Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Those are whole oats left over from couple years ago. I like wild bird seed best more inocculation points. So the brf/ verm is one jar and popcorn is a separate jar right? From what I have read popcorn is one of the harder grains to work with and donā€™t have as high of nutrients.


Iā€™m also using an instant pot. Since I had one already. Iā€™ve been reading a lot and watching videos. I just dove in and said why not. Letā€™s make science and try everything. Iā€™ll get some bird seed next. Thanks for tips. Itā€™s really fun already.


Instapot works great for pf Tek. I have also used for grains just had to run longer. Not just any bird seed Iā€™ll give you a ingredient list when home.


I know the last one is good, is that some contam in the rest? I had such a good success rate I thought Iā€™d put off fuckin with agar but I think its timeā€¦

I was gonna clean some more but then I got highā€¦lol


If itā€™s green, itā€™s contam. If itā€™s blue, itā€™s bruised. Looks green in the pics


Iā€™m pretty colorblindā€¦ thatā€™s helpful when I got someone with me so thanks. Iā€™m really unsure of the bag in the 2nd to last pic


For sure man, that one kinda looks yeasty to me


My thoughts exactly. Green is bad itā€™s tric. Brown or wet can be bacterial but mycelium is stronger than bacteria so will still fruit but reduced yields. Green all bad thatā€™s awesome for the compost pile other than that itā€™ll just spread bad spores.


Yup exactly. I wouldnā€™t risk any contaminated bags/jars. Spores linger longer than you think!


thanks. a year ago before I found this site Iā€™d use reddit and get three conflicting answers and twice as many arguments. Thank yall this site is a godsend


I still use Reddit, but Iā€™ve strayed away from r/shrooms and just stick with r/mushroomgrowers and r/psilocybe_natalensis


But yeah most people on Reddit donā€™t know wtf theyā€™re talking about and nobody will ever admit theyā€™re wrong on there because theyā€™re young and egotistical. I think I speak for us both when I say if you ever need any help, me and @420noob are here for you!


Thanks, Iā€™ll be takin you up on this. Iā€™ve lucked into too much success so far I know the problems/learning opportunities are cominā€¦

yeah reddit isnā€™t all badā€¦ I posted pics of some maui haze from equilibrium and they contacted me to use the pics on their site which was awesome enough because it was my 2nd grow ever but he also sent me some Iraqi 4-way seeds to take pics of. for a beginner thats some great encouragement

I bought 2 extra grain bags I had on my shelf one of them is full of the same mold. Iā€™ll be buying an extra grain bag from now on to use as a control.

I donā€™t have the time to get a pressure cooker to do my own sterilization or to mess with agar rn, does anyone know a good place to get grain bags online?


I have a question already, Iā€™ve done the monotubs 5 times with some decent harvests before eventual contam. I have ideas about the contam, but I never seemed to get a full flush. Iā€™d get sections fruiting and by the time they were ready to harvest another section would be almost ready, never the whole tub. A few would only ever have a dozen or so fruits at a time. I thought I let all the substrate get colonized, maybe not, but this is my leading theoryā€¦ Am I close? I do have some pics I can dig up if theyā€™ll help tell where Iā€™m fuckin up.
Thanks yall


I think heā€™s sold out right now but my buddy MycoCat sells AIO grow bags

And a pressure cooker is THE way to go. Itā€™s not that much effort and theyā€™re pretty cheap. I make my own grain jars with brown rice and have a lot of success. And agar is the greatest thing since sliced bread IMO. You can get it from another buddy of mine for super cheap

And as far as your contam goes, are you using MSS to inoculate your bags?



I know I know, and I WILL eventually jump in w/both feet but lifes been fuckin me lately I just donā€™t have the time or energy to put into itā€¦ my plants are my priority and theyā€™re suffering from lack of love so Iā€™m willing to pay to cut these corners for now. their just arenā€™t a whole lot of mush around my area.

thats my #1 takeaway from this thread lol thanks

I have one LC goin I got from a smoke shop but the rest are spores from mushroom man

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This was my covid stimulus check.


Get your LC from a reputable source like MycoCat or another trusted vendor. Stay away from The Mushie Underground!!!

Edit: and stay away from smoke shop LCā€™s lol and you gotta be careful with MSS. Theyā€™re pretty prone to contam. I suggest PNW Spore for your MSS, Iā€™ve never had contam from them before.


Nice, my tax return is buying me new lights and a new tent

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My tax return is going towards buying myself out of my gym contract lol (got a home gym now)