Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Sweet!!! Looking amazing


Hey OG Fam!

I am reaching out to see if anyone has interest in trading seeds for a couple of those prebag setups.

Gourmet is fine!
Psilly is cool too.

I’m just starting with my toes in the water. I know there are other methodologies, but I have curiosities about the pre-ready bags first.

If no trades, we can talk other details!


Unless you can get a clean liquid culture or sterile spore syringe if going to premade bag. Best chance to get those clean is through a vendor imo. Some mycologists take the time to make sterile syringes but also do agar work so not as important. This is my opinion if spending $ on premade bags spend the $ for better chance of sterile spore syringes. Also if gourmet they can send liquid culture in mail that would be best way.


I hear ya. Yeah, I have syringes already.

I am mainly curious about the bags but if there were extras I was happy with that too!

So I guess I should say, I have seeds for trade if anyone has some of the premade bags.


If you go to ebay or walmart website you can buy sterile bags of any substrate you want. Just fyi. :grin:

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Gotcha. Just reaching out to my growmies to see if anyone wanted to swap first.


So far so good. They’re coming on strong and looks like I’m Going to get a decent flush, pretty much growing out of every hole that was drilled.started another bucket of pinks that might buddy brought me that was ready to fruit. Told him what happened and he gave another bucket, what a guy…


Walmart has gourmet(edible non psychoactive) in store I haven’t looked at but has substrate and all in one I believe.


Usually you can buy any substrate that you want in pre-sterilized bags. You can innoculate them with your own spores. That way you dont need a pressure cooker. It is just simpler. I know for certain that ebay has them.


I’m definitely happy with the results, pinks exploding from anywhere they can. This is proof that any advice given online should always be take with a grain of salt. Something I learned to do with cannabis but I’m still new to learning the ins and outs of mushroom growing. If I had listened to a previous members recommendation I would have thrown all the spawn in the garbage

. The Bucket that was given to me as a bonus by the mushroom man because of the little mishap is about 5 days behind.


Awesome job man! Glad it worked out for you man! Knee jerk reactions can leave you just full of regret sometimes.:wink:


first time growing black pearl oyster kings. I cut the top of the bag off and had it sitting upright but it was collecting too much moisture. So I turned it on the side. On second thought, I probably should have just slashed one of the sides instead of taking off the top of the bag. I know there’s still baby primordia but Kind of looks like they’re dry or too much CO2?


For kings I usually just open the top of the bag, maybe roll it down an inch or 2 sometimes.

Kings do well with higher co2 compared to most other edibles. Long stems and small caps-higher co2. The small pins are fine eating also, some people only grow kings as pins.


thanks @420noob for the referral to @MushroomManMycology, and thanks mushman for some real damn good customer service. I can’t wait till they get here and I can get started studying them. cough lemme know if I can leave a review someplace or something


This site is ok to talk just not in communications. @MushroomManMycology will surely direct you to a review page.

So just a quick show to everyone that going from a spore print dirty af to clean culture hopefully lol.

this is a spore transfer from sterile cotton swab. Looks terrible but see the thin white mycelium around the edge well it also reaches pass what you can see so take a small piece of leading edge and transfer to clean agar plate. With good sterile practice you shouldn’t need more than 2 transfers for a clean culture. Sorry about lack of picks but didn’t plan on doing a bit of show and tell.
Here’s transfers to clean agar. You see (maybe not) the piece I transferred the mycelium exploded over the entire transfers piece overnight.
sorry for bad pics but next weekend I should be able to show you beautiful clean mycelium growing across my agar! Cheers all! Ok can’t see shit in those pics sorry but will show healthy mycelium pics when ready lol.


I find that whole myco study loop hole hilarious in its absurdity like most laws trying to define and regulate. Like how when/where weeds illegal you have to call bongs “water pipes” or the whole delta 8/thca workaround, equally ridiculous ridiculousness you have no choice but to laugh at


Ya it’s a bit of a joke.“Review Program Details and Reviews – Mushroom Man Mycology” here’s where you can leave a review on his site don’t know if on trust pilot or not just remember mycology use only no growing non gourmet(magical) grow talk microscopy only.


I need to get into playing with agar… It’d be fun to check out under a microscope too, I’m thinkin about trying one of those foldscopes

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Agar is super easy and fun! Plus knowing you are putting a clean culture to sterile spawn is rest assuring. Hoping the mycelium is stronger than whatever contam hits your jars sucks man! Most Bacterial is much weaker than mycelium but will have diminished yields but will fruit. Others can be devastating trichoderma(green Forrest or mean green) is awesome for plants but will destroy mycelium and mushroom fruit. Can look like a weird atomic bomb melting mushroom good it’s pretty gross actually but is great for the compost pile. Agar is really easy especially the no pour methods for starters.


woah I both hope I never see that in my grows and want to see that. some contam is kinda cool to watch grow, sucks a big bag of dicks you lose out on some mush but not a total loss if you count entertainment value. I enjoy watching them grow about as much as I like taking them these days. I gave away most of my harvests, their was one really fun day at a new job that def didn’t hurt when time came to decide to hire me or keep me as a temp :grin: :wink: