Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

I was going to inject the jar with 5 CC of the new penis envy syringe and use the other 5CC for the grain bag. I will look for a tutorial on youtube. Has to be one. lol. I will post my attempt of cloning the spores when I do. I figure Penis Envy 6 would be a good clone choice. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :peace_symbol:


Yea there’s tons of stuff/videos on liquid culture on YouTube. Lots on Shroomery too


I ordered something similar off eBay and it worked well, I’m still using them almost 2 years later with b+ but they’re about gone. I’ve since started making my own with ro water, 2% light malt extract, and 2% glucose. I have to run it through the pressure cooker once, then filter out particles through 2 coffee filter and then back in the pressure cooker for 20 mins.


Also in my expierience you shouldn’t need more than 1 ml of spores to get that liquid culture going.


Thanks for the the tips @Illicitmango and @pharmerfil :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Wow, those are very easy to make. I just ordered a magnetic stirrer and magnetic stir bars.


seen those tents - work great ?


Yea ! but what strain of mushroom is included ? (penis envey ?)


That will work for lc’s. Liquid culture is really easy to make just distilled water with karo syrup, light malt extract, brf, even grain soak water. The jar is nice because of it’s ports. Putting spore syringe into a lc can be iffy. There is a chance of contamination because they can’t guarantee the spore syringes don’t have any comtams in it. @Illicitmango was right saying not doing agar work so no lc yet. Agar you can make sure is a clean culture going into your lc so I turn your lc Wil be clean. Spore syringe will work. G2g can colonize an entire quart jar in 3 days lc about the same. Also if you have clean colonized grain you can drop a piece of the grain into lc and it will colonize clean as well. Make sure you put a marble or piece of glass in lc if you don’t have a magnetic stirrer. That way you can swirl and break up mycelium otherwise will make a “mat” of mycelium.

that is a mat
those are some more lc’s. They can stay viable for months in the fridge and will live as long as there is still food(sugars) in the water. Hope that helps a little.

Lol I should have read down farther in the thread.:rofl::rofl::rofl:. Anyways you figured it out.


Thanks man. I just don’t grow very much. So don’t think I will be doing a whole lot of it. Mainly just to know I can do it. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


No, the clone kit is spores not included. I have a new penis envy 6, 12ML spore syringe. I’m going to attempt to clone a few CC’s of it. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Funny thing is that isn’t really cloning it’s just growing mycelium in a liquid nutrient. Cloning involves cutting a piece of the fruit you wish to clone(because it’s big or has nice clusters whatever you want to save mutations even) put that piece on agar and grow out until got clean mycelium then expand to lc or put directly on grains. Spores are all different genetic characteristics so you have no control of the fruits. That’s why mushrooms get categorized as varities because it’s random until you clone and isolate. Then you will have tubs of the genetically same mushroom.


Those particles you filter out are food for mycelium. Once it grows out it will eat them up and your lc will clear up nicely. I wouldn’t filter once pc’d it’s sterile so even particles are sterilized.
@colelennon lc’s are great because of their quickness of colonizing jars and can store for months and always be ready to go. Convenient to have around


Anybody else eating shrooms tonight?
3Gs down the hatch :slight_smile:

Jars are coming along. Im going to be making up 12 more either tonight or tomorrow


Not tonight, but have fun my man :mushroom::mushroom:🫠🫠


That john allen first trip, I’m good for a while. Happy trails :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


Enjoy! Something I thought of earlier today. If anyone want to try grains but do not work with agar yet there is a way. Make sure your brf cake is fully colonized and consolidating then wait a week. Check jar make sure no signs of contams. Sterilize grain of choice. In front of a flowhood or in a s.a.b. open jar with cake scoop a nice amount out. Put lid on shake well and repeat with all grain jars. You have now knocked up grain jars with clean mycelium and wait for grain to colonize. It’s not as fast colonizing as a grain to grain transfer but is very fast. Just fyi

I use the same blue masking tape to label my jars and tubs.


Isn’t that what a g2g transfer is?


loving this thread - far too much too learn, so need to try to focus my noggin on one or two things first and take it from there.

so, they were coming on well then they seemed to have slowed down, I thought it could be a lack of water in the cake itself as it was one of those sealed things I didn’t have to spray or anything - so I took one of the boxe out and lightly watered it, but it back in the back and it seems to have worked - this si the watered tub, the other one looks lame so I wanted it this morning as well.
Hoping for these to open up so I can pull them all and properly soak the block before the next flush



I actually made a 2 gram mushroom tea last night that blasted me off. I couldn’t stop laughing for hours with light visuals and lots of euphoria. Definitely a good moderate trip!