Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Are these any different to grow than any other cubes? I read a casing layer helps to prevent blobs.


My bad folks .5 half a gram sorry for the confusion…


Yes casing definitely helps, posted some pics above^ of my most recent fruits. All I did for casing was parchment paper.
This is my 3rd time with PE and have yet to use a casing and have had pretty decent results given ive only been practicing for about a year.
Was lucky enough to learn from someone who had been doing it for almost a decade as a hobby.


Blobs make great tea.


Again bro, it sounds like you and your buddy went through a placebo effect type deal. Sucks to hear when you feel like you had a crazy experience but I also took a half gram and felt pretty heavy effects. They were not what you are describing though and I was able to drive and function perfectly. I noticed the anxiety melt away and the garbage people/tourists in Miami that usually really piss me off seemed to not matter.
@anon93244739 has backed up his knowledge and has a really solid grasp on myco. And even aside from him, if you tell an experienced mycologist that you and your boy were tripping super heavy for 5 hours on a .5 theyre going to think you sound like an idiot too. (no offense) just trying to be transparent and direct. Also, I took a full gram about a month later and felt nothing, sometimes when you havent used in a long time the effects seem insane.


Anything significantly different within the chemical makeup of a blob?

Also, went ahead and dunked the cakes. Do you fully submerge? I gave it about an inch of the water on the bottom of the tub. (distilled) as you instructed.

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We ended up eating the whole gram within the 5 hrs. time period bromigo and had some more …

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Yeah, I put a couple plates on them to hold them under. You seriously feel a huge difference in weight after your dunk. Your fruits are 90% water, so if its there they will use it and make bigger flushes.

Thats a hard one to answer. First they are kind of like chewing fluffy stryofoam which is why I say they make good tea. On average, they usually are a little lower in potency, but if its a mutant like enigma, they could be significantly stronger. I had a red boys that made beautiful blobs but would barely fruit, the blobs were equal strength to the fruits it would put out. Since blobs are generally a mutation or a stress response you really need to try them to know for sure. Do the standard 1 gram and see how you feel, its a bad answer, but its the best one I have.


Makes sense, and its kind of what I thought. Depends on the situation/variety.

Have had some PEs drying for over a week on top of a box fan, some finished and became rock hard/dry but others are still kind of on the softer end. They are dry, but pliable and not “cracker dry” as Ive been told is ideal. Is this ok?

Im sorry, but the more we speak the more questions I have! lol thanks so much.


Go to the dollar store and get some of the closet drying things like this.

Then just seal them in a tub with them on top of it, it will get them to cracker dry in no time.
It doesn’t absorb fast enough to dry fresh fruits, but once you have them mostly dry it will get them ready for long term storage. I open these up and put a tbs into a little paper envelope to put in the jars too. Works like a bovida for curing, except its soaking up any moisture. Also put a single hand warmer pack in your jar to use up any oxygen that’s in there. That keeps your psilocybin from being oxidized and allows for storage of 5-10 years when sealed tight.


I started using rock salt and it wasnt doing much but i also still have them on the fan.
Going to move them into an enclosed container with something like this.
Is this the same as dessicant?


Yes it is exactly that. I find them in packaging all the time and just reuse them


No, this is calcium chloride, not silica gel. Silica also works great for long term storage. I get these on amazon.


So I looked it up, silica, sodium chloride, etc, are all different “dessicants” calling it dessicant as if thats the brand name (like I was doing) is incorrect. Going to give my rock salt one last shot see if it does the trick


I made tea for a while after my first 3.5 gram dose that made me puke. Now I like them cracker dry with a food chaser.


Paul Stamets makes a myco tea with mint. I really like this for the base of a nice tea. Still taste meh, but I kind of enjoy it. I like sweating a little on a hot day when I start tripping. I know this is kind of weird but the hot tea make me sweat.


Best way that I’ve found to consume em(if you don’t like the taste or texture of fungi as I don’t)is either to dice em or toss em in a food processor and then put em in capsules or if that is too much effort dice em finely and spread on a PB&J sandwich. If you use chunky Pb it even helps cover the texture of em. And I have found that dicing em finely makes em come on much more quickly too


Try that smoothie recipe, it has the texture of a melted milkshake, and tastes like tropical fruit


I love smoothies so I’ll have to give it a go. Thanks for the heads up. I’m very much in need of a little mental vacation sometime soon anyway


Same here. I feel ready for a little reset.

Peanut butter and jelly with a layer of powdered booms does go down smooth