Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

LC - > wheat - > coco coir
1:2 ratio


Ya that is kinda the way Iā€™ve understood it. Keep your tubs with limited fae until substrate is consolidated then open to fruiting conditions. Your issue is the exact reason I run shoeboxes or bootboxes (6qt or 12qt) for my grows. 1 qt spawn per shoebox and 2qt spawn per boot box that way if I get a contam itā€™s limited to that individual grow. They stack well Best of luck brother flushes that arenā€™t full are quite frustrating.

5 days in and looking good.

got a few more burst grains then I like but they are colonizing nicely. Iā€™ll add more pics in the morning well later in the morning since itā€™s 3:10am lol.
@Pannonian looks like the right side of your tube is moist from condensation run down but left and center look a bit dry. Just an fyi but itā€™s hard to tell in pic. Nice mycelium growth going in your tub


Mine kept continuously fruiting for a few weeks, not a full flush but more like what theyā€™d do in the wild(Iā€™m assuming, if these conditions existed in the wild. only wild mush I had was on cow shit). I loved watching it, thatā€™s really what Iā€™m in it for. not as much the destination but the journey kinda thing. I think I will try a smaller container this time tho, I got a grain bag that dried up before the LC could colonize the whole bag


+somewhat new to this journey - for them bags - just use 10mc of spores injected into bags and then Grow !! ?? Got some things at Midwest Grow - average time from injection to harvest ? Remember there was a site that gave the ā€œspecificā€™sā€ of each different mushroom strain (doseage, affects, ect) anyone have that site ?


Itā€™s hard to get specifics because of the huge variation in genetics. Stabilized clone is about the only way you can really chart that info and itā€™s still very subjective. Best course of action is to test on oneself. Start small like 1 gram and then move on from there if you are concerned. The grow kits will usually tell you how much solution to put in and 10ml seems like a lot unless is a really big bag but you can put as much as you want as long you donā€™t mess up the moisture content to much.


Thanks !! all info greatly appreciated - what about storage ? got some that were vacum sealed / mason jars is easiest and is mentioned that one should but a ā€œmoisture packā€ in jars ? maybe Grove Bags


No no no moisture pack. You dry the fruits until cracker crispy and keep dry. Moisture will do bad things. Keep dry in vacuum sealed or ziplock. Keep out of direct light and keep cool and youā€™ll be good


any idea how long they keep before losing potency? I have some from last year Iā€™m thinkin of grinding up and putting in chocolate to give out when my new batches start comin inā€¦ if they keep longer then Iā€™d like to keep um, I feel fancy having a half dozen diff strains haha


I donā€™t think there will be any problem. Spawn is clean and healthy.
The fact that it is more humid on the one sideā€¦
when I removed the lid, I lifted it in such a way that I lifted one side first, so condensation poured from the lid onto the sides of the box :slight_smile:
Actually, my problem is the temperature. It does not exceed 19 C. It is often 17. The box is in a small space in front of the growroom for cannabis from which the air intake in the growroom is. The air exchange is constant and I cannot raise it to the required temperature.
But itā€™s progressing.
Now the cannabis harvest will take place, so I will make a bigger cubensis grow. The jars are being colonized


I have multiple strains in syringes but still absorbing info
This site never seems to stop bringing a smile tou face while filling the brain with so much knowledge
Love this place


Glad theres so much knowledge on here with so many people with compassion
Thank you all


Ya no I agree it looks good just pointing out it looked a bit dry thats all otherwise itā€™s fine. The one side is from condensation building up on lid and sides so when take lid off moisture runs to last edge lifted. That is all good I just wanted to mention looked dry thatā€™s all. May not be just going by what I can make out in photo. It is colonizing nicely.

John Allenā€™s 6 days after nocā€™ed up. Also liquid culture cooking as well. Jars just got their first shake.


what strains you got there?


the one you like the most ?


John Allen


Gandalf finally growing out of its Dino egg stage

Also gonna have a really nice Natalensis pinset come tomorrow or the next day


Have you grown or tried these before? They were easier than cubes to grow but for me the trip wasnā€™t quite there it felt muted. Like there should be way more going on but took to much Xanax lol. They grew great and had great effects just had to mix with a heavy type cube and they really shined. Beautiful flush starting and beginning of pinset


Yeah Iā€™ve grown them once before and have eaten like a qp of them. I prefer them over cubes. They grow themselves damn near and the body load is not there at all. For me the trip is very bright and vibrant, strong connections to the earth and unwavering positive vibes


Natal sounds like a nice addition to the tubs, thatā€™s on my list for the future.

Good morning everyone! :mushroom: :sun_with_face:


Hi my friend!

If I remember correctly we chatted a bit in my other thread and I offered to send the missing items or an equivalent to make up for your past issues. But you never got back to me if my records are correct.

I also want to clarify to anyone reading what happened with our transaction if I have it correct as I do think you make some bold word choices in your recounting of our experience-
*You put in an order for 1 syringe after also receiving a free spore syringe during a giveaway.
*I shipped the products to the address you provided and it showed as delivered according to the USPS tracking.
*You notified me that you used a third party carrier to accept your package but never got the redelivery.
*My official policy from my TOS is that I do not replace packages that are sent to the correct address and show as delivered on USPS, so at the time I told you this. I may have asked you to pay for shipping for me to resend the order, or offered a free spore syringe on a future order to make up for the one you purchase but never received.
*When you reached out to me here on Overgrow some time later, I offered to bend on my policy and send you the missing items.
*You never got back to me to get the missing items but continue to spread negative feelings about my business here on OG.

I have apologized for the error on behalf of a third party delivery company and made an attempt to correct it. I canā€™t be held accountable for what happens to a package that you choose to send to a third party delivery company- I am not sure why you arenā€™t more upset with them for losing/stealing your package.

I stand by my products and business practices and I am upfront as I can be with all of my policies, products etc. There is a vast amount of information on my website and in the Terms of Service which everyone must agree too before they can place an order on the website. I am very generous with discounts, freebies and giveaways.

I do apologize again and if youā€™d like to send me a private message with your address, I am happy to send you the 2 spore syringes you have been missing and get you all taken care of.
Otherwise, I do apologize again for your experience.

Mush love <3