Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Good read for some of the newer folks. . While catching up on the thread I saw some stuff about different “strains” and potency. This might help clear up some of those common misconceptions people not familiar with mycology have, but ones that make sense to have if you’re coming from the cannabis growing world.


“strains” are referred to as varities because each mushroom thousands of different results from same spore print. You can isolate a variety. I hear ya @colelennon if it ain’t broke… Has anyone seen trich grow on the actual mushroom? I have it on a side pin first time for me.

Here is my 5 th flush still getting

Was a good read thanks. I should have read it before I replied​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: my bad.


Had to harvest

I’ll hit the 100g club one of these days!!!


Monster is it on HGH lol :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :fire:

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What is it?

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Nice big ol shroom ya got there @420noob so close to the 100g mark.

In an odd turn odd events, my most recent tub, that I harvested. The one I saved from the ‘green stuff’ has got a few small mushrooms starting to grow again. Lol. Now I had no hopes of a 2nd flush due to the amount of time passed since the first flush, and the small amount of spawn used. I was actually going to chuck it so I could clean the tub…This tub sat here, getting misted maybe once every 4 days just for the hell of it… and yep she’s got a couple starting.

I think this is exactly why I need like 10+ tubs. So I always have something constantly producing, and ones that seem done flushing, I could let sit in a contained area away from everything else just in case it goes bad, or in cases like this… i get a random few pop up out of nowhere. Last flush from this tub was 16 days ago. Maybe it had something to do with the new coco coir being added to the area where i removed the green.
They seem to be popping up right in that “fresh coir” area. Either way, its certainly a learning experience and im loving it!

Also all 12 half pints seem to be colonizing more and more each day.


The mean green is something to be careful with. Even by removing all you see doesn’t mean you got it all so one tub is contam just have to be carefully to not cross contam because mold spore is small and float through the air. Usually when I see the green I finish the flush then toss so I don’t lose other tubs. Just my experience .


Green means “Clean” everything with ISO and wipe down well… :100:


Chugging along…


hey all - had a few open this morning so I plucked them, misted the big box slightly - I am so so happy, MEDICINE!

What sort of weight loss can I expect from wet to dry?
Thankls for the help to get the first lot of shrooms :pray:


My last flush was just about 80grams wet. After drying I had about 10 grams. I’m sure there’s other variables at play depending on variety, drying method etc. But I do remember hearing that mushrooms are roughly 90% water. Nice harvest/flush @Zaaboot !


thanks @Illicitmango I am over the moon - 90% thats a fair bit but good know and use as a base mark, the ones I plucked are already in the dehydrator :joy: - I dont know, the youth of today all impatient and stuff :rofl:

After plucking the first few, I decided to leave the bags off and put the two smaller tubs straight it - I expect I should mist the inside of teh box pretty frequently as in the bags it was always high RH.

Whats the view? Should I put them back in their bags or leave them as they are, and if just as they are - how humid do I need it to be in there?

Thanks for the help you lovelies :raised_hands:


Personally, I’d leave them how you have them in the picture, just keep the humidity high around 90%rh
by spraying all the walls in the fruiting chamber you have them in. If its dying out too quick in there, you can stuff polyfil in the holes or synthetic filter disks over the holes to keep humidity up. That’ll also keep unwanted contams from entering through the holes as well.

Im fairly new to all this, but have done tons of reading and the awesome people here at OG will help share knowledge. My last 2 tubs were fruited in open air with no fruiting chamber in my closet, just the 6qt monotub with the lid on n tiny holes in the sides. Seemed to work ok, but I’d imagine it would be better if I had them ‘protected’ in a fruiting chamber of some sorts.


fantastic, thanks for taking the time - that is very useful, I have sealed up some of the holes completely and left a few open only covered with a small cloth. I have sprayed to make sure the walls are nice and steamed up.
I can’t get over how many new pins I can see since yesterday.

Cheers Illicitmango :pray:


I’m still surprised by how fast everything grows. From pins to pulling fruits to dry is like a week give or take. The amount of growth within a 12 to 24 hour time frame is insane. I have one mushroom that yesterday was shorter/below the lid, and today it’s like 3 inches past the lid level lol so now it’s a dubtub .


it really is amazing, the hard part for me was the start, injecting the boxes and leaving them alone was so so hard - it played with my emotions :rofl:
But once the pins show the game changes and every morning is a new view

Loving it so far, even with the failures I have had to date


Ok so here’s a few pics… 9:30am this morning til 4:30pm now. Which is 7 hrs… and noticeable growth. The cap isn’t as round anymore. I imagine that veil will be tearing any second now lol


Thank you @420noob I just recieved the package safe and sound. Deeply appreciated and I cant thank you enough!


Oh boy… the veil broke lol… had to pull it!

Its 730pm now. So 3 hours later from the last pic
The single bigger one was 18.5g wet


A big Thank you to @420noob !
I received your card today!
I so appreciate your generosity!
I’ll let you know how it goes. I’ve been doing my homework.
Thank you! :pray::mushroom: