Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

I have used it fresh just crumbled into my soil, it’ll just be more readily available if you compost it.

Well, adjust for your situation. I know composting in Michigan vs. Florida will be different.


Any suggestions for a simple soil composition? Was thinking of doing 75% fresh coco coir and 25% freshly spent cakes, with additives from there as needed


I’ve found about 30% crumbled spent substrate and cakes as a middle layer in my cloth pots works quite well. A layer of good bagged soil, crumbled stuff, then another layer on top, plant into the top layer and let it go. Thats what I did on these plants.

My bulk substrate is some good stuff to start with though… lobster compost, humus, manure, coir, vermiculite, rice hulls, straw, and some CaCO3. All organic.


Your plants look very healthy and your buds look great, so what ever you doing to your soil must be working. :smiley:


I think that the corn that I use as a grain spawn has some hormones in it, even after pressure cooking and being digested, or maybe the fungi itself exudes them. But, I’ve been getting more and larger lateral branching and less apical dominance, IE the buds are very evenly sized across the plant and branches grow like a candelabra, since I started using substrates in my soils.


Thats awesome. Anytime I change something and can see obvious benefits It makes me very happy. Like I said your plants look great. :+1:


Its upon us this year. How adventurous is your pallet?

Here we report the discovery, through metabolomics, of the plant-associated amphetamine, cathinone, in four Massospora cicadina -infected periodical cicada populations, and the mushroom-associated tryptamine, psilocybin, in annual cicadas infected with Massospora platypediae or Massospora levi


Yeah that’s nuts. Here’s an article that really sums up the whole thing about the meth crazed, shroom trippin cicadas whose body rots and their butts fall off while they frantically try to have sex with everything they can:

Meth fueled, sex-crazed, tripping salt shakers of death. lol

Toxoplasma Gondii and Cordyceps are two other parasitic fungi that also change the behavior of their hosts in an apparent effort to spread the fungi. I wonder just how much of our coalescence of atoms into these meatbots we call bodies is related to fungi. What if Gaia theory is actually a theory of how this is a fungal planet. Perhaps they’re sentient and actually the sentient beings behind the curtain of all life on this planet?



Half the cells in your body aren’t even yours…

Maybe thats where a “gut feeling” is coming from?


What a find, that is mind blowing - great read, thank you.


Please explain lol
Side note, purchased fox farm happy frog/ocean forest. Going to mix that in with the fresh spent cakes as my soil. Coco coir as well


That’ll be a good mix to compost up. Just treat it like compost.


One of my favorites… I love that it takes over it’s host, forces it to higher ground and kills it so it can use it’s body to reproduce…

Always believed that we came from a fungus and are destined to return to one lol


When you say treat it like compost what do you mean?
I have about 0 gardening experience lol just a strong common sense


Mix it so it stays aerobic once a week or so, keep it slightly damp but not soaked. It will heat up from the decomposition process, it shouldn’t smell bad. If it does its probably going anaerobic and needs to be mixed more often and allowed to dry a little more.


man, I do an alternative treatment, and one of the first indications of the therapist, is to neutralize the ph of the body, precisely to prevent harmful organisms from proliferating …
Another fact that caught my attention was that, according to him, the fungi installed in our body, have the power to release hormones from our glands, shaping our behavior, according to their needs. For example, a crazy desire to eat sugar, without necessarily needing the body …
I still hadn’t found anything to explain it to me …


Did you mean to treat the entire mix like compost? Including the new fresh soil and coir? or just the cakes.


The whole thing.

So with any soil I’ve used, its better the second grow. If you keep amending and cycling, it it just gets better and better. This is almost like your using it once and letting things break down more.

I made tga supersoil once and it was best on grows 3 and 4 honestly


So before I even start germinating, I should leave my soil mix sitting for 12 weeks in this compost state?
Should I start a grow with uncomposted mix, and have a composted mix going in the meantime? Just to get the ball rolling and not wait 3 months to start?


You don’t have to, I’ve used it right away. But your going to have more predigested and available nutrients if you compost it.