Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

I learned by watching YouTube.Search it.


Spore print, swab, or syringe? I would recommend doing PF tek, or Ben tek :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:. Though putting spores to grains is a roll of the dice, but as long as it’s not molding you’ll get a few fruits.

But if you want to get into it, you’re best off learning to work with agar. Don’t go crazy with gear, a regular still air box, will do just fine if you’re doing your part with proper techniques. Attention to details is the key with sterile work, more to do with how you hold and open things, where you place you’re hands while working, not making fast movements that stir up air particles.

Albino hillbilly first flush.


It’s blue meanie prints…shit my friends are more excited than I am. Lol. But I wanna try a stab at it. See if micro dosing will help my back , and nerves that a in a pinch fro stenosis


Don’t open it to check it without having it in a still air box. I would recommend putting it to agar. but short of that, learn to make some syringes from that print and PF tek. Or similar to BRF pucks in place of agar, and scrape some spores onto it and transfer clean growth to full size cakes.


Look for a vit B derivative called Benfotiamine, it repairs damaged nerve sheaths, I have been using it about 6 months now, it works well. Shrooms are more for brain neurological connections.


I can’t find 6qt with clear lids anywhere. The starry night I’d wait to crack the lid until colonized better rest are looking fire. I’ve harvested many shrooms from jars like that and the best thing is you can spawn them out and they’ll fruit.


13 jars inoculated with the McKennaii spore syringe I made. Now just to wait for them to grow!


just wanted to say a big big thank you to @420noob - as a mushroom newbie with plenty of failures under my hat, I received the most welcome little card with an amazing variety of what I can only say are "serious’ mushrooms - it has me happy as larry with a big grin on my face. But as a fresher, I am now planning what goes first - - I look forward to reporting back when the first swab hits agar

thanks - you rock! :raised_hands:


Alright, talk to me my fellow Mushroom-makers. What kind of jars do you all inoculate into? I’ve only ever done BRF, and while it works fine, the BRF is a little on the expensive side. I’m looking for alternatives that wouldn’t require any other real equipment changes. (i.e., something that I could still use my collection of pint jars and lids with).

Would love to hear what everyone else is using and pros/cons to each.


If you don’t already own a pressure cooker
Get one-skip the BRF-do agar and use the cheapest grain you can find in your area to noc up with clean plates…


There’s the first issue: no pressure cooker, and no desire to get one. Currently I steam my BRF jars for 90 minutes and have had good luck thus far with only a handful of contaminated jars over all my grows.


A good pressure cooker is the work horse of home cultivating (and great for certain other applications in kitchen)
If you happy steaming pftek jars for a few fruits just carry on as is.
What makes pftek work resonably well is the brf so there is no alternative that I’m aware of.
Second hand cookers can be found cheap relatively easy depending on where you are in the world and it really opens the door to so much more fun …


Understand. Just not interested at this point. I am planning to grab a dehydrator for my fruits, but that’s another story.

So it sounds like it’s down to just BRF? What about using wild bird seed? Can’t that be done with just steaming?

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You’ll probably start running into a lot more contamination trying to steam sterilize grains-not that it can’t be done-you have to go alot longer than 90mins*
Without a PC

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Look up brokboi tek I think @seamonkey84 knows for sure but you can do an extended steam bath. It’s not ideal but will/can work you’ll just lose more to contams. On that note pint jars will work and smaller jars less waste with contams. Also have to make sure your agar work is spot on mycelium is very resilent but in sterlie conditions dont have nature to help. Like I said it’s not ideal but many people use with success. If it’s for yourself you’ll keep yourself colorful.


Alright. Maybe I’ll just look into making my own BRF from bulk brown rice. That’s probably cheaper.


Yep, the more I look at it, the more I like making my own BRF. $1/lb vs $5/lb is quite the savings.


I’ve been making my own BRF, i just grind the brown rice with a blender with great success. It’s cheap too.
Eventually I’ll try some real grains, but this has worked so far and I got a bunch left on hand lol.


If you can’t get brown rice flour already milled, then yea brown rice in a coffee grinder would work. Mix with a bit of vermiculite, too with a layer of straight verm, and steam it. Broke boi tek would work, but again, putting spores to grains is a crapshoot. A bit of bacteria is ok, but even one mold Spore will ruin a batch. BRF cakes are resistant to bacteria cause they have a hard time spreading in the mix, but mold will still love it.

The only stuff you prob need to seek out are sterile syringes and needles. Other than ordering a bunch online, you can get singles at a tractor supply/farm feed store sold for livestock, that way you get the sizes of syringe and needles you’ll need.

