Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

What’s your final substrate?

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Just coir.


I never went lower than a 1:5 ratio of colonized medium to bulk spawn material. Often I did more.
Do they still say coir and vermiculite? That was always my combo of choice… after I stopped sifting and pasteurizing cow manure.

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I have Florida white f+ growing alongside @Bobgrows 90’s Kush in a 30-gallon pot of coco/peat/perlite soaked in worm castings and bat guano. I am positive you could knock up some cow patties. :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


@Randar I usually go with 1qt or up to 3 pints per shoebox. I usually got 1:3 so 1qt spawn to 3qt substrate tightly packed with a small pseudo casing maybe 1/8 inch think but that’s personal choice on top layer. Vermiculite will help I you live in a dry place well it helps always but more so in dry place. I live in desert and run shoeboxes just coir no worries. I would use 5 shoeboxes personally but you could do 4. The reason is the more spawn/substrate the more chance of contams. So the way I see it is 5 shoeboxes 2 contam sucks 3 shoeboxes 2 contam well shit! I pull usually 3+ flushes of each 1 qt shoebox. I e never felt the need to go bigger I just add more shoeboxes. @Seamonkey84 is that the same lionsmane from the culture that pinned? Vigorous mycelium there!


Yes that’s the culture I got from cloning a piece I got from the grocery store. Though it would be older/heavily expanded, it’s still from a commercial strain. The culture I got from mycelium emporium didn’t grow as vigorously, and I think the bag I spawned that one into is contaminated. Unfortunately it looks like I didn’t mix the grains into the sawdust well enough that night, also I think my sawdust was mixed too wet.
I’m planning to prep and sterilize more LC jars tomorrow, going to make fresh batches of many many things :grin:.

With my shoeboxes, I tend to mix 1:1.5-1:2 plus the pseudo casing, and I usually only do one qt of grains each. Though, until recently I’m pretty sure I’ve yet to have an actual healthy batch of grain spawn. I feel like every batch has been bacterial so I don’t mix with that much coir. Getting premade grain bag, doing Ben tek, and broke boi tek worked to get me more fruits than my friends and I can use. But I’ve recently started using a PC and making my own grain jars, so I think I have my first batch of non contaminated spawn, though either the mycelium was too stressed (LC sat in a syringe on a shelf for several weeks/ months) or they just really don’t like the oats (or just made them a bit too dry) since they’re colonizing a lot slower than I’m use to.


That’s cool from a store do you have to worry about mycelium weakness(not sure what it’s called) where it grows out to far or does that reset after fruiting? Anyways tangent. I’d think they’d clone in super strong viability for commerical for quick fast thick fruits. That’s just my brain I don’t know but that’s cool shit. Damn I wish I liked mushrooms lmao.


I was editing other post when you posted lol. I kinda wish I like eating what I produce as well, but it’s just for for me :joy:
Yea as the mycelium gets expanded out more and more, it senesces or ages though repeated cell divisions. Cloning a fruit or starting transfers with a small a sample as possible (like just a few cells) means the cells have already/have to divide out so much more. Though it’s usually a slow process though transfers and expanding to grain many many times before you notice degradation. People with do grain to grain expansions for a while and not have problems if everything else is in check. Cordyceps is a major exception, it tends to senesce rather quickly compared to other species, and production drops quickly if over expanded. But that’s a whole different thing.
For those that want to hold onto genetics/cultures. Save the “youngest” sample you have to slants and master Petri dishes. Use the masters to make transfer to working dishes and LC. After repeated transfers from the working dishes, you might notice slower growth, mutations, or weakness to contaminants. then go back to the master and take a transfer to make more working plates. Once your master plates are used up or goes bad one way or the other, go back to the slant and make new master plates.
All that said, I usually make my LC with out taking a section of agar. Usually nothing but a needle poke to the mycelium and squirt into the LC jar (syringe filled with sterile water or LC solution). Referred to as Josex Poke on the shroomery, just poking the needle through the mycelium is enough to “contaminate” the sterile needle, and even a few cells that get dislodge into the LC solution will expand out fully. Rarely do I actually see a piece that was like a core sample or tissue biopsy (I clone by poking with a needle too)


I love josex posts his clean yo shit I believe you are referring to it works for transfers and to clean up dirty cultures. So I have a mix of mushroom composte and some other soils and getting mushrooms in my potted plants outside in desert. Alias they definitely not from me have the moral shape but small heads like mushmouth on fat Albert.


Are they half free morels? They look just like morels but with tiny heads and a semi bell like hollow cap and the stem connects up in it. Of course always double check before someone eats them.


Never picked morels so I’m no expert but they have the "morel"look with hollow interior…I think you got the goods there bro…
Nice find regardless!!

Check these links out and decide for yourself
Maybe someone with morel experience will chime in


I ended up going with 3 shoeboxes. Split the jars such that each box had 4 jars with one box having 5 jars. Then mixed up some spawn (didn’t measure) such that the mixture when packed down was just below the halfway mark on the shoeboxes. Then capped each of them with a thin layer of substrate as a casing layer that brought the level up to the halfway line. Now they’re down under the light.

I went with 3 shoeboxes instead of more as during my last grows, I became frustrated with the plastic bag method for covering the shoeboxes. I always had that damn thing falling down into the substrate and it was just a pain in general. So I’m just using my other 3 shoeboxes as covers. I find it’s just easier.


Pearly gates tonight with a great friend and campfire by the river

Middle of nowhere Missouri



Flush #2 and some weird mushies growing in my blueberry bush pot. Should help with nutes at least lmao. Gills were the exact same cool color as the outside


Anyone growing their own for regular microdosing have a guide they might recommend for a first timer?
I have a couple jars in the basement but they are probably 5 years old at this point…

Looking to do a perpetual method (if there is such a thing) to give microdosing a try for a few months at least.

Any help appreciated, thank you.


I have chosen to make blue honey with the strains I have grown for micro/macro dosing.
24 grams of dried mushrooms powdered with a Ninja Pro
1 cup of runny honey. “important that it is runny for mixing”
1/4 measured tsp = 1.25 tenths of gram microdose
Will last forever never loses potency and will not mold. Store in a dark/cool place.


That is very cool, thanks for sharing. I will definitely save that.

I actually hadn’t thought about how I would dose it yet…

I have never grown my own shrooms so I’m looking for a guide on an easy method for a newb that maybe was a perpetual method (if there is such a thing) as I intent to micro dose for a few months to a year.


I have blue honey made up with the following strains.
Texas Yellow Caps
John Allen
Its easy I just take my 1/4 tsp and drag it on the surface against the side of the jar getting an even amount. Boom microdose 1.25 10ths of gram.


I learned how off youtube. You can grow enough in a small monotub during one winter to last many years.


There is a way for a perpetual grow but it’s not really a noob thing. You can do it but probably will struggle until you get the basics. I’m not sure where you are located but you can buy ready to go substrate and spores it’s as beginner as you can get. @colelennon uses the presterilized substrate with amazing success. You would probably want to start with pf Tek if doing it all yourself. is a great guide and forum to learn as much as you could want and ask questions. You also need need to get some supplies a little research will get you there. this is a great guy to watch and learn. You’ll also need spores. Good luck!

@Seamonkey84 have you ever flipped the block in a shoebix after a couple of flushes? Mine where looking rough so flipped them all I guess I’ll see how it Oh ya I flipped right after second flush the soaked and repeat.