Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

damn im not sure is PE is the best for a First timer but willing to try the uncle ben rice tek and transfer to cocoa vermiculite in a mono tub !!! If no one else has spoken for this syringe that would be awesome.


So my jars are growing at the fastest Iā€™ve seen. No signs of contam yet (knock on wood). All that being said, Iā€™ll most likely be birthing them to tubs next week. Now Iā€™m looking forward to harvest time and doing a proper dry so that I donā€™t lose a harvest like I did last time.

My understanding is that oxygen exposure is the biggest threat to potency over heat and therefore drying at the highest temp your dehydrator can go (usually around 165F from my Amazon browsings) is best. That being said, Iā€™m looking at this Hamilton Beach model. Before I hit purchase, what all is everyone else using and what time / temps get you your preferred results?


Yes, the advised way to dry them is in a dehydrator on high for 12-24hrs. You want the cracker dry then jar them. If they sweat and out flexible after a couple days, they werenā€™t dry enough. That said, Iā€™m still drying on wire racks I set on top of my grow lights.


all yours send your addy hope ya have better luck with bens rice than i did i found making my own brf cakes was the best and cheapest


Sounds good. Dehydrator ordered.


Ya man what he said and that dehydrator on high will have all four racks cracker dry in <24 hours. Usually about an ounce a rack for me if they are full. Also a heat sealer or better vacuum sealer is also great investment. That will pull all the air out and seal it so no air or moisture can get in. Some people go as far as dissicate packs in but that would only be for long term storage imo.

So harvested first shoebox, of this grow, of John allens and pull caps for prints to share.

ya werenā€™t quite ready to harvest before I left this morning but got a dusting of spores. Hereā€™s my other boxes running.


I need to take a better pic before it dies, kind of like a mini white landscape with a single tree in a field. This is the agar jar I tested my lions mane LC in.


Thatā€™s pretty freaking cool!


Nice plate pin tree! Well Iā€™d say that is some clean strong mycelium you got. Is that a sealed jar or is there mp tape covering a fae?


Hello all - just wanted to jump in, as I think I have caught some kind of bug, similar to the one that makes me grow out loads and loads of weed. All I wanted to a couple of mushrooms for microdosing - and now there is everything going on - it makes me laugh so muchā€¦
ā€œme to partnerā€ Just going to grow a couple of mushrooms
ā€œPartner to meā€ ha, the same as the few plants you grow
ā€œme to partnerā€ yeah, along those lines

a couple of months on and the tent is up, a Martha is being assembled to get the Oysters fruiting - this is tooooooo addictive - lovely


I went all the way with these no pour agars lol. Those lids have rtv silicone injection port and filter disk, testing LC is so much easier when I donā€™t have to set up the hood.
Last night I ran 12 pint jars of supplemented brown rice through the PC to prep for my cordyceps grow.

@Zaaboot its totally addicting and a nice skill to have under the belt. I too started off only wanting to grow some out for a friend for therapeutic use. Well the bio nerd side of me took over and ran with it, and I donā€™t even like mushrooms (just like how I donā€™t eat fish but love fishing $$$ :joy:). Now I have to set up a fruiting chamber/tent for all the oysters and lions mane I just started messing with, while cubes, cordyceps, and reishi are pretty much set and forget till harvest. Have you ventured into wine making at all? that doesnā€™t take much more than mixing fruits/juice with sugars and yeast :smiling_imp: :joy: some simple equipment is needed, Then lots and lots of bottles :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.
Speaking of yeast, I should save some of the liquid yeast I use on a agar slant, my local brew shop is only open on days I work so itā€™s a pain if I ever need a fresh pack. Get some cross hobby use of these skills.

Still kinda hard to believe I ran though a box of 100 needles within a year, I just had to restock :crazy_face:.


Can you tell me what a no pour agar is please, I find trying to make it and get it in petri dishes withoiuta load of condensation or contamination even using a SAB a pain.


No pour you will still have some condensation ime you just have to wait a couple of days. Itā€™s pretty easy make your agar pour it hot into pertris. Look this part up because I donā€™t use glass wrap in foil then PC for 15 min 15 psi. The is a great reference tool. Between old threads and current threads. Thatā€™s the basic of it is you pour your agar then sterilize. Few pointers after pcing pull plates and let cool flat or you can end up with slanted agar when it sets. @Shadey sorry forgot to respond so I tag so you can see this post. @Zaaboot it is very addicting I couldnā€™t imagine if I actually like to eat mushrooms my house would be full of weed plants and shoeboxes :rofl:. I did my first 2 grows pf Tek then went to grain game changer. I grew 15 varities in 2 months.


hahaha excellent - I am glad to hear it!
I can believe you and @420noob dont like mushrooms - that cracked me up :joy: but I get it, it is the pleasure, luckily I love eating them so am going for gold - but I feel I am going to need a bigger houseā€¦

I will get going on the Cordyceps at some point, but I am sort of in between moving home at some point so dont want to have too much stuff going when I decide itā€™s time to pack and move. For now I want to get the ones I have to all fruit, and ultimately get a little better at each element as at the moment it certainly feels like I am just winging it - lol

The cross hobby makes sense, I have not tried wine making but a couple of years ago I got myself some land in Portugal where now sits an off grid treehouse, there are around 70/80 very old olive trees, plus some nice vines from wine grapes when the land was part of a bigger bit that produced wine - so first step for me is to get the Olive Oil going again, I have been out there trimming the trees ready for their growth, once I have that working annually, I will get to work on the vines - whilst I was out there I did take some spawn plugs and filled in plenty of logs so will see what they do in a year or two.

100 needles in a year - thatā€™s cool

that is the direction it seems to be taking :rofl:


No pour (should be called pre poured) will start off will lots of condensation, but since thereā€™s a breathing hole itā€™ll eventually dry up a bit. They can be made with any pp5 plastic or glass container, clearer the better of course. I make a small hole to allow pressure to be released, then use micropore tape or a GE filter. Add an injection port if desired. Mix up some agar, fill up your containers, cover them, and then steam/PC them to sterilize. Allow them to cool and set before you take them out.


Excellent, thanks guys, pre pour then sterilize makes much more sense, drilling a hole and adding micropore tape is a great idea too , to simplify it and keep it sterile :+1:


When using pp5 if you donā€™t put a hole the container will collapse.


Florida white f+ cubes growing alongside 90ā€™s Kush @Bobgrows All three west side 30-gallon pots have colonized mycelium. 90ā€™s Kush FWf+, Wonderdawg Creeper, Purple Queen John Allen.


Now thatā€™s doubling down on the medicine use those mushrooms to streamline your nute uptake! :+1:. Canā€™t wait to see in action.


I already picked half dozen yesterday. :sunglasses: