Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Yeah Golden Teachers, and yes this is just grain. I did a little reading last night. Sounds like I should quit being lazy and spawn it to bulk substrate. I didnt know that the casing should be non nutritious and that helps the mushrooms to grow. I think last time I cased them with my spawn. Sounds like thatā€™s a no no. I remember the mycelium taking over the casing too. It was funny though , like a month later I looked at my jars I used and there was a few mushrooms that grew off tiny chunks left in the jar. The bulk just stalled out.


Maybe Iā€™m just dumb but I donā€™t see where to sign up for his newsletter on the site.

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You can fruit off straight grain, but why not spawn to bulk? Theyā€™d probably appreciate the extra moisture, and you donā€™t even have to try to be sterile. Just mix it up with some coir.

If the bulk stalled, Iā€™d suspect it was an issue with humidity and/or air exchange.


Thatā€™s what I figured thanks. Can there be too much humidity? Too much airflow?


Yes, there can be too much humidity. They say one of the pinning triggers is moisture evaporating from the surface. Too much airflow can make it dry out too muchā€¦ There is a balance.


Yes Ive had an acct for 3 yrs I believe. I had great trade report before I had 3 months of government sanctioned vacation. That sounds great and yes I love agar and have premade already to go!


@randar Iā€™ll find out for ya sorry. So if you mention overgrow you get a freebie, 420noob with get you a freebie and pay it forward will get you a free swab. Iā€™ll get link to newsletter and share.


@randar I havenā€™t heard back yet but I believe if you make an acct it signs you up for the newsletter. When he gets back to me Iā€™ll update for sure.

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Thanks for the shoutout @420noob!

To clarify, you need to be signed up before the 1st to get that months newsletter- if you sign up mid February you will need to wait until March 1st to get the March offers and discount and news.

If you create a customer account on my website you are automatically entered into the monthly newsletter email list, you do not need to do anything else!
I do recommend adding my business email to your known senders list so my newsletter does not go to spam, is the email the newsletter will come from.

So as long as you are signed up before the end of the month, you will automatically get the next monthā€™s newsletter on the 1st. If you do not have it by the 2nd, check your spam/promotions folders and if you still cannot find it, email me and I will verify that your account was set up correctly and get you the newsletter information.

Here is an OG post with a bit more info and the link to sign up for an account on my website.


@Ottafish @Pleiochasium @magu @globalhead @hooddirt
@thceed @not-notjosh @GreenHighland @luxton @sunra108 @mox @mikeymeteor


Just signed up. Thank you for the tag @420noob


I took a print from a Penis Envy Uncut Revert and germinated the spores on a plate. I took a rhizomorphic transfer and came back a week later to see that the original plate with the spores is starting to pin lol

Plate pin :slight_smile:


24 BRF jars cooling in the basement. Spore syringes hydrating in my SAB. Inoculation tomorrow.


Keep sterile and good luck! Plate pins can be put directly into prepped grain or on agar. Since grown in a sterile environment itā€™s is also sterile.:wink:


Iā€™m gonna transfer it to another plate and see what happens lol


24 jars inoculated. Now time to play the waiting game. :rofl:


lc and 7 jars knocked up


I appreciate the tag @420noob but @MushroomManMycology is a thief in my book.

I sent him cash he received for a strain he never sent.

His initial response was to send him more money and he would supposedly send it again. His response just recently on OG here was the same(after suggesting it could have been some other mushroommanmycology :roll_eyes:). Send him money for a chance it might be sent.

I will not support him and I would recommend no one support his shitty business practice.


Cool cool everyone has a right to their opinion. In my opinion the guy has been nothing but professional and has made right any order Iā€™ve had an issue with. Iā€™ve been going through him for 4 years now. Iā€™ve had other problems with other vendors not with @mushroommanmycology . Sorry for your experience. Also know that a few members have purchased from him and are happy as well.


@420noob what kind of grain are you using in those jars? Do you have any grain preference? Iā€™ll be running separate jars of brf/verm and popcorn/gypsum for first run, I also wanted to try Rye and other grains. I plan to add the spawn to coir in shoeboxes and maybe a few larger containers. If all is looking good.

by the way @MushroomManMycology is also a man of his word and generous from my experience so far. Nice guy.