Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)


So far for my McKennaii, I have 15.60 grams dried in a mason jar. Another bunch sitting in the dehydrator (to be weighed tonight) more in the shoeboxes doing their thing, and two big, fat caps sitting on some foil (under glasses) making some prints.

Canā€™t wait to try these out.


Nice, so about 2 doses?




Awesome man! Be sure to give us a trip report at least what you think of them compared to whatever else you e taken. Glad for you.

I see you like to take psychedelics like I do in large quantities!


Exactly. If the other flushes are like this one or better, I should end up with quite a bit of dried.


Lol, yeah, the first time I ate mushrooms, it was with a bunch of people who had never done them, so we each bought an 1/8 and everyone ate their whole bag! Ever since then, an eighth is kind of my minimum dose


First time I ate shrooms I went to the ER lolā€¦

I was in my mid teens and had no idea how to dose.
Bought an ounce and it was split in two bags.

I ate one full bag thinking that was a normal dose for a 100 lb human being.

Fast forward about 3 or 4 hours and my girlfriend was explaining to my mom that I ate a bunch of shrooms and needed to go to the hospital lol :joy:ā€¦

I was not having a good timeā€¦ Spent the night in the heart ward, pulse was 200 bpms asleep on massive dosage of IV Valium.

Wasnā€™t until about 15 years later I tried them again. Then I was doing them so frequently we were eating 8 grams before our bowling league.

(We bowled terribly btw)


Lmao! I think we all know someone that has a story like that thatā€™s horrible at least it didnā€™t scare you away :rofl::hugs:. Also thorazine or anything like that also benzos will help stop or lessen your trip.
This rack is great for prints because the caps canā€™t slip through. Just food for thought.


Iā€™d have to agree with ya there. Though, eight or nine and a hike up the canyon for most of the day suits me as a good hard reset.

@MumenRyder, I bet that was a helluva first ride! :crazy_face:


The ER is an unsurprisingly bad place to trip on a massive dose like thatā€¦ The nurse was super pissed some drug head was taking her time. She was uncaring AF and stabbed the shit out of me to get an IV going. I thought my arm was being amputatedā€¦

There was a mentally unwell person close by and they were screaming constantly. I kept sitting up in my bed because I kept feeling like I was getting physically attached to the damn thingā€¦

I very much donā€™t recommend itā€¦ :joy:

I guess I canā€™t confirm 100% how much of that was real, but my mother later confirmed the nurse was not having it.


I once did this and went to play pool. I sucked.


Well, another great harvest this morning. Giant mushrooms filled up all 5 trays of my dehydrator. Also had two nice, dark spore prints. So as it stands, 5 trays currently drying and now a total of 23.67 grams dried shrooms. So from first flush alone, Iā€™ll have over an ounce dried. Hopefully the additional flushes are as bountiful!


So I removed the print caps this morning, and replaced the glasses over the prints so they can dry. My question is: I can see small droplets of condensation on the foil inside the glass. Do I need to introduce more fresh air, or will that small amount of condensation dry up just from the amount of fresh air introduced when removing the cap?


Just give it a day or so. They will dry on their own.


Awesome, thanks.


Glad everything is working out for you! A trick I learned is multiple your wet weight by 7% or .07 and youā€™ll hit close to your dry weight. They say 10% but ime hits between 7-7.5%. just fyi


Thatā€™s exactly what I saw on the first two sets of shrooms I harvested. After sitting in the dehydrator, they came out to losing 93% of the weight to cracker dry.

Though the past few I just harvested, I didnā€™t even bother with wet weight. The dehydrator does such a great job. So once cracker dry, I just weigh them and then put them in a jar. The one completed jar I had was still cracker dry after a few days, so no worries about them now or keeping desiccant in the jars.


Start of my first attempt at Ben Tek, spores and some micropore tape:

2 questions I haveā€¦

Anyone used PNW spore co?
I must have been a little out there when I ordered these because I canā€™t remember how I ended up choosing them for sporesā€¦

How long from injection time to fully dried shrooms if I have to colonize and then spawn to bulk?
Iā€™m sure itā€™s a time range, Iā€™m just trying trying to get a ballpark so I can plan around being out of town.


I havenā€™t used them. There isnā€™t much we donā€™t do well in the PNW when it comes to medicinal.


My current grow, I inoculated jars on 4/27 and had dried shrooms earlier this week. So about 1.5 to 2 months.


Forgot about these lol super clouds.