Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Thank you! Im beyond excited about this whole thing lol. Iā€™d call it a success! My wife/fiancee, not married yet [coming soon] wonā€™t eat them, she doesnā€™t even smoke. But sheā€™s been watching them grow and shes really happy for me.

I have another tub thatā€™s almost ready to be fruited!
And I have about three more bags that need to be spawned into tubs, and now that I call this one a success Iā€™m going to be trying to get my hands on more varieties! And that goes without sayingā€¦the production/amount of tubs is going to increase lol


Day 6 fruiting, first signs of pins on the John Allens :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


Very nice!


Just catching up here. On shoeboxes you need to mist multiple times a day to keep the humidity up and FAE cycle going. Evaporation helps to spur pinning. Too much water on the surface will impede it, too little will dry the cake out. Itā€™s a balance that you have to get a feel for. Me personally I avoid spraying the sides of the tubs as that water will run down the sides on create the perfect environment for side pinning. Some people use liners to cut down on that but itā€™s not necessary. Use a fine mist bottle and give it one pass over the top then set the lid for FAE and youā€™re good.

EDIT: And just got to the post about having fruits! Grats!!! They look great.


So I never weighed the wet shrooms, but after drying, the little shoebox gave me about 13.7grams of dried shroomies and the tub is already producing more pins!

Hereā€™s the dried shroomies

And here is a print I made

I used the 5 biggest caps for printingā€¦ so im sure my yield was slightly higher as they were literally 2-3x the size of the rest lol. But more prints means more syringes n more experiments and trading!


Has anyone had any experience with the ā€œspray and growā€ type kits for mushrooms? Iā€™m looking for gourmet / cooking mushrooms. Not to say that maybe someday the others, but Iā€™d like to learn to grown them for food, as theyā€™re well, delicious. Thanks!


my 2 eyed plate pin monster!


@nefrella I havenā€™t, Iā€™m just getting into mycology stuff. This was my first flush.

@420noob thatā€™s awesome! I have agar, I just need to get the light malt extract and Iā€™ll be trying my hand at that.


Those kits are a great way to get started. Depending on your ambient humidity, you may want to fruit them out in a humidity chamber of some sort. Check the reviews of any company youā€™re ordering from, but Iā€™ve seen good results from the kits sold by North Spore, theyā€™r a local company here heh


Since I started using northspore for bulk grain bags and dung substrate. Seriously upped my game.


Thanks all for the info, Iā€™ll check them out, looked fun.


Got it dialed in. Fogger set 2 mins on low every 30 mins and 5 mins every 3 hours at night with lights out. Had to rotate tubs. So, the one coming up in the rear dries out.
10 days fruiting :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


Congrats on the pins/ baby mushies!


I use brown rice flower for my plates and it works well.

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If you donā€™t have petri dishes I have a tech that uses disposable 2oz condiment cups. That pic is through one. They are cheap and easy to start out with and can be reused. If you are interested in checking it out Iā€™ll link it up for you.


Sure! I appreciate it. @420noob


So, lesson learned from flipping the substrate. While I am getting pins and mushrooms growing on the new surface, Iā€™m getting even more growing on the underside of the substrate (what used to be the top). I would have been better off just letting it be.


Any particular reason you flipped the substrate?
Iā€™ve never heard of it, though, Iā€™m also fairly new to this as well lol. I got a 2nd flush slowly starting/pinning and I have a 2nd tub setup waiting for its first pins

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When my first flush was done, I had only gotten shrooms on either end of the shoebox, nothing in the middle. Plus, the surface was looking matted and not allowing moisture to soak in. I did some kung-fu-googling and saw that flipping the substrate was a way to potentially save it. Guess it didnā€™t need saving.

Live and learn.


Oh.ok. how was the moisture in the middle of the substrate? Maybe either the middle or sides were too wet/dry causing growth to only be on the ends

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