Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)



Now that’s unique!
So cool! :v:


Just like a little heart :cupid:


a few pics for you guys



Has anyone grown Madhatters ?

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have to grab a cup of coffee sit down and read your Link.

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Did you know you can use grain soak water for agar plates and liquid cultures!


I did not know @420noob.
Is there a recipe and/or procedure or two available?

Thank You.

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Ya just google grain soak water agar or liquid culture the options will blow your mind. No recipe really for for lc water down 50% water and PC for 30 mins to sterilize. Agar make as normal just use grain water can add honey or corn syrup but not necessary. The little bits of plant material in bottom of jar get eaten up quickly by mycelium.


Very Cool ! ! !
Much Obliged and much Appreciated.


Good stuff ! Thanks :grin:

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So, I have never grown mushrooms before, but I loooove them :grin:

How would a total, clueless newb get into growing my own?


Read read and read. Maybe watch a few YouTube videos, join a mushroom forum, I like or their is others like double-blind. I’d look into PF-tek to start it’s the most forgiving for beginners growing out cubensis. If you don’t know what PF-tek is read some more lol. Make sure you understand sterile work or sterile technique. A pressure cooker is pretty important but not totally necessary. Imo necessary for continued successful grows. After that when you are ready to pull the trigger come back and ask questions then. I’m being completely honest and not sarcastic educate yourself before you jump. Also there is boomer boxes and ready to go type grow kits that are pricey but will get you shrooms quickly and you can learn as you go a little. Hope that helps!


That’s brilliant man, thank you! A couple resources like that is perfect, totally appreciate it!!

I didn’t think to look at YouTube because I figured they’d just take down any content like that.

Awesome! :metal:. And I just so happen to have an instapot that works as a pressure cooker. However I have NO idea why I’d need on, so I have a ton of reading to do :grin::grin:

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those look awesome! kinda like strawberrys, least to me could be wrong color I’m colorblind. they’re all beautiful thanks for sharing


Very good advice. I can grow them but I find more than I can grow. Nothing in my house is sterile. I have soil and animals everywhere. From spring to winter I find some kind of active shroom almost every day. I could live in the woods 24 hrs. a day. In fact I do. :rainbow:


Hey folks, woke up this morning and got really stoned and all of a sudden this pops in my head. We are pretty much mushrooms lol

We are the fruiting bodies of spiritual entanglement, formed by the meeting of two “spores” or to put it another way, two individuals engaging via a point of connection to pro create and evolve. We are Entangled via a network of spiritual mycelium and our true self is part of that bigger network of consciousness as is everyone else we meet and dont ever meet. We “fruit” by being born as part of the evolution of that consciousness and become “individuals” for a time being and then return to the source when fruiting life has run its course. we return back to the source consciousness just as a mushroom returns to the ground but the mycelium lives on as does our consciousness even after our fruit bodies are no longer here. If the universe is ever expanding could it be that it expands at the same rate as our consciousness evolves and that the expansive universe is made from spiritual mycelium that keeps it all connected via a network of quantum entanglement that keeps everything as one. Im going to sleep on this lololol. Anyway good morning


Very true. If you look at a map of the Universe, the pattern that the stars make looks like filliments of mycellium. :mushroom:


That made me think how mushroom spores are all over the cosmos …inert…waiting for the right conditions and also of the Chimpanzee discovering and using active mushrooms to evolve as homo sapiens eventually :slightly_smiling_face:…good medicine…:v:


We are tools used by mushrooms to spread their genes.