Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

2 of 5 shoeboxes got trich, just harvested these from my quickest shoebox 33g wet, 2nd time ever, may the gods be with me 🫡🫡🫡


They are down, with the help of some Half and Half Brisk Tea lol, they are gross :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Those albino penis envy? First run that awesome bud those can be a bit trickier


Believe it or not but I was having trouble with my first time doing the UB tek. A lot of time had passed by and they were fully covered cakes which had been set to fruiting conditions with no fruits being produced. The bags were APE and GLDN Teacher and at that point in time I decided to combine the bags together into one cake and placed into a small tub. With all that said, I don’t know how creating new strains works but what has been generating appears to be a combo of the two strains combined.
Maybe someone with more fungi knowledge can chime in and give their opinion or factual information, it would be appreciated. Regardless, this experiment has been a joy to work through with all the disappointment being turned into awe one morning when I finally had fruits 4 months after initiating the project. :upside_down_face:


Ya if you don’t see weird colors you still have a chance. Lots of people will over saturate the substrate and it takes a couple weeks just to get dry enough to start evaporation that will induce pinning. Mixing to different colonizes bags will just fruit like normal but with 2 different strains sometimes one is stronger and you’ll get more of them. That is not how a new strain is made there is so much more to it better off cloning a good fruit or using agar and transfers to get an isolate then it’s game on if made correctly. Patience is the ultimate key in mycology!


:mushroom: Happy mushroom morning :mushroom:


Cool pics!
I bet @GreenHighland or @FattyRoots could possibly with identifying. :wink:


I had a random mushroom (of some sort) pop pout of one of my containers a couple weeks ago.


Cool! that looks like the ones I get in my gardens out back. I usually only catch them already opened up. Always a nice suprise


I’ve been doing agar work/transfers. Slowly getting things set up for this winter. Still have a couple shoeboxes running, but Ive found I like growing them more during the colder months, plus I’m not as busy then :upside_down_face:


It’s so much easier to grow in winter in this usa. Lower home temps and lower humidity. I feel the same way about winter. I’ve find mushrooms in a lot of my plants. The amendments come with spores throughout. See them here in morning as sun comes up creates evaporation so get all kinds of mushrooms. The ones I get here in the desert are grey and have that half open umbrella lool like pans.

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Dam !!! wish I had a family member living their


@OG_Caveman how we doin? :crazy_face::wave:
How was your journey?!

(His last post, if you missed it. Both here, and on Overgrow since :grin::upside_down_face:)

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Did already exist some spore giveaway here in this topic?

I’m still here lol, that was really intense and eye opening, kinda been processing the experience all day, the ego death was real


yep indeed they are and yes its my very first attempt, i lost 2/5 shoeboxes to trich


Freshies are their own animal IMO, compared to dried fruits. Welcome back… whoever you are now. :upside_down_face:


id say im a bit more refined from that experience all for the better though


which us the best way to grwo in bags or mason jars - guess one way you get tall mushrooms and in the jars you get “clumps” ??


@hawkman I’ve always used jars, but just to get the grain colonized. Then I spawn the jar/mycelium to a shoebox.

Some people do grow straight from the jar, but I couldn’t imagine getting a very big yield, at least compared to spawning to a shoebox or monotub.