Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Nice morels!


The shroomery put on a 420 theme background and has smoke clouds drifting on the screen :rofl:.

Yet nothing on the weed forum :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Florida white f+ tubs are glistening just the way I want them. :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


That is some mighty fine misting you have going on there. It’s perfect the droplets are still beading up to encourage evaporation to start knotting not to wet not to dry you have it dialed partner!


Yeah I’m misting the tub manually and giving it 45 secs on medium once in the morning and again right at lights out. Seems to be working for the moment. Tomorrow morning I’m rotating tubs right to left and flipping vertically.


Left to right: Starry night ape, mazatat, albino hillbilly Hillbilly was put straight into fruiting conditions after spawning to bulk. I did that mostly to have a staggered harvest without having the mazatat get over colonized by the time I’m ready to fruit it. The APE is going to be a lot slower to colonize with the casing layer (to avoid blobs)

The albino hillbilly is pinning as it reaches the surface. I haven’t fanned or misted since I spawned this these boxes, just took top off for this pic.


Serious pins. :100: :mushroom:


Do you use cvg for your casing layer? Is that the same you use for substrate? I don’t use gypsum except for when running pe varities and only in the casing layer. Do you add another pseudo layer after colonized?


I usually just do CV, don’t bother with gypsum. but this time it’s straight coir since I forgot to add the vermiculite. It’s my first time growing a PE variety, I wasn’t planning on doing another casing layer since most say it’s kinda culture/environment dependent. Main thing is a high ratio of the bulk substrate so it’s “low nutrient” and the thicker pseudo casing

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Gotcha I ask because this is one of those hugely varied methods. So many people swear by this or that with awesome results next person fail miserably.idk


Haven’t grown any shroomies in a few years, but I have some friends into microdosing, and I hate for them to have to buy them on the street. So, I made a couple of new tubs, and I’ve been getting after it.

Here’s the first flush on a tub of APE.

Kinda sparse looking, but it’ll work. :slight_smile:

I built a flowhood to use for tissue cultures, but it comes in real handy for shrooms. I work with agar, pretty much exclusively. :slight_smile: I use monotubs, rye grain, and horseshit. I tried BRF cakes, and they worked, but not much yield. Then I read about monotubs. I tried those, and I’ve never used anything else.

I use RogerRabbit’s grain/horseshit teks:

Grain Tek

Measure out your organic rye berries from a health food store, one cup for each quart jar you intend to make. Place them in a large pot. Rinse the heck out of them. Fill the pot with hot tap water, shake and swirl it around and pour it out. Do this three or four times until the water you pour out is clear. You’ll be able to see when you have nice clean water to pour off instead of water filled with chaff and dirt.

You want to now cover the rye berries with three times as much hot tap water as you have rye. Use half coffee and half plain water. In other words, if you have two inches of rye in the bottom of your pan, you should have six inches of water/coffee above that, for a total of 8 inches. Add approximately a 1/4 teaspoon of gypsum per cup of rye. Stir these into the water/grain well. For my large kettle with ten cups of rye and two to three gallons of water, or (coffee/water)I add a tablespoon of gypsum and mix in. Cover and leave this to sit for 6-24 hours.

Stir well and set the pot on the stove. Bring to a boil. Boil for ten minutes, then, WHILE BOILING, drain the contents through a very large colander. (spaghetti strainer) If you’re making a large batch, you may need more than one colander. Tip the colander side to side to get the rye to drain as much of the water as you can. Then, shake the colander in order to ‘toss’ the grain. This will cause a lot of steam to rise from your rye. Great. Do this a time or two, then let it sit for five minutes, then repeat. When all the moisture that will drip or evaporate from your rye has already done so, load your jars. The rye should look and feel dry to the touch when you load the jars. All the moisture you need is inside the grain.

Fill jars no more than 2/3 full if they are to receive grain to grain transfers, or no more than 3/4 full if they are to be inoculated by spore syringe or agar wedge. Use a lid with a synthetic filter disk, polyfill, tyvek or similar. Cover with foil and PC the jars for at least 90 minutes at 15lbs. I use 120 minutes. When the jars are cool, they’re ready to inoculate.

Horse Shit Tek

Load your field capacity compost/manure into quart jars and place in the PC. Fill with COLD water 1/2 to 2/3 of the way up the jars, place the jars in your PC, cover and turn on the stove. Do NOT place the weight on your PC. Leave the vent open.

Allow the water to come to a boil where you can feel steam escaping from the vent hole. Allow steam to escape for five minutes, but no longer. Shut off the stove and leave the PC alone for 1/2 an hour, then repeat the process. Bring it back up to a boil, let steam escape for five minutes, but no longer, then shut off the stove and leave the PC alone for 2 hours.

At that time, you can remove the jars, and they’ll be just right. I’ve used this tek for years, and the interior of the jars will reach 150F for an hour, but never exceed 170F.

I let them soak overnight, and I don’t use the gypsum or coffee in the soak.

I use the rye because it works every time. I really like the idea of using wild oats, mainly because they’re cheap, and available at any feed store. I’ve tried them a couple of times using the “easy as fuck oat tek”, but with no luck. The jars either contaminate, or stall out. Maybe some of you wild oat aficionados can line me out.

I saw this ironed polyfill tek on The Shroomery. I used it for my new tubs, but with filter disks instead of polyfill. I use superglue to attach the pieces to the tubs, and to attach the filter disks to the covers. I got the flexible magnetic sheet on Amazon.

During colonization, you cover the holes with the solid covers, then switch to the filters for fruiting. The APE tub is the first time I’ve used them, I love ‘em so far. :grinning:

I use horseshit for my substrate because we had a bunch of horses for several years, and my niece is a barrel racer, so I have access to aged horse shit for the foreseeable future. :+1: :+1: :+1:

I’m loading up tub 2 today. I have 6 jars of Huatla spawn and 13 jars of HS.

I use a mixing bowl that’ll hold 3 quarts, and I mix it 2:1 HS to spawn. I use that last quart of HS for a casing.

And that’s how I do shrooms. :slightly_smiling_face: They’re a lot of fun to grow, and you don’t have to wait several months for the payoff.

I do have a question. How do you guys soak your mycelium between flushes? I’ve never done it, but it sounds like a good idea. :vulcan_salute:


That’s a serious tub of fun there. Props. :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: Beautiful :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


I wanted to try my hand at this but honestly, I don’t know if I could pull it off.


You can do it. If my combined type ADHD brain can. You can. :rofl:


I’m here to tell you that you can. :slight_smile: It’s far easier than a lot of people make it out to be. I had a guy tell me one time that I was, “doing everything wrong, but it’s clearly working.” I told him it was just a version of right that he hadn’t seen before. :laughing:

If you don’t have a hood, you can make a glove box with a Sterilite gasket box. That’s what I used before I got the hood, and they work great. Cut a couple of holes in the side big enough for your hands to fit. I took a couple of pieces of inner tube, and made flaps for my hand holes. Then you put your stuff in the box, Lysol it real good, put the lid on, lock it down, and you’re going.

Anything you can do with a hood, you can do with a glove box. You can knock up your jars, pour agar plates, even take clones.

You can do it man, :v:


I can do that! Thanks man. I’ve gotta do a little research now


Let these 3 go a bit too long. I should’ve pulled them yesterday but was way too stoned lol. They dropped spores everywhere but it’s not a problem as the current shoeboxes will be getting buried outside to make room the next batch of shoeboxes


Albino hillbilly 24hrs later


I love your box looking good. Nice construction great looking flush. I soak for 2-3 hours myself but you’ll probably hear all different times. Sometimes there is still enough moisture to run another flush but you should be able to kinda tell by weight. I also run shoeboxes and havent jumped to the monos yet. Flow hood must be a dream for well everything😅 spore work, agar, transfers, cloning having the extra free space to move your hands without fear of contams. So rye I haven’t tried I think I will next go round. Whole oats have been a love hate relationship for me as well.


I love me some Rye. :slight_smile: The only downer is it isn’t readily available here, so I have to get it from Amazon. I use those teks I posted, and it works every time.

I read a few dunking threads, and you’re right, I saw everything from 30 minutes to overnight. :woozy_face: In my case, that tub is still pretty heavy, so I’ve just been misting it a little more. I’ll try a soak after this next flush. :v: