Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

I ran those not long ago. They were really fast to grow!



Are those the JMF? Iā€™m guessing yes because those seem to be a more traditionally shaped mushroom. What were your thoughts on the end result?

ā€œWait, is that those Droids I was looking for?ā€ Lol


Ok, so last night I decided that the Melmac and JMF were far enough along to inoculate the next round. Next up is Golden Halo (a gold-spore strain from Jamaica) and the mysterious Enigma strain. But when I pulled the syringe out of the bag, I found the oddest thing. It looks to me like the spores germinated in vitro inside the syringe maybe? Or maybe the spores contained some live mycelium due to having to dig around inside the odd shape of the Enigma strain looking for them? Maybe my syringe is just fucked up and contaminated, but it looks everything like mycelium. I guess weā€™ll see because I still inoculated the jars, if itā€™s contamination it will be pretty clear. Plus the same syringe was used to successfully Inoculate an agar plate, so Iā€™m really leaning away from the contam theory. If it was fucked up then the agar plate would show that pretty quickly. That dang Enigma strain sure lives up to itā€™s name.

Edit: this picture is not going to be enough to tell what this is. I realize I said it looks like mycelium, and then the pic looks like a huge booger or a kombucha scobi, but it had created a fully white line along one side all the way to the needle. I had to suck in air in order to clear the syringe. Iā€™m thinking it either made that line as things settled to the bottom or the spores made use of an air bubble on top. If Iā€™m lucky and itā€™s mycelium, then I guess this is my first try using liquid culture.


Enigma is a clone it doesnā€™t come in spores, only liquid culture or plate. Thatā€™s still very odd lol it looks like a mushroom started to grow in the syringe.


Right. As I was typing that out I started to wonder if there is even such a thing as Enigma spores. Well then I guess itā€™s been a liquid culture this whole time and I did nothing extra to keep it alive. Weā€™ll see how these jars do. They should kick off faster than spores right?

Is that what ā€œIsolated Syringeā€ means? Iā€™ve been doing this for ages, but have only recently had the means to explore more of the odd terms and techniques. In the past I didnā€™t do much to preserve my strains, but I already have a nice little collection on agar and want to transfer to slants here soon.


Ya looks like you have had that syringe a while. Did you store in the fridge? The cold will slow germination down but not stop it. Probably not contam if came clean on agar. You should be fine just shake the living hell out of it and put to agar. If itā€™s true enigma that is a live culture strain only as itā€™s a genetic mutation that doesnā€™t drop spores.

Iā€™m guessing isolated syringe isnā€™t referring to the syringe but to the variety of mushroom. When you find characteristics you like you can clone and then isolate to stabilize that characteristics. Just a guess google mushroom isolates.


Iā€™m still watching and considering, but a couple more questions if I may -

Do you need to rotate strains (like we do w cannabis) to continue to enjoy new benefits and avoid tolerance?

A single shoebox monotub with a couple flushes seems like it produces a pretty good haul? And then if you need to rotate different strains (is that what you call them?) Youā€™d have to get a few more tubs going, and it seems like you would end up with a shit ton of mushrooms.

Not that thatā€™s necessary a bad problem to have, but Iā€™d have no one to share with and donā€™t necessarily want to have a big stash in my home for obvious ( I donā€™t live in Canada) reasons. I know usage is individually dependent, just wasnā€™t sure if a flush lasts a month or 3 months as a rule?


They are varities not strains. No you do not have to rotate. You can get between 14-28 g dried per flush per shoebox. 2 good flushes then 2 meh flushes. You can grow multiple varities or just one. You can have 1 shoebox or20. Also look into Pf Tek using brown rice flour to make little individual grows. Great for beginners.


I figured out why the penis envy spores werenā€™t viable. The florida f+ wasnā€™t either. Same order. Froze somewhere in the shipping process. Probably got left overnight in my mailbox. Note to self. Order earlier like Sept.


Yea freezing kills/drops vitality. A lot of reputable vendors will send the syringes with an ice pack during the Summers and a heat pack during the winters. My 2nd Golden Teacher syringe froze for 2 days because my fiance rearranged the fridge, and put my bin with syringes closer to the back where the cold air comes out. When I went to use it, I saw it was frozen. But still worked out. But general rule from what Iā€™ve read is freezing will kill em


Got 12 more jars in the PC right now, will be doing another 12 tomorrow morning, And if time permits, I have another 12 to do at night or tuesday. Will be doing 36 this run :upside_down_face: :mushroom:

Edit: Ok so itā€™s a bit later, and just did agar to grain transfers on the first 12 jars. So weā€™ll see how it turns out!



Upping my sterile print game.


I love it @ColeLennon
Me thinks printing is fun, i really like how they look on foil.

I love how tall your mushies are growing!


Thank you. I have just started misting the hood and front panel in the morning and let my fogger mist on low for 2 mins every 3 hours and mist the hood and front panel again before lights off and shut the fogger off at night.


Awesome gets addicting doesnā€™t it? Do you run grain master jars? Just in case thatā€™s where you only noc up a few jars make sure they colonize nice and clean. Then transfer amounts from each nocā€™ed up jar into sterile grain jars. Lose less to contams and when do grain to grain the colonization time is days. Looking good.
@ColeLennon you got a good print game going there!


Yeah, Iā€™ve been looking at grain transfers. I like it.


Are you making multiple prints and discarding the first print? The first hour or two is going to drop the most contamination, then the subsequent ones would be cleaner. Also, try using suspend the cap so itā€™s not touching the foil, hang it with a wire or something.


These work great and can be sterilized.

or baking cooling rack


Yeah, Iā€™ve just figured out the caps put off a lot of moisture. I got a rack I can use.