Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Heā€™s gonna be working agar can he sterilize agar with steam? Thanks for the pic are they pp5 also?

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Yea, LC and Agar can be steam sterilized, but I went full 2hr not 90min

PF tek/BRF jars with open holes canā€™t be used For this, gotta modify them if they donā€™t have silicone and filter disk/micropore tape

If you donā€™t like the 90sec mycology guy, thereā€™s also PGT lol


Not working with agar. Or at least no plans to anytime in the near future.

I stick with Bodā€™s Easy AF Tek (no pressure cooker). Was just wondering if there was something else I could fill the jars with that would work as well. But thatā€™s no longer necessary now that Iā€™ve discovered I can make my own BRF so easily.

Onward and upward!


Well then you are solid! Grinding your own rice is way cheaper isnā€™t it! Also if grinding it yourself you can leave little chunks I mean little so you donā€™t have to sift it cause they work like little nutes packets for the mycelium.


hey all - just an update, I have been busy since starting out wanting to grow one tub of GT to get a couple of hundred microdoses.
Anyway - here are the contents of the dark room - sits at 23degrees, I think it was a bit cold before so things took time, but since setting the heat things have moved forwards. Even had a go at putting together some LC jars - oe with Lions Mane and the other with Red Reishi.
In teh box, there are my first, second and third runs with Agar, plenty are filling out their cups now and I certainly threw away a few to random growths, but not as many as expected.
There are a couple of Cambodians bags and jars which I inoculated with my own home made spore syringes.

Last night, the decision was to scrape a few spores from the Natalensis and Texas Yellow cap and drop them on to agar. As it takes time I am going to go to Portugal and hang around my treehouse and do a couple of nice doses in the sun - hopefully when I am back things will have moved forwards and on to grains :raised_hands:


Florida white f+ first flush is underway. I used midwest organics 1 - 2.2 lb grain bag and 2 lbs of their coco substrate.


thought you guys might like to see the diy jar incubator the newest add-on to the room

this time of the year my house temp goes up and down so much and it seem to be messing with the growth in my jars so i set this up the big outside tub holds water around the smaller tub and i got a 25$ fish tank heater to heat the water has bin going for 3 days now and the temp inside only moves 2 degrees 78-80 the only problem so far is when i leave the black lid on small inside tote snapped down it gets water droplets on the inside so i just bin leaving the lid un latched sence yesterday and no droplets


That is on the warm side. Incubating at those temps help any bacteria present outgrow the mycelium. 65-75 is fine, spores may take a bit longer to germinate but that outweighs bacteria taking over. Just keep an eye on them.


I second what he said :point_up_2:. Like the idea but definitely keep an eye on it.

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First mature picks of Florida white f+. They are short/stout and thick.


First fruit to open on a very sparse mazatat box. Iā€™ll take pic of the rest of the box later, I only picked this chunky one so far since it started to opened last night.

Iā€™m getting my cordyceps LC going tonight, I have more cultures than I originally planned since AP gold sent some freebies after a shipping delay.
Iā€™ll be growing them on a rice and broth base, as well as in live hornworm pupas


thatā€™s really cool - I have looked at Cordyceps a few times but have yet to go for it - looking forwards to seeing those grow out


Now that is composting! Nice


Public service announcementā€¦ Found some ovoids this morning so they are out there for any VA peeps


Iā€™ve thought about corydecps. Growing red reishi and turkey tail at the moment.
But growing in hornworm pupaā€¦Bravo! I couldnā€™t do itā€¦ nope, nada, no way. But , please post about it. Iā€™d love to watch.


I tried the hornworms last year, but it got too warm before they finished fruiting. It needs to stay 72 or below.

Hope I get better results this year, and itā€™ll be cool to see what the different cultures look like when grown from these vs the rice recipe. Iā€™ll have 5 different genetics, one of which is a peach colored mutation. The strainaholic/collector in me really wants the albino culture, but Iā€™m not going to spend close to $100 for it.

I have a bag of turkey tail colonizing on wood right now. Iā€™m still need to prep bags of pasteurized wood pellets to spawn out some reishi, gold + pink oysters, and two different cultures of lions mane


First mature picks


So here my John allens spawned to substrate 4-27


I love me some John Allenā€™s :100: