Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

@420noob , spores landed brother :pray::pray::pray:
Thank you so much man :pray::pray::pray:


Geez it’s about time lol.


Anyone have a noobs guide to microdosing methods?

I’m planning just to use a coffee grinder and measure out powder and eat it with something.

Small doses I figure that should be easy enough to measure and eat with a small measuring spoon.

Is there a better way?

I see mentions of blue honey, and there is an old recipe at the top of this thread but it looks complicated :thinking:

Let me know of you think my idea is workable or not, thanks!


Caps are easiest for micros imo
You can grind a whole bunch, make a hundred caps, and toss em in the freezer.
Capsules and capsule filler trays are cheap


Let me know if anyone is interested in B+ or True Albino Teacher syringes.


nube here! You’re totally on the right track. As a baseline understanding, microdoses are generally considered to be imperceptible amounts - an amount which you don’t get high from - which is usually along the lines of 0.10g or so for most people.

I like to prefill capsules so they’re easily portable and I have a known amount ready to go. I powdered my dried shrooms by grinding them, filled a couple hundred 00 capsules with the powder, and then weighed them vs. the empty capsules. The filled capsules contained, on average, 0.25g of powdered mushrooms. For reference, a size 2 capsule (which is smaller) would hold about 0.10g which is the perfect microdose amount.

For microdosing at home, I add 1 prefilled capsule to a greens, nuts and fruit smoothie that my gf and I drink, each getting about 0.125g of shrooms. It’s enough to sometimes notice, but not every time. We do that a couple times a week and those are usually (but not always) pretty good days.


Do you guys use a coffee grinder or like a weed grinder?

Ok cool, thanks for the info!
I think I can get these and a capsule type machine and be set.
I like to dose precisely when possible so this should help.


A weed grinder would be way too coarse - you want powder. The problem with a coffee grinder is that, to get the shrooms powdered enough to fit well into capsules, you have to run the grinder long enough that it heats up the mushrooms, which can degrade their potency. I would use a coffee grinder very carefully to make sure it doesn’t get too hot, or table-mounted hand grain mill. I use the grain mill for all my spices and mushroom grinding, and it works great. Especially for chaga chunks. Just don’t use it in the wind outdoors! lol :wink:

:mushroom: :pill:


The 00 size capsules hold approximately .5g so that is a good size to start with because you can put as little as you want up to a .5. This is totally my preference though.

Also remember every harvest will be different strength so adjust accordingly. Please don’t just go with your set microdose cause these babies can have a big fluctuation between effects.


Oh Shiitake! It looks like mushroom soup for thanksgiving :joy: 🫶🏽


Looking good! Did you mix those up recently?


Ya, this is about 24 hours after the mix. 7-1O days before recolonization is complete. Nice avatar dude - I used to watch your show! and not as fraught with connotations as the clockwork orange milk man :joy:


7 year old shrooms in a mason jar in the basement…

Day 1 I ate .1 grams and felt nothing, figured they were toast.

Day 2 I ate .25 grams and this was me:

No hallucinations, but I was “high” for the entire day.


I’m fairly conviced that mushrooms do not loose potency.
I once found like an ounce that had been in my basement for like a decade. Decided to surprise the homies with them halfway up the mountain on a hike. Ate them all.
We tripped ballz.


Heat and ziplock bags will kill potency no doubt have many 3 gal ziplock bags that have 0 potency left but were fire penis envy.


Anyone know who sent me some purple Moby haze f2’s and 3 spore prints.

someone from Ohio sent these anyone ? Dm me please if you want to stay out if the public eye :wink:.


What if it’s a “burr” coffee grinder?

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I wouldn’t use it. Burr coffee grinders are too expensive, so I keep that for coffee. I’ve made the mistake of putting various mushrooms thru my previous conical burr grinder and it definitely shortened the lifespan.

Something like a blender with or without a smoothie attachment works pretty good for cracker dry magic mushrooms, but don’t use it for hard fungi like chaga or the medicinal polypores.

These are pretty cheap and effective. Hand grain mill.


:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


The 2oz PEHolidaze Variety pack of dried exotic edibles 🫶🏽

Sticker provided by @MushroomManMycology

And @blowdout2269 i think the key was - “in the basement” :smiley: cool dude