Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

@Gnome1 Keep reading. There’s lots to learn.

@420noob I made agar cups and transferred some of the prints into those.
My Pk jars are going pretty fast. I got 2 out of 3 started.

My all in one bag I mixed 2 days ago and already showing growth.

Still waiting on my first harvest. Something will grow I’m sure of it.


The jars are colonizing nicely, and I made up 2 smaller tubs with the last of the spawn I had ready.
The little heater in the corner doesn’t get used that close to the tubs. Normally the tubs are up on a shelf.


Lol, I had to.


These are my jars with “Creeper”


My creeper bag of grain is really close to ready. I’m going to layer my tubs within the week. Clean my monotub and get these creeper tubs moving. I’m really excited about this strain.


Im excited for all of us lol.

I really need to start doing agar work. That way I can isolate cultures, make sure things are clean, and spread the love (prints/syringes) with yall!


I don’t even want to know what that is :rofl:


Agar is a true game changer even if not isolating just for healthy jars and cultures. Clones alot


I gotta go back and reread this whole discussion again. Try and figure this stuff out better. Like I need another hobby.


I just made some agar cups with prints you sent. Now to wait!
Thank you again BTW! @420noob


The last of the John Allens flush 5. Cleaning my monotub and moving on to the next strain.

I really need to make another tub.


Anybody here ever try making Golly’s Stealthier Honey? Sounds like it’s a great way to consume shrooms as well as giving you a long shelf life, potent product.



I haven’t @Randar but will check it out.

So today, I made up 2 more mini tubs/shoeboxes. Now there is 4 total. Im out of spawn until my jars finish colonizing but they’re trucking along decently. I’d imagine at the current rate of growth, they’ll be fully colonized in a week give or take a few days.

Here’s the newest pic. Incubator on top with colonizing jars. And the 4 mini tubs below.
The first 2 minis that I spawned the other day are almost fully colonized already. Just hoping and praying for smooth sailing!

Oh and I ate 2.5gs last night, nothing crazy, just lots of euphoria, humor and an occasional low voice I was thinking I was hearing coming from my kitchen lol.


So I made up my Creeper tubs. 1.5 lbs of grain spawn and 1.25 lbs of boomer bag substrate each. I have 10-14 days to wait. So the night before last I rehydrated my tubs for a day and dumped off excess water. Reset for a possible flush 6 on the John Allens.

:mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


Hey your guys thoughts is this jar good to go?

This one?

Oops got lost behind boxes of empty jars.:rofl::rofl::rofl:🤷:sob:


Im not sure lol. Hard to see with the blurple/reddish light. Cant really see if the mycelium is white or Iif there’s any other colored stuff in there.
My 4 mini tubs are from spawn I did back at the end of November. Had a UB rice pouch that was colonized, so I did a Grain to Grain transfer with a tiny chunk of mycelium. Used the rest of the original pouch for my first shoebox and the UB pouch that received the G2G is what was used for these 4 mini tubs. Lol kinda forgot about the g2g xfer until last week when I was converting my closet n stumbled upon it.


Lol no those are 4 month old contam jars that got pulled then buried somehow. They would not grow I’m scared to open them honestly at this point.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: just my feeble attempt to make a joke but slaughtered the punchline because of a burple light. That’s why I typed it out I have never seen g2g or gtg on here


Yea I did it inside my SAB after wiping the inside w 70% iso n spraying lysol. Let everything sit in there overnight n did the transfer the next morning. Colonized waaaaay faster than the ones from the spore syringe. That already established mycelium took that pouch over really fast. But then forgot about it after it fully colonized because I had that 1 tub at the time I was battling the green with so I didn’t do any further stuff till I reset


Hey guys. One of you guys ever try one of these? I just ordered one to clone part of my penis envy 6 spore syringe. I’ve never done this. What’s the deal?
Premium Liquid Culture Kit - Easy Spore Germinating & Mushroom Cloning System (

Thanks. :peace_symbol:


I havent, but I was thinking about trying some… but I might do agar first since I won’t have to put out any extra money.

They seem like they’d be worth it though, as long as you know your syringe or whatever you plan to start the culture with is contam free