Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Dude, sorry, just seeing this now. I did not get a picture of them pinning.


If you have those Sterlite shoeboxes you have enough air for them to grow, but you need to fan them a couple times a day to remove any excess CO2. The main prob I had with using Coco coir is them drying out from too much air getting in. If you keep the lid on it is usually good for a 2nd flush without dunking. You can make a shotgun chamber after he first flush if you want a steady stream of air, but that is more of a ‘dubtub’ grow instead. This is all stuff that works for me personally though, it may not for everyone


Sorry to hear. Did you put a liner in the tub? They usually help with side pins.


Yea that’s what I was thinking, I hear about them needing FAE and high humidity, but if i leave the top open, the humidity will drop real fast… and if i close the lid, then it seems that they’d get no air?

I read alot about pins in 10 days roughly, today is 12 days since I started fruiting conditions.


Are they they the Sterilite 6qt containers? They allow some air under the lid with it on already, that’s the beauty of them. I have seen some take 3 weeks to a month to start. Just fanning the tops off for 10 seconds twice a day should be fine. Some kinds like B+ and penis envy take longer too


Yea, 6qt sterilize containers.
Have golden teacher in them. Just started another tub this morning.
Thank you for the info @Natea very much appreciated!


No problem, I am no expert but I have run those and there are many different opinions, I had to weed through them to find what works.



A trick I have used successfully with shoeboxes is take a grocery bag Walmart whatever it will pull tight over the top like a some then you poke holes in it 2 rows just above the rim of sb about half inch apart alternating then a couple in the top. You have a built in humidity chamber with fae I live in a high plains desert with the at 15-25% and it works here so just an idea


Thanks for the tip @420noob.
Much appreciated! I’ve seen people do that in videos I was just wondering if the light I was able to get through the bag to help with the mushies growing up tall and not out the sides


No liner, never have used one before and never had this issue. Going forward, I’ll be using one. Learn as I go.

I just switched out my plastic bags over the tops for a dub-tub method. I always have trouble with the bags sinking down onto the substrate. Anyways, the flipped over substrate looks to be doing well and keeping moist. Hopefully get a good haul from the second flush. I just pulled 63 grams (wet) from the first set of mature side fruit in the B+ tub. The second set of fruit still has a day to go, looks to be similar in size to the first set. Once those are harvested, I’ll flip that substrate for the second flush.

So still a decent yield, I just keep trying to get those picture-perfect even flushes across the whole tub. No success yet, but I won’t stop trying.


Yeah you don’t NEED a liner but it does help focus the shrooms to produce on top rather than the sides. The cheapest bags the better, they form to the sides of the substrate better. Admittedly I only sometimes achieved the full top flushes like you are talking about, but getting some was better than getting none in my book. The dubtub method does work, but the top set awkwardly and didn’t necessarily give the right airflow for me. On of the best ones I did was tape the 2 tubs together and drill a 1" hole on the short sides of the top tub covered with a filter disc. It was a hassle to take apart though so I stopped


Beautiful pics btw @420noob!


With the dub tubs, I’m less worried about the airflow, as I fan them twice a day, and the gaps between the two surfaces take care of the rest. It’s more that it’s easier to open the top than a plastic shopping bag and easier to take a glance and see what’s going on.

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And yes, some is better than none always. It’s just when I get some, I feel I can complain about not getting better. :wink:


Yes I just personally had problems with the tops falling off when I wasn’t there thus drying out the cakes too much, forcing me to dunk them before a flush and screwing things up. I have gotten the plastic bag thing to work, but I had similar results to yours, plus the shrooms had fuzzy feet. But either way it is good to be able to have a goal to achieve even better results each time. Keep up the good work @Randar!


hello all - back again with another try. As mentioned the first two failed as I bidged my way through. This time I got some kit and we are away. 12 days ago I injected the little boxes and they seem to be doing well.

Both the little boxes inside the bigger tub have been injected with Golden Teachers, hoping another couple of weeks then to fruiting


Pin? Dead center of photo…
I’ll be a proud papa!


Yep definitely pins! There’s a few popping up :slight_smile: I’ll post a pic this afternoon.


Ok so they’re popping up! Im excited! and thank you to everybody for the help/info/suggestions. I appreciate all of it.

Here’s the little baby pins…:slight_smile:

And close ups…