Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Elite APE isolate, high baeocystin and norbaeocystin, 2 analogues of psilocybin.

BPErfection, my personal isolate of burmese penis envy

Corumba brazil multispore


Want to try mushrooms, but donā€™t want to chew gross dried mushrooms, canā€™t stand the taste or texture? Your answer is papaya. It has an enzyme called chitinase that breaks down chitin, which is a major component of :mushroom:.

Put into a blender;
1 cup papaya juice, or pieces of papaya
1/2 cup pineapple juice or orange juice
1 tsp lime juice
A few strawberries
A couple shakes.of ginger or turmeric powder, or both.
Your fungal dose.

Buzz until smooth, then let sit for an hour. In that hour it will turn green from the blue psilocybin coming out into the orangey yellow liquid and lightly oxidizing as the cell walls of the Mushroom are digested. It has the texture of a melted milkshake. It also replicates lemon tek, by neutralizing the ph of the fungi with the lime juice, which helps with any nausea.


Do you have any prints of those laying around. Iā€™d like to try growing something other than GT!

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We weighed it out bro, 1 gramā€¦this guy took .5 and got offā€¦then took the rest 2.5-3 hrs. laterā€¦thatā€™s what I mentā€¦sorry for misleading you folks.

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I flat out do not believe you.

At best it was placebo effect on someone who had not done them before and really wanted to believe that it had an effect. The mind is a powerful place.


I not a liar and have no reason to lie to you ā€¦thatā€™s all Iā€™m gonna say in this matterā€¦btw, these were not fresh they were freeze dried.

So thresh hold dose of psilocybin given IV is about 4mg. At max a cubensis is 1.4% (average is closer to .9%, the ONLY cubensis types that have tested higher are penis envy and PE derived types like APE, KAPE, blue Marigold, melmak, normak, pe uncut, homestead books PE revert, etc.).

so 14mg per gram.

14x.05ā€¦ .7mg. Less than 20% of a threshold hold dose. So yeah, either your buddy lied to you or your lying here. Thereā€™s no need to spread false information. Your just making absurdly false statements, and putting bad information out that someone is going to read and think is correct. Which is not a responsible course of action, so I have to call you on your bullshit. Very cool, you grew a bunch of normal cubensis, but no need for you to try and make claims that are easily refutted.


Pretty sure he means 0.5 brother, which even then, would not produce those effects on anyone.

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Id be interested in those too! Ive got some great PE LC but almost too much of it lol


I thought that too, but then he doubled down and said it again. .05g


Saw that as well, I think he just isnt super knowledgeable with the dosing it seems like. I dont use much; I definitely felt heavy effects with a half gram; but I was still able to drive, smoke weed and act relatively normal and relaxed.
It really is physically impossible to have a reaction like that unless you yourself panic and lose control. Or maybe have a rare mental condition or something.


Yes, Iā€™m gonna say it again, a half gram got this guy offā€¦Iā€™m not lying to you folksā€¦when we grew it my buddy and I ate 4-5 big fresh shrooms and didnā€™t get offā€¦Then 1 day we freeze dried the same shrooms and a half gram of dried shrooms got us offā€¦I kid you notā€¦for some reason freeze dried mushrooms were much more potentā€¦btw, these mushrooms were from Homestead Mushroom from Hightimesā€¦

Has anyone here grown any Homestead Mushrooms from Hightimes?..they advertised in Hightimes for a long time and now theyā€™re out of business. Try freeze drying the mushroomsā€¦Iā€™ll say it again Iā€™m not a liar and have no reason to lieā€¦

The first time I took shrooms was sophomore year in high school and I split 1 gram with my buddy and we both got off, it was at a camping trip.

Did anybody here ever try Homestead Mushrooms from Hightimes? Thereā€™s got to be someone else in this group thatā€™s ordered from them beforeā€¦

Btw, once its freeze dried it will lose its potency throughout timeā€¦the best way to keep it potent is to mix it in honey and it will keep its potency for a long time.

Homestead Mushrooms had South African, Thailand, Cambodian, Amazionian Penis Envy strainsā€¦


My very first grow was koh Samui from them.

They are the same spores and lineages everyone else has my friend. There are literally hundreds of types. Here check out my buddy millywyco, be ready to have your mind blown.

Please look at posts above, my experience speaks for itself. Your making yourself look silly, while you obviously did a good job on your grow. But none of those are anything special potency wise. Get to the next step of actually cloning and isolating and having full flushes of genetically identical fruits. Then you can start finding the stronger isolates from MSS. Or go straight to agar, isolate yourself a rhyzomorphic mycellium (not tomatose, unless its a pan species) until you have a really nice ropey one and fruit that.

Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.


No thanks Iā€™m fine ā€¦Iā€™m not lyingā€¦I stated my own thread about Homestead Mushroomsā€¦


Got my decimal wrong ā€¦I mention to say .5 half of a gram sorry for the confusion folks.

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You have some mad skills my man!


Almost a decade of practice. And 20 years of reading. Ive seen more change to the Mushroom community in the last 5 years than anything since the 2000ā€™s when RR was at the top of his game, before that was the PF revolution, its really exciting to be involved with.


If you can point me to what I need to read and learn, I am interested in understanding the process.


Currently its like weed, Reddit, Instagram, shroomery and mycotopia are amazing resources. Paul stamets books, Terrance McKenna is a bit overhyped IMO.


Ooof. .05 is not a half of a gramā€¦ closer to 1/20th if trying for accuracy


Exactly! And that isnā€™t getting anyone high.