing it commercially or a perfectionist, but if bacterial spawn still produces a decent first flush 90% of the time, it doesnā€™t take much to get a personal stash for a good length of time.


Iā€™m honestly really surprised this outdoor tub is still putting out. Iā€™ve lost track now of how many times Iā€™ve harvested from it, but itā€™s a lot.

  1. Add water
  2. Wait 4 days
  3. Pluck
  4. Dehydrate and vacuum seal

Easy as can be :+1: