Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Shop MMM for spores! Overgrow sponsor.

PNW Spore even gets some of their prints from me for their syringes :slight_smile:


I was going to eventually add some variety to the cubes. What do you think of these strains and are there similar spores you recommend?

I was looking for peaceful visual spiritual trips, resistant, and good yield or flushes.

Psilocybe subtropicalis

Panaeolus (Copelandia) cambodginiensis

Psilocybe mexicana : Jalisco

Also the Natal caught my eye for resistance


Nats got you covered. They are very resistant to contam. They’re really fast growers, and they will give you huge flushes. But, there’s a catch. With Nats, you have to worry about overlay. To prevent that, what I do is as soon as I spawn to bulk, i sent the tub straight to fruiting conditions. 0 colonization time on the substrate because it’ll do that anyway in FC. As soon as you see pins, you gotta give it as much FAE as possible to get those meaty fruits. If not, you’ll get thousands of toothpicks lol


Natalensis is a great one to grab for sure!

I am not sure if you got my March 1st newsletter for being an account holder, but I have an option for the Ps. mexicana- I can offer Ps. tampanensis var “alt7”.

If you didn’t get the newsletter create an account now and shoot me an email and I’ll send you info :slight_smile:

The others are all different species and you won’t really find a replacement, you’ll have to find subtropicalis if you want to see those spores.

I am chatting with my exotics supplier now and I hope to offer a handful of other exotic prints in the near future.


This was my first Natalensis grow, I didn’t give it enough FAE and got “Noodlensis” lol


Hmm, Natalensis seems to be a great choice for outdoor. Needs a lot of FAE, quickly colonizes, resistant to contamination…
Has anyone tried it outside?
Only, it seems that in the EU it is a problem to get Natalensis spores


As far as I can see on your pages, you have natalensis spore swabs, but no prints.
Somehow I think the better option is print. Because of curious snouts.
Will you have them on offer in future?


They get pretty good size outside. Just colonize a cake and bury it



Did you play with different spawn to substrate ratios? Or do you have opinions about that?

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Nats have a spaghetti phenoso that is what you probably got.
@MikeyMeteor some of those aren’t cubes and add a whole new challenge to grows. Especially to copelandia just something to look into before jumping the gun. I bought an azure syringe and found it needed cool temps and rotting wood to grow on and desert doesn’t have the cool weather. Just something to think about.
@Pannonian swabs are great if you use agar. You should be able to hit 5-10 plates with a swab. After one flush you can have as many prints as you want.


Right i was trying to find mushrooms to look at in the microscope that aren’t cubes. For variety, but good yield and not too challenging. Thanks for tips. I was looking for cube alternates that are practical.

A cube is a cube right?


I can say nats are easy and grow big and fast unless you get the spaghetti pheno :joy:. The others you can get and then read up on just wanted to warn you that once it’s not cubes it can be more involved. Wood, straw, manure and others might be needed. Good luck though expand your skills and your mind. You also live in an area that you can grow more variety outside. See azurecens(spelled wrong) would do good outside were you are located.
A cube is a cube unless it’s penis the envy that changes everything cause more potent the normal cubes.

Funny story about penis envy Terrance McKenna (I believe) grew out these mushrooms and went to strip club. He asked the strippers if they wanted some and one remarked "Those look like a bunch of donkey dicks. ". Then the name penis envy came from that.

Are you envious?


It’s a really fun hobby. Anyone reading along that connected to the mushrooms in the past and is overwhelmed by the info, don’t be. It’s definitely hands on and trial by error. I don’t have high expectations, but am just loving the journey and am treating it like I treat my plants.


What bothers me more is that someone doesn’t open the envelope. I’m in the EU.
And I haven’t worked with swabs before :slight_smile:


You’d have to ask @MushroomManMycology for that info. I don’t know EU laws or regs as far as that goes.


So if you see this in your grain jars its done. This is what i refer to a yeasty or yeast like pollen works also i suppose. Anyways it has great mycelium growing atm in about a week this spot is going to be the whole jar with no mycelium. Great for compost not growing cubes.


Hi my friend!

I can sell a few natalensis prints from my personal collection if you don’t want to use swabs.
I don’t find a huge difference with letter arrival rates if including swabs (I have sent a ton of swabs around the EU), but it definitely is better to do just prints for some countries.

Shoot me an email and let me know you’re on OG, what country you’re in and how many natalensis prints you want and I’ll get you sorted out :slight_smile: :+1:


a cube is a cube is a cube… when canonical

Thats what I like to say. You won’t see a ton of genetic differences among most canonical cubensis. The mutants are defintiely a whole new level. Whether that is leucistic, albino, redspores, or the Penis Envy genetics that cause high active count and lack of spore dispersal- I do find these to be different and worth study and experimentation.


Interesting will definitely explore.


I just did a 1:2 ratio


Every syringe has been AAA+ sterile from PNW. Couldn’t go wrong with your prints either if they get it from you!

Edit: I’ve gone straight to grain every time with them